कुसळ आणि मुसळ

दुसर्‍याच्या डोळ्यातलं कुसळ दिसतं, पण स्वतःच्या डोळ्यातलं मुसळ नाही..”आपण काय छळ सोसला आहे, हे सांगून तरी कोणाला खरं वाटेल काय?” कुसुमताई त्यांच्या मैत्रिणीला मृणालताईंना फोनवर सांगत होत्या.”सासुरवास गं अगदी सासुरवास.. आता जर तसं वागलं ना तर आपली रवानगी होईल थेट वृद्धाश्रमात..” मृणालताईंनी पुस्ती जोडली.”तुला सांगते.. माझ्या सासूबाई एवढ्या खाष्ट होत्या ना.. नवीन लग्न होऊन आलेली मी.. सोळा सतरा वर्षांचे वय असेल. सत्यनारायणाची पूजा झाली आणि मला लगेच स्वयंपाकघरात पुरणपोळी करायला सांगितली. ते ही पुरण वगैरे शिजवून. आता मला सांग, लग्नाच्या आधी पुरण वगैरे कधीतरी आपण केलं तरी होतं का? शाळा त्यानंतर शिवणक्लास उरलेल्या वेळात घरकाम. सणासुदीला आईच करायची पुरणपोळी. तर माझ्या हातून पुरण नीट शिजलं नाही. कणीक थोडी घट्ट भिजवली गेली. दोन पोळ्या लाटताना अगदी ब्रम्हांड आठवलं. तर सासूबाईंनी पूजेसाठी आलेल्या माझ्या दादावहिनीला एवढं सुनावले की काय सांगू..” कुसुमताईंनी बोलता बोलता डोळ्याला पदर लावला. “आणि आपल्या सुना? काय बिशाद आपली.. आपण बोलू आणि त्या ऐकतील.”कुसुमताईंचे हे बोलणे बाजारातून भाजी घेऊन आलेल्या त्यांच्या सुनेच्या, मीराच्या कानावर पडले आणि ती ऐकतच राहिली. ‘या आपल्याला कधी बोलल्या नाहीत?’ विचारातच ती भाजी ठेवायला स्वयंपाकघरात गेली. बाहेर सासूबाईंचा फोन चालू होताच. त्यांनी मीराला बघून न बघितल्यासारखं केलं. मीरा तिच्या खोलीत जाऊन बसली. सासूबाईंचे एकेक शब्द कानावर पडत होते.. आणि मीराला स्वतःचे दिवस आठवले. नुकतेच लग्न होऊन सासरी आलेली ती. शिक्षण पूर्ण होताच नोकरीला लागलेली. त्यामुळे स्वयंपाक वगैरे कधी केलाच नाही. केला तर अगदीच अडीअडचणीला तो ही आईच्या देखरेखीखाली. लग्न झाले आणि काही दिवसांतच कुसुमताईंची आई आजारी पडली. साहजिकच त्यांच्या तिथे फेऱ्या सुरू झाल्या. मीराने लग्नानंतर महिनाभर सुट्टी घेतली होती. त्यामुळे स्वयंपाकाची जबाबदारी अनायसेच तिच्यावर आली होती. तिने त्यातल्या त्यात सोपी म्हणून बटाट्याची भाजी केली. ती छान कोथिंबीर, खोबरं घालून सजवली. सगळे येताच तिने जेवायला वाढले. जेवणाचा पहिला घास तोंडात घेताच कुसुमताईंचे तोंड वाकडे झाले.
“अगं किती हा पाला घातला आहेस जेवणात? भाजी कमी आणि इतरच जास्त दिसतं आहे.””चवीला चांगली झाली आहे पण.” सुधाकररावांनी मध्ये बोलायचा प्रयत्न केला.
“तुम्हाला भाजी छान लागणारच..” चिडून कुसुमताई म्हणाल्या. त्यांच्या बोलण्याने मीराच्या डोळ्यात पाणी आले.”आई, काही झाले आहे का?” सानवी, मीराची सून विचारत होती. मीराने समोर बघितले. एवढ्यातल्या एवढ्यात तिचे मन भूतकाळात फेरफटका मारुन आले होते. जुन्या आठवणीने खरंच तिच्या डोळ्यातून अश्रू घरंगळला होता. तिच्या ऐंशी वर्षांच्या सासूबाई अजूनही फोनवर बोलत होत्या. नुकतीच कामावरून आलेली सानवी बहुतेक तिला शोधत आली होती.”काही नाही गं असंच.. डोळ्यात कचरा गेला बहुतेक.. तू फ्रेश होऊन ये.मी चहा ठेवते.””नाही.. तुम्ही बसा.. आज तुमचा व्हीआरएस नंतरचा पहिला दिवस आहे. कसा गेला ते सांगा.” सानवी उत्साहाने विचारत होती.
“छान गेला. आज किती तरी दिवसांनी मनसोक्त अंघोळ केली. ना ऑफिसला वेळेत पोहोचायचे टेन्शन ना ट्रेनची दगदग. त्यानंतर दुपारी भरपूर पुस्तकं वाचली. आता चालून आले. येताना मस्त भाजी घेऊन आले. तू बस.. मी चहा ठेवते आणि भाजी निवडायला घेते. कोणती भाजी करू ते मात्र सांग हं..” मीरा डोळ्यातलं पाणी लपवत उठली.”भाजी आजींच्या आवडीचीच करू.. म्हणजे परत चिडचिड नको.” हसू आवरत सानवी म्हणाली. तिचे हसू बघून मीराच्याही चेहर्‍यावर हसू उमटले. त्या दोघी हसताना ऐकून कुसुमताई मीराच्या खोलीत आल्या.”काय गं.. काय चालू आहे??” त्यांनी नेहमीच्या आवाजात विचारले.
“आजी, मी ना आईंना एक जोक ऐकवला. तुम्हाला ऐकवू?” सानवीने विचारले.”नको गं बाई.. तुमच्या त्या जोकने माझे पोट भरणार नाही. चहा ठेव जरा लवकर. आतापर्यंत रोज दोन चहा झालेले असतात माझे. मगाशी फक्त एकच झाला आहे. आणि काहीतरी खायला सुद्धा कर.. भूक लागली आहे. सगळ्या गोष्टी सांगाव्या लागतात. आणि तुला ना सासूबद्दल काही आदरच नाही. जोक कसली सांगतेस सासूला? आम्ही नव्हतो बरं का सासूबाई समोर शब्दही काढत..” सानवीला सुनावून कुसुमताई तिथून गेल्या.”ना स्वतः कधी चांगल्या सासूबाई झाल्या ना मला होऊ देत आहेत..” स्वतःशीच पुटपुटत मीरा म्हणाली.कुसुमताई आणतील मीराच्या आणि सानवीच्या नात्यात अडचण की त्या स्वतःच सुधारतील.. बघू पुढील भागात. तोपर्यंत हा भाग कसा वाटला ते नक्की सांगा.©️®️ सारिका कंदलगांवकर

