अधिपत्य 2

पुढे एका भांडयांच्या दुकानात ती थांबली,

चांगल्या धातूच्या सुंदर कढई बघू लागली,

पोहे करायला एक कढई लहान व्हायची तिला, आणि भाजीला दुसरी कढई मोठी व्हायची,

ही कढई अगदी परफेक्ट दिसतेय, तिला आनंद झाला..

तो म्हणाला,

“जड आहे खूप”

“चांगल्या धातूची दिसतेय म्हणून”

“असं काही नसतं, तुला नाही कळत त्यातलं..चल”

तिने कढई तिथेच ठेवली आणि पुढे निघाली,

नाष्टा करण्यासाठी ते टेबलापाशी बसले,

ती म्हणाली मी मुलं खातात तसा पिझ्झा खाणार,

तो म्हणाला, मी ऑर्डर देऊन येतो..

“मी जाऊ का? तुम्ही बसा”

तो हसला,

“तुला नाही जमणार..मॉल मध्ये आहोत आपण, कोपऱ्यावरच्या साई वडापाववाल्याकडे नाही..”

तो म्हणाला, तीही हसली..तिनेही आपलं “न जमणं” मान्यच केलेलं..

तो काउंटर वर गेला, गर्दी होती तिथे,

ती आजूबाजूला बघू लागली,

एका ठिकाणी एक कार्यक्रम चालू होता,

मॉलमध्ये त्या फ्लोर च्या मधोमध एक छोटासा स्टेज होता, आजूबाजूला बरीच गर्दी होती, माईकवरुन आवाज येत होता..

काय असेल? तिला कुतूहल वाटलं..

नवरा लाईनमध्ये उभा होता, त्याला वेळ लागेल हे लक्षात येताच ती स्टेजजवळ गेली,

“Now next contestant? Please step forward”

तिथे वेगवेगळे खेळ खेळले जात होते, सगळ्या सो कॉल्ड मॉडर्न बायका हिरीरीने भाग घेत होत्या,

ती बघायला पुढे गेली आणि स्पर्धकांमध्ये केव्हा लोटली गेली तिला कळलंच नाही,

तिथल्या मुलांनी ती आणि तिच्या बाजूच्या चार बायकांना पुढे यायला सांगितलं तसा तिला घाम फुटला..

अरे देवा, हे कुठलं संकट…!

ती मागे फिरू बघत होती पण तो मुलगा ओरडला,

“ओह मॅडम, तिकडे कुठे, इकडे या”

ते ऐकून ती अजूनच घाबरली,

स्टेजवर जाऊन आपल्या नवऱ्याला शोधू लागली, तो अजून लाईनमध्येच होता आणि त्याचं लक्षही नव्हतं…

त्या पाच बायकांना एक खेळ खेळायचा होता,

इंग्रजीमधले अवघड स्पेल्लिंग त्यांना बोर्डवर लिहायला लावणार होते, ज्याचं चुकलं तो आऊट होणार होता..

तिला दरदरून घाम फुटला,

सगळ्या बायका शिकलेल्या, इंग्रजी बोलणाऱ्या,

तिला कुठे काय येत होतं?

त्यांना पहिला शब्द दिला..


सगळ्या बायकांनी बोर्डवर लिहिलं,

तिला आठवलं,

सासऱ्यांचा एक मित्र लेफ्टनंट होता, त्याची बातमी इंग्रजी वृत्तपत्रात छापून आलेली, तिने ती बातमी आणि त्यांचं नाव खूप वेळा वाचून काढलेलं..


भाग 3


3 thoughts on “अधिपत्य 2”

  1. Primobolan Metenolone An Overview

    ## Article: Primobolan (Metenolone) Steroid – Uses, Side Effects,
    and More

    What is Primobolan?

    Primobolan, also known as Metenolone, is a synthetic oral steroid that belongs to the
    class of anabolic agents. It works by mimicking the effects
    of testosterone in the body, making it a popular choice among athletes and bodybuilders seeking enhanced
    muscle growth and physical performance.

    History and Overview

    Primobolan was first introduced in the 1960s as a treatment for
    various medical conditions, but it quickly found popularity in the fitness community for its
    ability to promote muscle gains. Over time, it has remained a
    favored steroid among those looking to improve their physique,
    despite its legal status and health considerations.

    Metenolone Acetate (Oral Primobolan)

    Metenolone Acetate is the oral form of Primobolan, which is ingested in tablet form.
    It is metabolized in the liver, converting into active
    hormones that can then circulate throughout the body to
    stimulate anabolic processes. This version is known for its rapid effects
    and is often preferred by users who dislike the administering
    of injections.

    Metenolone Enanthate (Primobolan Depot)

    The enanthate form of Primobolan, also known as Primobolan Depot, is injected.
    It has a longer duration of action compared to its oral counterpart, allowing for less frequent administration. This injectable version is preferred by some users for its sustained release of active
    ingredients, though it requires more careful handling and adherence to
    proper injection techniques.

    Mechanism of Action

    Primobolan works by binding to the androgen receptor in muscle cells, stimulating the
    synthesis of proteins and promoting muscle growth. This mechanism leads to increased
    production of muscle fibers, enhanced strength, and improved physical performance.
    However, it can also suppress the body’s natural hormone production, necessitating post-cycle therapy to restore endocrine balance.

    Effects of Primobolan (Benefits)

    Users report significant muscle gains, improved physique,
    and increased strength when using Primobolan. It is particularly noted for its
    ability to enhance lean muscle mass without excessive water retention, making it an excellent choice for both cutting and bulking phases
    of training.