दादर मुंबई

अंतिम भाग

भाग 2

“आज काय विशेष तुमच्याकडे?” कुसुमताई आज नवीन मैत्रिणीशी, विमलताईंशी बोलत होत्या.
“काही नाही गं.. सूनबाई गेल्या आहेत पार्लरमध्ये. मी आवरते आहे पसारा..” पलीकडून विमलताई उत्तरल्या.
“बाई गं.. या वयातही आहेच का हे पार्लर वगैरे?” कुसुमताईंनी आश्चर्याने विचारले.”काही विचारू नकोस. अगं पन्नाशी उलटली तरी केस काय काळे करतील, फेशियल काय, वॅक्स काय.. आयब्रो वगैरे तर असतंच. सासू आहेच इथे आवरायला.” विमलताई वैतागून बोलत होत्या.”काय गं म्हणावं या सुनांना? तुला ही नातजावई आलाच की.. जावई आल्यानंतरही यांना आपल्या वयाची जाणीव होत नाही. बाई बाई.. आणि सासवांचं काही आहे का यांना? तुला सांगते माझं लग्न झालं ना तेव्हा आपण नाही का काजळ आणि ती खाकी पावडर वापरायचो.. हो तीच.. आमच्याकडे परवानगी नव्हती. पण मला बाई आवड होती. येऊन जाऊन वापरायचो काय तर काजळ, पावडर आणि लिपस्टिक. ते ही चोरून बाहेर जातानाच बरं का.. त्याचाही माझ्या नणंदबाईंना कसा कोण जाणे सुगावा लागला. त्यांनी केली लगेच चुगली आईला. केवढे बोलले मामंजी मला.. म्हणे मड्डम व्हायचं असेल तर घरात रहायचं नाही. किती वेळा माफी मागितली असेल काय सांगू..””पण मग त्यानंतर कधी वापरलंच नाहीस का?””हट्. मी वापरायचे बाई.. पण माहेरी. एकच तर आयुष्य मेलं. त्यात एवढीही हौसमौज करायची नाही की काय? आणि आपण काय या आजकालच्या मुलींसारखं वागतो?” बोलता बोलता कुसुमताईंचा आवाज कमी झाला. “आमच्या नवीन सूनबाईंचेच बघितले त्यादिवशी.. किती ते नेलपॉलिश.. आणि किती ते मस्करे आणि काय काय.. तशी पोरगी बरी आहे. माझ्या बोटांना पण लावून दिले. मी म्हटलं दे बाई करून.. नाहीतर मी कुठे हे करणार आहे?” चहा द्यायला आलेली मीरा आजसुद्धा सासूबाईंच्या गप्पा ऐकतच बसली. खरंतर सगळे कामाला गेल्यावर यांचा दिवस कसा जात असेल याचे तिला फार कुतूहल होतं. पण दोनच दिवसांत त्यांच्या सगळ्या गोष्टींचे रहस्य तिला समजले आणि त्याहूनही आश्चर्य वाटले.”चहा घेताय ना?” मीराने विचारले.”कशी पिणार? चेहर्‍यावर हे लावलं आहे ना?” कुसुमताई फेसमास्ककडे हात करत म्हणाल्या.”तू वापरतेस फेसमास्क?” समोरून विमलताईंनी आश्चर्याने विचारले. ते ऐकल्यावर आपण काय बोलून गेलो हे कुसुमताईंना समजले.
“ते आपलं घरगुती गं.. आपण कुठे यांच्यासारखे सतत पार्लरला जातो पैसे उधळायला. परवा बहिण आली होती. ती म्हणे चेहरा फारच काळवंडला आहे. मग केला मास्क आणि लावला तोंडाला.” कुसुमताई बाजू सावरत म्हणाल्या. स्वतःशीच कडवट हसत मीरा वळली. तिच्या आतेभावाचे लग्न होते म्हणून तिला लग्नाला जायचे होते. कामाचा एवढा लोड होता की पार्लरला जाऊन काहीच करणं शक्य नव्हतं. कशीबशी आयब्रो करायला म्हणून मुलांना सासूबाईंकडे ठेवून ती जाणार तोच सासूबाईंनी सुनावले होते..”तुम्ही कामाला जाता म्हणून तुमची मुले आम्ही सांभाळतो.. पण आता पार्लरला वगैरे जाताना पण आम्ही हेच करायचे का?” सासूबाईंचे बोल ऐकून दोन्ही मुलांना हाताशी धरून ती पार्लरमध्ये गेली होती. काम दहा मिनिटांचेच होते.. पण तेव्हाही त्यांनी अडून दाखवले. खरंतर ती पार्लरला नेहमी जाणाऱ्यातली नव्हतीच. पण जेव्हा केव्हा जायची तेव्हा घरात वाद ठरलेलेच असायचे.”काय सांगू बाई, आपण काय काय भोगलं आहे ते? आठवलं तरी अंगावर काटा येतो आणि राग राग होतो. एकत्र कुटुंब होतं ना आमचं..” फोन ठेवायच्या आधी कुसुमताई म्हणाल्या. मीरा स्वयंपाकघरात कुसुमताईंच्या बोलण्याचा विचार करत होती.. येणाऱ्या जाणाऱ्या प्रत्येकाला त्या हेच सांगायच्या, एकत्र परिवार होता म्हणून. पण सुधाकरराव एकदा बोलून गेले होते की लग्नानंतर एकदोन वर्षातच त्यांची मुंबईत बदली झाली होती. त्यामुळे कुसुमताई ज्या सासुरवासाचे वर्णन करायच्या तो जास्तीत जास्त दोन वर्ष.. पण आपलं काय? आज लग्नाला तीस वर्ष झाली तरी येताजाता त्यांचे टोमणे ऐकावे लागतात. काही केलं तरी ते कसं चुकलं आहे हे ऐकावं लागतं. यांना जर स्वतःच्या दोन वर्षांच्या सासुरवासाचा इतका त्रास होतो आहे मग माझ्या तीस वर्षांच्या त्रासाचे काय??
कशी बाहेर पडेल मीरा या सगळ्यातून, बघू पुढील भागात. तोपर्यंत हा भाग कसा वाटला ते नक्की सांगा.©️®️ सारिका कंदलगांवकरदादर मुंबई

भाग 3 अंतिम

दुसर्‍याच्या डोळ्यातलं कुसळ दिसतं, पण स्वतःच्या डोळ्यातलं मुसळ दिसत नाही.. अंतिम भाग”आई, तुमचं काही बिनसलं आहे का?” स्वयंपाकघरात शून्यात बघत बसलेल्या सानवीने मीराला विचारले.
“नाही गं.. माझं काय बिनसणार? ते ऑफिसची सवय झाली होती ना इतके दिवस.. मग आता अचानक सुनं सुनं वाटू लागलं आहे.” मीरा म्हणाली.”आई, तुम्ही मला आपलं मानता का?””हा काही प्रश्न आहे का? अर्थातच.. जशी जुई तशीच तू.””मग काय झालं आहे ते खरंखरं सांगा. खरंतर गरज नसताना आजींसाठी म्हणून तुम्ही व्हीआरएस घेतलीत. पण गेले दोन दिवस मी बघते आहे.. तुमचा चेहरा उतरलेलाच असतो. मला सांगण्यासारखं नाही का काही?” सानवीने विचारले.”आजी कुठे आहेत?””त्या खाली नानानानी पार्कात गेल्या आहेत. त्या काही बोलल्या का?””त्या बोलल्या नाहीत.. पण..” सानवीशी हे बोलावं की नाही हा प्रश्न मीराला पडला.
“पण काय?? तुम्हाला मला सांगणं एवढं अवघड वाटतंय का?”
“नाही गं.. खरंतर सासूबाईंचा एक नवीन स्वभाव समोर आला आहे. इतके वर्ष दिवसभर कामाला जायचे म्हणून समजायचे नाही.””काय नाही समजायचे?””हेच बघ ना.. लग्न झाल्या दिवसापासून त्या सतत मला बोलत आल्या. मला ना एक सण आठवत नाही की जेव्हा त्यांनी मला रडवलं नसेल. पण मग इतर मैत्रिणींची अवस्था बघायचे.. त्यांचे दारू पिणारे नवरे, हुंडा मागणारं सासर दिसायचं. असं वाटायचं एवढीशी गोष्ट सोडली तर आपल्या संसारात काय कमी आहे? आईही तेच सांगायची. मग मन मारत संसार केला. पण गेले दोन दिवस सासूबाईंच्या मैत्रिणीशी गप्पा कानावर येत आहेत. आम्हाला सासरी इतकं छळलं, तितकं छळलं.. मग माझ्या छळाचं काय गं? त्यांनी मला दिलेला त्रास तर त्यांच्या बोलण्यातही येत नाही. म्हणजे आपल्याला होतो तो त्रास आणि दुसर्‍याला आपण देतो तो?” मीरा बोलत होती.”तुम्ही आधी बसा.. हे पाणी प्या..” सानवीने मीराला तिकडच्या खुर्चीवर बसवले.”मला एक सांगा.. तुम्हाला नक्की खटकलं तरी काय?””हेच गं.. आपण दुसर्‍याला छळछळ छळायचे आणि वर आपणच रडायचे माझा छळ झाला म्हणून..” मीरा बोलत होती.”आई, तुम्हाला ती म्हण माहिती आहे का?””आता इथे म्हणीचं काय गं?””ते म्हणतात ना.. दुसर्‍याच्या डोळ्यातलं कुसळ दिसतं पण स्वतःच्या डोळ्यातलं मुसळ दिसत नाही. आजींचं अगदी तसंच होतं आहे. बहुतेक त्यांचं वय झालं आहे. त्यामुळेच त्या स्वतःचं चुकीचं वागणं आठवून स्वतःला अपराधीपणाची भावना येऊ देत नाहीत.””अगं पण इतकं खोटं वागून? आजचंच बघ ना.. आपण पार्लरमध्ये जातो म्हणून आरडाओरड करणाऱ्या या.. स्वतः मात्र फेसमास्क लावून बसल्या होत्या. आणि आत्ता आत्तापर्यंत त्याही फेशियल वगैरे सगळं करायच्या. नंतर ती वाफ सहन होई ना म्हणून त्यांनी फेशियल बंद केले. पण मग इतरांना का नावं ठेवायची?”
“आई, तेच तर सांगते आहे.. आपण मारणाऱ्याचा हात धरू शकतो. बोलणाऱ्याचे तोंड नाही. मी ना तुम्हाला एक युक्ती सांगते.. तुम्ही ना हे हेडसेट घ्या. आणि आजी कोणाशी फोनवर बोलायला लागल्या की गाणी ऐकत बसा.” सानवीने सुचवले.
“तुला मस्करी वाटते आहे का?” मीराने डोळ्यात पाणी आणत विचारले.”अजिबात नाही.. उलट मी आमच्या मानसशास्त्रात वापरत असलेले उपाय सांगते आहे. जी गोष्ट आपण बदलू शकत नाही त्याचा त्रास किती आणि का करून घ्यायचा? तुम्हाला आजींचा स्वभाव माहिती आहे. तुम्ही तो ना बदलू शकणार ना त्यावर काही बोलू शकणार मग का मनाला लावून घ्यायचे? त्यापेक्षा ती बोलणी कानावर न येता तुमचे मन आनंदी कसे राहिल याचा विचार करा..” सानवी मीराला समजावत म्हणाली.”प्रयत्न करते..” मीरा सुस्कारा सोडत म्हणाली.”करायलाच पाहिजे.. नाहीतर आजीच रडायला लागली तर बाळाने काय करायचे?””म्हणजे?””हिच बातमी तुम्हाला सांगण्यासाठी मी गेले दोन दिवस लवकर येते आहे. पण तुमचा उतरलेला चेहरा बघून परत पाठी फिरते आहे. आता तरी चेहरा नाही उतरणार ना? नाहीतर बाळही चौकोनी चेहरा घेऊन जन्माला येईल..””अजिबात असं बोलू नकोस.. आता ना हे कुसळही नको आणि मुसळही.. मनातलं सगळं किल्मिष सोडून मी हे घर कसं आनंदी राहिल तेच बघते..” उत्साहाने मीरा म्हणाली.. आणि त्या उत्साहाने भरलेल्या मीराकडे सानवी आनंदाने बघत राहिली.सासुरवास.. प्रत्येक स्त्रीला वाटतं की आपला झाला तो छळ आणि आपण वागतो तेच योग्य.. मग यातून आपल्या सुनेवर होत असलेला अन्याय दिसून येत नाही. त्यातून नवीन सासू मीरासारखी असेल आणि सून सानवी सारखी तर हे लोण पुढच्या पिढीपर्यंत जात नाहीत. नाहीतर मग आहेच पहिले पाढे पंचावन्न.कथा कशी वाटली ते नक्की सांगा.©️®️ सारिका कंदलगांवकरदादर मुंबई

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    “Ripple”), a martial arts method that permits its person to focus bodily energy
    into sunlight through managed respiration.

  56. Nonetheless, this isn’t the only technique to
    get wholesome. As contemporary, cold air enters the home via the ventilation system,
    it’s heated by the warm air it passes on its method out.
    This will encourage you to continue figuring out and be certain that your routine stays consistent.

    Relating to balancing our stage of health, there are a
    few things to keep in mind. There are a few the explanation why having
    a balanced health level is important.