    Muscle Gains

    One of the primary benefits of Primobolan is its ability to promote
    muscle gains. By stimulating protein synthesis, it
    helps muscles grow larger and stronger, a process that can be further enhanced through proper diet and exercise.

    Physique Enhancement

    The steroid is highly sought after for its ability to shape and define
    the physique, making users appear more toned and muscular.
    Its effects are visible in both men and women who use it


    Primobolan also enhances strength, allowing users to lift heavier weights and perform more repetitions during training sessions.
    This increased strength can be beneficial for sports performance and general physical fitness.

    Primobolan Dosing and Administration

    The appropriate dosage of Primobolan varies depending on the user’s experience
    level, goals, and form of administration.

    Primobolan Depot Dosage

    – **Beginner:** 100-200mg per day, divided into 2-3
    injections per week.
    – **Intermediate:** 300-400mg per day, with 2-4 injections weekly.

    – **Advanced:** 500-600mg per day, using 2-3 injections daily or
    weekly, depending on tolerance.
    – **Female:** Dosage is lower, typically 50-100mg per day, to avoid
    androgenic side effects.

    Oral Primobolan Dosage

    – **Beginner/Intermediate:** 10-20mg every 1-2 days, gradually increasing as tolerance builds.

    – **Advanced:** 30-40mg every 1-2 days for maximum effect without excessive side effects.

    – **Female:** Lower dosages are recommended to minimize androgenic impact.

    Dosing Schedule, Half-Life, and Cycle Length

    Primobolan’s half-life is around 4-6 hours for oral
    forms and longer for injectable versions. A typical cycle length for
    men is 4-8 weeks, while women may opt for shorter cycles to avoid side effects.
    The dosing schedule will depend on the form chosen and personal preference.

    Likely Results

    With consistent use and proper diet/exercise, users can expect significant muscle growth, improved physique, and enhanced strength.
    Results may vary based on individual biological responses and adherence to dosage guidelines.

    Primobolan Cycles

    Designing a Primobolan cycle requires consideration of the user’s goals, experience level, and tolerance for side effects.

    – **Men’s Cycle:** Typically involves 4-8 weeks, with doses adjusted according
    to progress.
    – **Women’s Cycle:** Often shorter, ranging from 2-6 weeks, with lower dosages to mitigate side effects.

    – **Beginner Cycle:** Start with low doses and closely
    monitor for adverse reactions.
    – **Intermediate Cycle:** Gradually increase dosage as tolerance builds.

    – **Advanced Cycle:** Push dosage higher, possibly combining with
    other steroids for enhanced effects.

    Primobolan vs. Other PEDs

    Primobolan stands out among performance-enhancing drugs due to its
    unique combination of benefits and minimal side effects compared to other anabolics
    like Trenbolone or Anavar.

    – **Primobolan vs. Trenbolone:** Primobolan is milder in terms of side effects but equally effective
    in promoting muscle growth.
    – **Primobolan vs. Anavar:** While both are used for cutting and physique enhancement, Primobolan offers better results for muscle mass and strength.

    Stacking Primobolan

    To maximize benefits, many users combine Primobolan with other steroids or hormones in a recomp
    stack, lean bulk stack, or cutting stack.

    – **Recomp Stack:** Includes Testosterone, HGH, and Deca-Durabolin for
    maximum muscle gain.
    – **Lean Bulk Stack:** Primobolan paired with Testosterone for
    muscle growth without excessive water retention.
    – **Cutting Stack:** Combine with Testosterone, Deca-Durabolin, and Anavar to
    enhance fat loss and maintain muscle during cutting phases.

    Primobolan PCT

    Post-cycle therapy is essential after using Primobolan to restore natural hormone production. Supplements like liver protectants and testosterone
    boosters can aid in this process.

    Primobolan Side Effects

    While generally well-tolerated, Primobolan can cause side effects in both men and women.

    – **Male-related Side Effects:** Acne, hair loss, and suppression of natural testosterone production.
    – **Female-related Side Effects:** Androgenic effects like deepening voice and increased facial hair may occur with higher doses.

    Where to Buy Primobolan?

    Availability varies by country due to its legal status.
    In some regions, it is available legally as a prescription medication, while in others,
    it is illegal without a medical reason. Always ensure you are purchasing from a
    reputable source if considering use.

    Typical Pricing

    Primobolan can range in price based on the form and dosage.
    Oral tablets may cost $10-$30 per 100 tablets, while injectable forms can be significantly more expensive depending
    on the brand and availability.

    Primobolan FAQs

    – **Is Primobolan a testosterone?** No, it is a synthetic
    derivative of DHT (dihydrotestosterone).
    – **What are the side effects of Primobolan?** It can suppress natural testosterone
    production and cause androgenic side effects in women.
    – **What is Primobolan good for?** It’s ideal for
    muscle growth, enhancing physique, and improving strength.

    – **Can beginners use Primobolan?** Yes, but with caution and starting at lower
    doses to avoid adverse reactions.
    – **What’s the best Primobolan stack for lean muscle
    mass and strength?** A recomp stack with HGH and Testosterone is highly effective.

    – **Is Primobolan a tablet or an injection?** It can be either, depending on the form (Oral Metenolone Acetate or Injectable Metenolone Enanthate).

    Final Thoughts

    Primobolan is a powerful tool for enhancing physical performance and muscle growth.

    While it offers significant benefits, it
    must be used responsibly, considering its legal status, health risks,
    and potential side effects. Always consult with a medical professional before starting any
    steroid cycle to ensure safety and efficacy.

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