  57. The result is a sumptuous array of decisions, reflecting each the revitalization of a proud
    and historical tradition and the fruits — literally — of a globalized market.
    Donald J. Trump’s proposed deportation of worldwide college
    students because of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the ongoing debate whether to continue to assist pathways to citizenship and
    achievement by the youngsters of undocumented immigrants, corresponding to DACA, there are nonetheless many hindrances to this group of
    students occurring at this time. Adopted children generally
    do very effectively in their new families, however problems can arise with adjustment, coping with mother and father, coming to phrases with a brand new and unfamiliar state of affairs and interactions between completely different ethnicities
    and cultures.

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  59. Antarctica is likely one of the locations on Earth everyone should visit,
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    Reif Estates Winery – This place is historic and an award-profitable establishment for
    the best wines of the region. Anthony, Sebastian. “Can a loud sufficient sound kill you?” ExtremeTech.
    If you are uncovered to 177 dB sound waves at 0.5 to 8 Hz, it
    will probably begin messing along with your lungs, making
    your respiratory erratic and actually shaking your bones
    round. A Tunisian holiday can pave the best way for your family to get
    closer and even rebuild any lost ties you’ve
    got skilled because of heavy workloads. Billy Ocean had a fantastic white Porsche in this video for his lovable track “Get Outta My Goals, Get Into My Car.” Vehicles weren’t
    just the highlight of the video, but it was also mixed with some cool animations.
    Bruce Springsteen performed a mechanic on this traditional video where he needed to get the
    woman. You can’t get this tax break for renovating your
    private home — that’s, except you will have a home office or rent out area in your house, wherein case
    you may apply for the 20 % credit for renovations to this income-generating house.

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    form of very best travel gears without which travelling can change into a curse and the
    whole experience a dreaded one. They flood our universe and
    travel by means of everything in their paths, whether or not
    it’s us or miles of rock. The geographic middle of the decrease 48 states is about a dozen miles south of the Kansas/Nebraska border.

    The secondary mirror in turn reflects the light through a
    hole in the center of the first mirror to a focal point behind the first mirror.
    Pull up close behind your RV’s hitch and attach it. The security
    wires run from the bracket or base plate up to the hitch
    of the RV, and the brake mild wiring package is installed by the automotive’s fuse
    field. The base plate or bracket attaches the bar to the automotive.
    The particular place depends upon what sort of automotive you may
    have; the tow bar vendor needs to be ready to help you with that.

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    L; 210 imp gal) of oatmeal. The scene involved rain and fireplace and took nine nights
    of filming. A part of the scene required Macy to face on a giant crane and distract the Spinosaurus.

    Another portion of the scene required the actors to
    perform beneath water.

  67. Archived September 6, 2013, at the Wayback Machine Kinect No longer Obligatory For Xbox One (However
    Will Still Come with It). One possible state
    of affairs is the cheaper mannequin will basically be a slim arcade with no
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  72. To tell apart between them, the Grand Duke was usually recognized throughout the imperial household as “Nikolasha” and “Nicholas the Tall”, while the Tsar was “Nicholas the Quick”.
    In London, Nicholas and his household stayed at Marlborough House, as visitors of
    his “Uncle Bertie” and “Aunt Alix”, the Prince and Princess of
    Wales, the place he was spoiled by his uncle.

  73. Additionally, many notable beginner video bloggers also emerged during this
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  80. In May 2002, the federal government had adopted California and Alberta in deregulating
    the electricity market. The PlayStation title and its
    closing design have been confirmed during a press conference on Could 10, 1994, although the price and release dates had
    not been disclosed yet. Arguably crucial match in the club’s history came in the
    following season’s FA Cup, when a 2-zero victory over Aston Villa, already an rising pressure in English soccer, established Derby County on the English football map, serving to
    the membership to draw higher opposition for friendlies and,
    in 1888, an invitation into the inaugural Soccer League.

  81. During his time in Underworld, Kirito befriends Eugeo, a carver in a small village of Rulid, and helps him
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    Kinsiees, Richard. “Wine Pick of the Week: 2005 Quattro Mani Montepulciano d’Abruzzo.” Seattle Put
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  107. Which item under is like a hamper that you do not take things back out of?
    Search for one with a lid in order that the odor of dirty clothes stays
    in the hamper. Hampers are a should, until you need to
    pile your entire soiled clothes up within the corner of
    your room. But that’s what children are for.

  108. Gilded bronze wall brackets for hanging lamps and candles had
    been connected to the partitions, and mirrors in gilt frames placed over the fireplace mantels.
    Véron also added gilt rays and stars over the west door (the one the
    president normally used when entering the room).

  109. This generates a secret URL for the file, which could also be shared via e-mail
    or personal messages. Elected representatives typically kind a legislature (similar to a parliament or congress), which could also be composed of a single chamber (unicameral),
    two chambers (bicameral), or more than two chambers

  110. American Youngsters contribute to struggle effort:
    American youngsters participated enthusiastically in wartime “victory drives,” amassing scrap metallic, aluminum foil, rubber,
    and different materials that could possibly be
    reused. Youngsters also helped cultivate homegrown vegetables in community or family “victory gardens,” and so they took over
    jobs akin to mixing yellow dye into the white butter substitute referred to as oleomargarine.

  111. Later, Troy Tulowitzki was hit by Royals reliever Ryan Madson, who followed with another pitch that just missed
    hitting Donaldson in the face. Later, Yūto and the others depart for
    the day, however Yūto comes back because he was frightened about Shiina.
    Toronto entered the sequence simply 41⁄2 back of the Yankees for the
    division lead.

  112. In case your goal for the decision did not
    embrace asking her out, then you definitely both would possibly end up
    feeling not sure of the place issues stand when you
    dangle up. Inform her you’d prefer to call her once
    more tomorrow evening, or perhaps bring up the football game this

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  114. That engine was responsible for more than 100 land speed
    records for the time. Your buddy either has a time machine, gets visions of cars
    to come or he’s making up stories to look good because the Chevrolet Corvette didn’t hit the streets until late
    in the 1953 model year. The 1953 Dodge Coronet
    not only had a redesigned streamlined style but also had
    an option for something that many other car owners envied: a 3.9-liter V8 Hemi “Red Ram” engine.

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    “Paddy Power knew that his losses were unsustainable on his known income and assets. Paddy Power knew that when they tried to get information from him to show source of wealth and source of funds, they failed.” Consultant to Paddy Power in the earliest years on its foundation in 1988. Later, was for six years, non-executive chairman after it floated on the stock exchange in 2002. First took a public position on the industry’s excesses in 2015 and has been a consistent critic since. Mr Kenny is now calling for the Dáil to bring in legislation that would allow for gambling to continue safely with stricter measures in place. While terms like ‘entertainment’ and ‘experiential’ fly around the office, it would be remiss to say that the company isn’t interested in making money. At the end of the day, it’s a business and it operates as such. As Power puts it, “We want our customers to come in with 100 quid, leave with 90 and enjoy the experience enough to use Paddy Power again.”

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  125. As part of the Compromise of 1790, the Continental Dollars were
    redeemed at a loss of over 99% vs. To help finance the American Revolution the Continental Congress had issued Continental
    Dollars between 1775 and 1779. The paper Continental Dollars nominally entitled the
    bearer to an equivalent amount of silver Spanish Milled Dollars but
    were repeatedly devalued and were never redeemed in silver despite
    the American victory.

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  137. Created and written by Charles Perrault centuries ago
    and tailored to the screen in 1957, which princess turned Disney’s second?
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  141. The series is at present developed and printed by Bandai
    Namco Leisure. Wolf Workforce and previously published by Namco.
    It’s possible you’ll even have differing opinions on the listing value and timeframe for worth drops than your agent.
    Nintendogs is an actual-time pet simulation video game series developed and revealed by Nintendo for
    the Nintendo DS and Nintendo 3DS handheld recreation consoles, originally launched in three versions, plus
    two further variations, all differing solely within the starting obtainable dogs to play with.

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  146. CP/M’s command-line interface was patterned after the working
    techniques from Digital Equipment, similar to RT-11 for the PDP-11 and OS/eight for the PDP-8.
    Whether you might be looking for magnificence products, groceries,
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    all the time gives the most effective deals. The Web makes it simple for them to be taught more
    about finance and this means they are going to be in search of the most aggressive products.

    While paper towels will break down in a landfill, they certainly use
    up a whole lot of paper and are in all probability essentially
    the most wasteful. Around the faucets and knobs, use a toothbrush dipped in baking soda.
    Oracle and Google (the defendant) tried to negotiate an agreement for Oracle to license Java to Google, which might have allowed
    Google to use Java in developing applications for mobile units utilizing the
    Android operating system. When you’ve got tile and grout
    in your kitchen, treat them frequently with undiluted vinegar on a sponge to chop the
    inevitable greasy buildup. Tile floors can greatest
    be cleaned with a bucket of heat water and 1/2 cup baking
    soda. Linoleum and vinyl floors could be cleaned with
    the identical mixture. In some prior-approval states, nearly the identical result is achieved through a so-known as deemer provision.

  147. With support from worldwide donors, the Ministry of Well being’s National Malaria Management Program has been in a position to indicate enhancements
    in protection of malaria prevention and remedy measures.
    Ford’s ball-joint entrance suspension, launched for 1954, was simplified and
    improved for 1957, with 33 percent fewer parts and new “swept back” decrease management arms for a smoother, softer
    trip. After flirting with a GM-fashion 5-division construction in the ’50s, Highland Park
    was again to only Dodge and Chrysler-Plymouth by 1960.
    The agency introduced its first compact that yr, the Valiant, however it wasn’t badged a Chrysler.

    In the late summer of 2008, troubles on the monetary services agency
    Lehman Brothers have been accelerating. Over the summer of 2008, as credit ranking companies downgraded mortgage-backed
    securities, AIG confronted mounting calls for to provide elevated
    collateral to consumers of its credit default swaps. As
    a result of highly stable net asset worth (NAV) of cash market funds ($1.00
    per share), money market funds were extensively relied on by companies for regular money demands (e.g., payroll).
    Geithner rejected the request for government funds and pressed
    AIG to search out a personal-sector answer to the company’s liquidity crisis.

  148. A Lincrusta Walton wall protecting was used instead of
    wooden wainscoting, and a wide molding is at the highest
    of the walls, with a coved ceiling above. A frieze with hemispheres, cartouches, and an egg-and-dart molding
    runs above the second ground. One other frieze runs above the third flooring, decorated with wreaths, garlands, bead-and-reel, and egg-and-dart motifs.
    The second and third floors also had offices and examination rooms.
    The articulation of the library’s upper floors is just like that of the adjacent
    clinic constructing. The second and third floors both have three
    narrow arched windows which are 8 ft (2.4 m) tall.
    As arranged, the second floor contained a youngsters’s
    room within the front (going through Second Avenue), a studying area
    in the center, and a girls’s studying room in the back.
    The back part was separated from the entrance and center sections by a glass partition, and was raised above the remainder of the second
    ground by two steps. The south wall accommodates a staircase
    resulting in the second floor. In the rear of the library are double-height iron stacks with openwork gratings, manufactured by Hopkins & Co.
    There are glass ground panels on the second degree of the stacks, which form a
    mezzanine degree and contain iron railings.

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  150. In Australia, how outdated must you be as a way to vote?
    Most individuals assume that the well-known Sydney Have to be the capital metropolis, however certainly it’s not!

    It is inside of the Australian Capital Territory which borders Victoria
    and New South Wales. Initially the capital city was Melbourne, but
    ultimately was moved to Canberra just a few years later.

  151. If you are not sure how to do this, it is here where you can get the best
    idea: Tony Guoga | Tony G. The term hodl stock is often used in the crypto investment community more frequently than ever before for obvious
    reasons! It should not come as a surprise that many people
    are not still aware of what hodl stock and how to get the best out of it.

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  153. The identify Penang comes from the modern Malay identify Pulau Pinang which suggests ‘areca nut island’.
    Mild had been despatched to the Malay Peninsula by the EIC to construct trade relations in the region,
    the place he noticed the strategic potential of Penang Island as a “handy magazine for commerce” that might allow the British to test Dutch and French territorial
    ambitions in Southeast Asia. Unbeknownst to Sultan Abdullah, Mild had acted without the authority or the consent of his superiors in India.
    After negotiating an settlement with the Sultan, Gentle and his entourage landed on Penang Island on 17 July that year and took formal possession of the island “within the identify of King George III of England” on eleven August.
    In 1826, George City was made the capital of the Straits Settlements
    which included Singapore and Malacca. Malaysian state located on the northwest coast of Peninsular Malaysia along the Strait of Malacca.

  154. Following Stalin’s dying in 1953, a interval often known as de-Stalinization and the Khrushchev Thaw occurred beneath the leadership of Nikita Khrushchev.
    On the other hand, if the actuaries’ estimates on future death claims are high, the insurance coverage firm will retain the difference.
    Encouraging the protesters, he said, “Power to you, the young people of Kenya. You might be speaking up and your voices are being heard far beyond the Kenyan borders. We hope your leaders too are listening! We continue to stand in solidarity with you. Viva.” Many different
    international celebrities have also shown their
    support for the protesters. By 1936, Farben regretted
    making the deal, as excess earnings had been by then being generated.
    On 18 October 1936, Hitler named Göring as Plenipotentiary of the Four 12 months Plan,
    intended to hurry up rearmament. Giant expenditures had been made on rearmament regardless of
    growing deficits. By 1935, navy expenditures accounted for seventy three per cent of the federal government’s purchases of goods and providers.
    The most pressing financial matter the Nazis initially faced was the 30 per cent nationwide unemployment rate.

  155. For example, the not too long ago proposed Faculty Pupil Starvation Act of 2019 focuses on improving
    student eligibility, growing outreach and training for SNAP, and introduces a student starvation pilot program to check alternative ways CalFresh can be made more helpful for students.

    Whereas many colleges strive to attach students to SNAP, college students nonetheless struggle to qualify
    regardless of dealing with meals insecurity, really
    feel intimidated by the probing software course of,
    and are often misinformed of how the program
    works. Eligible household members can get SNAP advantages even if there are different members of the family that aren’t
    eligible. People who imagine they may be eligible for P.O.SNAP advantages might use the
    Meals and Nutrition Companies’ SNAP Screening Device,
    which may help gauge eligibility. In 2015, in response to the changing scholar population,
    the CalFresh Pupil Eligibility Modification established exemptions to the rule in Section 273.5(a) of Title
    7 of the Code of Federal Regulations which excluded school
    students enrolled at least half-time from SNAP benefits.
    As of April 2015, the USDA had revealed eleven periodic State Options Studies outlining variations in how
    states have administered this system. 49% of all participant households have kids (17 or younger),
    and 55% of those are single-mother or father households.

  156. No device is essential to take away the again panel.
    The SIM card is located under the battery which could be accessed by removing the again panel of the Nokia N900.
    While transition to the succeeding MeeGo working system is feasible, this is primarily of interest to developers fairly than shoppers, as it is not
    formally supported by Nokia. It was introduced in May 2010 that the Nokia N900 will
    be the final mobile communication system operating the Maemo 5
    operating system, which can be changed by MeeGo. When holding the device facing the screen; on the top, from left to right, rocking buttons (which operate as volume up/down or zoom in/out relying on the
    context), power on/off and digital camera button. This improves the notion of the context wherein the actor is in, which in turn improves the communication expertise itself.
    This quantity is predicated on what was available
    for certification and may not reflect future capability assist of the

  157. Engineers attempted to correct this bug by remotely rebooting the
    engine, however by the time they regained control of it, Beresheet couldn’t slow down in time to avert a tough,
    crash touchdown that disintegrated it. A Royal Air Pressure Chinook helicopter crashed into the Mull of Kintyre
    in June 1994, killing 29. Initially, the crash was dismissed as pilot error, however an investigation by Laptop Weekly uncovered
    sufficient evidence to convince a Home of Lords inquiry that it may have been attributable to
    a software bug in the aircraft’s engine control pc. Unanticipated spin throughout descent briefly
    saturated the IMU, software then misinterpreted the information as exhibiting the
    lander was underground, so prematurely ejected parachute
    and shut down engines, resulting in crash. The identical software had been used successfully within the Ariane IV program, but
    the Ariane V produced bigger values for some variable, inflicting the overflow.
    Upon preliminary release, the ZX Spectrum game Jet Set Willy was unimaginable to complete
    because of a severe bug that corrupted the sport data,
    inflicting enemies and the participant character
    to be killed in sure rooms of the big mansion the place
    the whole game takes place. The Corrupted Blood incident was a software program
    bug in World of Warcraft that brought on a deadly, debuff-inducing digital disease
    that would solely be contracted throughout a particular raid to be set
    free into the remainder of the game world, leading to quite a few, repeated deaths of many participant characters.

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  159. Профессиональный сервисный центр по ремонту сотовых телефонов, смартфонов и мобильных устройств.
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  162. Additional Gallup polls in 1964 found that over 50% of members believed
    a 60-day residency must be required before an individual could be ready to use for AFDC welfare.
    Robust, portable, and comparatively easy to function even on the battlefield, these machines were also found in lots of operational headquarters and ahead-command centers —
    including in the command automobiles of the panzer groups.
    The whole Swiss inhabitants change in 2008 (from all sources, together
    with moves throughout municipal borders) was a lower of four and the non-Swiss population change was
    a decrease of eight people. LETZING, JOHN (October 10, 2008).

    “Two banks fold, bringing complete to 15 failures this year”.
    Esguerra, Darryl John (March 14, 2019). “Duterte signs legislation requiring larger, colour-coded license plates for bikes”.
    This web page was last edited on 23 March
    2024, at 00:14 (UTC). Over the past 10 years (1997-2007) the
    inhabitants has modified at a rate of -4.6%. Purchasers of
    these insurance policies normally make a single premium cost on the
    time of prearrangement, however some firms also enable premiums to be paid over as
    much as ten years. It is really onerous to produce cash for your down cost nowadays especially if you do not take time to prepare it earlier.

  163. But if you consistently find yourself with the newest flu bug or
    stomach virus, your immune system could also be operating on empty.
    Main Normal Gustav Lombard, the former commander of the Waffen-SS’
    8th SS Cavalry Division Florian Geyer, worked for Allianz in Munich after the battle’s end.
    The NEAC is expected to publish its report by finish 2009, with a
    second report on implementation 6 months after that.
    In 2009, Yellowstone Club founder Tim Blixseth sued Credit score Suisse
    when the bank tried to collect on $286 million in mortgage debt throughout Yellowstone’s bankruptcy proceedings.

    In some areas the outage lasted almost twelve hours and was the
    third shutdown of the 12 months following outages in April and November 2018.
    ATM and level of sale bank card machines were also extensively affected.
    Korea Nationwide Oil Corporation (April 4, 2019). Korea Nationwide Oil Corporation and its
    subsidiaries. GS Caltex Corporation (February 27, 2019).
    GS Caltex Corporation and Subsidiaries Consolidated Monetary Statements
    December 31, 2018 and 2017 (Report).

  164. A observe of customer activities also helps in identification of the preferred brands
    and merchandise. The brand new Workforce Planner shows assets and work time beyond
    regulation, and helps spot problems and resolve points.
    The CEO of Fortis Bank, Dierckx, acknowledged that the financial institution was doing effectively with no instant
    solvency or liquidity issues. The N900 capabilities as a cell
    Internet device, and contains e mail, internet shopping and access to online services,
    a 5-megapixel digital camera for still or video pictures,
    a portable media participant for music and video, calculator, video games console and phrase processor, SMS, as well as cellular telephony utilizing either a mobile community or VoIP through
    Internet (cell or Wi-Fi). The OMAP 3430 is composed of
    three microprocessors; the Cortex A8 running at 600 MHz (as much as 1.15 GHz with
    right overclocking) used to run the OS and purposes,
    the PowerVR SGX530 GPU made by Imagination Technologies which helps OpenGL ES 2.0 and is capable
    of up to 14 MPolys/s and a TMS320C64x, the digital signal processors, working
    at 430 MHz used to run the picture processing (camera), audio processing
    (telephony) and information transmission.

  165. In 2018, Aditya Birla Solar Life Mutual Fund faced
    redemption pressures in a few of its debt schemes as a consequence of exposure to entities
    like the Essel Group firms. The Financial Occasions reported that
    the Aditya Birla Solar Life Mutual Fund was the
    largest investor within the Essel Group, with an publicity of Rs 2,936 crore spread
    across 28 schemes1. Equally, Essel Group firms have been grappling with debt woes, which put
    mutual funds, together with HDFC, below redemption pressure.
    The credit occasions involving these corporations led to
    significant mark-downs in the web Asset Values
    (NAVs) of a few of HDFC Mutual Fund’s debt schemes.
    In 2015, SEBI ordered the winding up of Sahara Mutual Fund’s
    schemes as a consequence of non-compliance with regulatory requirements1.
    Round 32 mutual fund schemes had publicity to Sure Bank’s downgraded debt papers, with a total exposure amounting to roughly ₹2,
    848 crore. In 2019, Sure Financial institution confronted extreme monetary stress and was ultimately positioned under
    a moratorium by the Reserve Financial institution of India (RBI) in March 2020.
    This led to significant challenges for Sure Mutual Fund, significantly its
    debt schemes that had exposure to Yes Bank’s securities.
    Dewan Housing Finance Corporation Restricted (DHFL) defaulted on its debt obligations in 2019.

    This event led to vital governance issues and defaults
    by DHFL in meeting various payment obligations, prompting the Reserve
    Bank of India to supersede the Board of Directors of DHFL1.

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  172. To facilitate picture group, Image Supervisor includes a shortcut pane
    to which customers can manually-or automatically by way of a Locate Pictures command-add shortcuts
    to folders in a hierarchical file system format, which eliminates the need to create new categories for pictures or to import them to a specific folder.
    Customers can manually add folder shortcuts to the shortcut
    pane or robotically populate the pane with folders that include photos by way of
    a Find Pictures command, which eliminates the need for customers to create new image classes or to import photos from
    another location. Photos displayed in Image Supervisor will be viewed individually or in filmstrip or thumbnail preparations, and users can zoom in or out of photos.
    At larger highway speeds (as much as sixty two mph),
    the traction-management system might additionally brake
    both rear wheel as needed, hence the promoting moniker “all-velocity traction control.”
    A dashboard “off” change enabled drivers to let it literally all cling
    out when circumstances, and ability, allowed. It
    is distinctly possible to create a placing contemporary bath in a typical “white box” room, but it is definitely simpler when you have the advantage of carving out an attention-grabbing architectural shell.

  173. Detailed details about the standard of drinking water in PEI communities and watersheds might be found
    on the provincial government’s official web site. Beneath provincial laws, the Utility is required to report back to its
    residents on an annual foundation. Summers are reasonably heat, with the day by day most temperature only often reaching as excessive as 30 °C (86 °F).
    Haidamus emphasized that gadgets launched underneath these licensing agreements would
    be held to excessive requirements in production high quality,
    and would “look and feel just like Nokia constructed it”.
    I (the worker) feel out of place and do not cope with the new
    rules! Cut: A diamond ought to be proportioned
    and faceted to deliver out the stone’s shine and readability.

    Medicare is funded partly by a 2% income tax levy (with exceptions for low-revenue earners), however mostly out of common revenue.
    In 1999, by way of their acquisition of AGF, Allianz SE
    acquired AGF Irish Life Holdings plc in Eire,
    which on the time owned Insurance Corporation of Eire and Church and Normal Insurance.

  174. It’ll be nice to have a visual layout to reference when you go inside to craft your clues.
    The most creative clues in the world won’t count for much if the kids have no idea how to
    solve them. Word puzzles – “Unscramble the letters OMATOT to find the spot,”
    or “Find a word in all these letters and you’ll see the goal much better” (a word-find with “tomato” embedded).

  175. McCormick, M. Patrick; Thomason, Larry W.; Trepte, Charles R.
    (February 1995). “Atmospheric results of the Mt Pinatubo eruption”.

    Moses, Elizabeth; Cardenas, Beatriz; Seddon, Jessica (25 February 2020).
    “The most Successful Air Pollution Treaty You have Never Heard Of”.
    Gita-Carlos, Ruth Abbey (June 25, 2020). “Duterte signs legislation restoring GMRC, values education topics”.
    Wawasan 2020 is also a patriotic music on the identical concept sung in Malay.

    Contemporary-type rooms usually exhibit partitions and trim of the
    same coloration; traditional-model rooms usually characteristic white or distinction-coloration trim.

    Perkins, Sid (four March 2013). “Earth Not So Scorching Because of Volcanoes”.

    Neely III RR, Toon OB, Solomon S, Vernier JP, Alvarez C, English JM, Rosenlof KH, Mills MJ, Bardeen CG,
    Daniel JS, Thayer JP (2013). “Current anthropogenic increases in SO2 from Asia have minimal influence on stratospheric aerosol”.

    Bond, T. C. (2013). “Bounding the role of black carbon within the climate system: A scientific evaluation”.
    Manshausen, Peter; Watson-Parris, Duncan; Christensen,
    Matthew W.; Jalkanen, Jukka-Pekka; Stier, Philip Stier (7
    March 2018). “Invisible ship tracks present large cloud sensitivity to aerosol”.
    Preston, Robert (31 March 2020). “Robert Peston: Is Michael Gove right that there’s a shortage of coronavirus take a look at kit substances?”.

  176. As part of the new spherical, Valar took a board seat at the company.
    Sweeney’s menace, worsening public opinion and continued media scrutiny of the affair led the Ullico board to make the report public.
    The spherical was led by Valar Ventures and consists
    of present buyers Earlybird Ventures, Ardour Capital,
    Wellington Partners, Atlantic Labs and Open Ocean Capital.
    In 2018, it was revealed that the company raised an additional $10 million in an inside round from existing traders, with new investors Cipio
    Companions joining the round. The database consists of roughly 22 million records and included electronic
    mail addresses and passwords. On February 16, 2019, EyeEm announced
    that they acquired hacked and its database was put for sale on the Dream Market.
    February 2011 by founders Florian Meissner, Lorenz Aschoff, Gen Sadakane, and
    Ramzi Rizk. Rogoway, Mike; Swindler, Samantha (February 7, 2020).
    “U.S. Bank presents to rehire 2 Portland workers it fired for serving to customer on Christmas Eve”.
    On April 24, 1973, the railway stays, comprising 11 trestles, an abandoned native village with a Russian submit and the Tiekel
    Station, had been added as a historic district to the Nationwide Register of Historic
    Locations. There are no websites listed on the Nationwide Register
    of Historic Places in Kusilvak Census Space.

  177. Because the 14th century, when coins started to be minted in northeastern Rus’ (firstly in Moscow),
    the forex system of silver bullions and furs was becoming obsolete.
    At the identical time as early as the thirteenth century the word ruble (rubl’)
    began for use alongside the phrase grivna to mean a certain amount of either silver or silver coins.
    In December 2011, the corporate created TDECU Holdings
    to manage its subsidiaries: TDECU Insurance coverage, TDECU Wealth Advisors, TDECU Real Property and Century Oaks Title.
    Since the center of the seventeenth century the latter became recognized as the Russian pound (Фунт, funt).

    Initially the weight of a grivna was near the Roman or Byzantine
    pound. The grivna of kuna grew to become merely grivna and was equal to 14
    dengas. Thus one account ruble was equal to 216 denga coins (every weighted about
    0.Eight gram). Thus one ruble was equal to 15 new grivnas and 6 denga coins.

    When in Moscow one ruble had been revalued to 200 denga coins, the trade fee between Moscow and Novgorod denga
    coins was set to 2 to 1. Thus for the reason that later fifteenth –
    the early 16th centuries one account ruble was equal to 100 Novgorod dengas (later often called kopeks) or to 200 Moscow dengas.

  178. Hello there, I think your web site might be having browser compatibility problems. When I take a look at your web site in Safari, it looks fine however, when opening in IE, it has some overlapping issues. I merely wanted to give you a quick heads up! Besides that, great website!

  179. By 2006, he had assembled a multi-disciplinary staff of fifty specialists from six international locations,
    assisted by approximately one hundred exterior advisers.
    Piccard and Jones, in cooperation with a group of meteorologists on the
    bottom, maneuvered into a sequence of jet streams that carried them 25,
    361 miles to land in Egypt after a 45,755 km (28,431 mi) flight lasting 19 days, 21 hours, and 47 minutes.
    During November 2003, Piccard announced a project, in cooperation with the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL),
    for a solar-powered, lengthy-vary aircraft named Photo voltaic Impulse.
    The plan consists of a brand new base in Tangier
    with two aircraft and first flights to Beni Mellal and Errachidia.

    The first leg within the one-seater aircraft was piloted by Borschberg from Payerne, Switzerland to Madrid, Spain, and the second leg by
    Piccard from Madrid to Rabat, Morocco. In 2012,
    it made its first intercontinental flight from Switzerland to Morocco in two legs.

  180. After I originally left a comment I seem to have clicked on the -Notify me when new comments are added- checkbox and from now on every time a comment is added I receive 4 emails with the same comment. There has to be a means you are able to remove me from that service? Appreciate it.

  181. The possibility of the owner to use or consume the commodity privately.
    This process goes together with the increased
    use of money, and the aim of merchants, bankers and renters
    becomes to gain income from the trade, by acting as intermediaries between producers and consumers.
    Even so, in simple commodity production, not all inputs and outputs of the production process are
    necessarily commodities or priced goods, and it is compatible with a variety
    of different relations of production ranging from self-employment and family
    labour to serfdom and slavery.

  182. College Prep also offers counseling and health training programs carried out by a full-time health
    educator and counselor, a skilled youngster psychologist, who offers comprehensive assist to students and conducts a mandatory health program for sophomores supposed
    to introduce them to health topics and encourage them to make healthful choices.

    Due to the varsity’s small dimension, and the varsity coverage of exempting
    students from Physical Training lessons throughout a semester of participation, the share of
    scholars who be part of sports groups is exceptionally high: 65%
    of Prep college students play crew sports activities.
    Juniors might choose out of Intraterm classes or trips so as to go to schools.

    Dance lessons are offered in any respect levels, and students perform in highschool dance festivals,
    senior centers, and in theaters throughout the Bay Area. Dance is extremely widespread at Faculty Prep,
    and the program often has round 70 dancers at one time.
    In the 2020-2021 season one competitor in Extemporaneous Speech qualified for
    all 5 championship tournaments together with a double qualification to
    the Nationwide Speech and Debate Tournament. In past years several speech rivals made it to championship tournaments as properly.

  183. Workplace Cell 2010 was launched before basic availability of Workplace 2010 as a free upgrade for
    customers of Home windows Mobile 6.5 devices with a earlier model of
    Workplace Cell put in. Workplace 2010 Residence and Business and Workplace 2010 Professional could be installed on two
    devices to be used by a single user; the Product Key Card version permits one installation on a single machine.
    He can now safely increase the overall acquire of the song without pushing the
    loudest components into the red. Data bars now provide gradient
    fill choices. When that lighter scorching air all of the sudden rises, cooler
    air flows rapidly in to fill the gap the recent air leaves behind.
    Office 2010 Professional Plus is out there to Quantity
    License prospects. It is accessible in Volume License editions.
    To determine whether an Office 2010 installation is a volume licensed model, check the
    Workplace 2010 set up disc to see whether or not it accommodates a folder named Admin. Utrecht;
    the combined entity, named “AMEV/VSB 1990”, was joined in December 1990 12 months by
    AG Insurance, a Belgian insurer, and the resulting group was branded
    Fortis, establishing a landmark precedent for cross-border mergers within the European financial companies

  184. There he participated in the primary recorded oath
    of allegiance, along with many different soldiers, as a sign of loyalty to the United States.

    Within the late 1980s, Coastal took advantage of improved economic relations between the United States and the Individuals’s Republic
    of China. CSV acknowledges commerce-offs between brief-term profitability and social or environmental objectives,
    however emphasizes the alternatives for aggressive advantage from building a social value proposition into corporate strategy.
    CSV provides the impression that only two stakeholders are important – shareholders and consumers.
    The accounting, auditing, and reporting sources present a foundation for consumers to confirm that their merchandise are socially sustainable.
    Authorized necessities for social accounting, auditing, and reporting
    exist in nations like France. Germans it gives secure employment; in South Africa it makes a optimistic contribution to
    social wants such as health care and schooling. However, international or
    national agreement on meaningful social and environmental efficiency
    measurements has not been achieved. 118 Worldwide international trade virtually ground to a halt.
    One other strategy to CSR is to include the CSR strategy instantly into operations, comparable to procurement of Honest Commerce tea and
    espresso. McWilliams and Siegel (2001) examined
    CSR actions and attributes as a differentiation strategy.

  185. Hundreds of thousands more were spent upgrading the stadium and on a retractable roof that never labored.
    Nonetheless, for the manufacturing sector of automobiles and industrial products for export, usually involving bigger global companies, relevant volume will increase
    are obvious for the extra industrialised commerce members.

    But on the grounds that we are speaking about an intraday trader, the tick becomes essential.
    Guarantee policies, processes, procedures and
    systems are designed not only to allow company and enterprise methods, but along with
    help and shape the company tradition. However, monarchs
    did more and more use parliaments more broadly in lawmaking as a way of gaining common help
    for their insurance policies. Because of Oberto’s insurance policies whereas
    minister, the Venezuelan economic system had an “average growth of 5%, with peaks of 7.6% in 1970 and 6.9% in 1973”, while the
    average annual inflation was 3.3%. Oberto resigned as Minister of Finance in 1974 following the election of President Carlos Andrés Pérez.
    In 1995, Oberto drafted the Organic Criminal Procedure Code (COPP), a reform of Venezuela’s criminal justice system, which he believed was too “inquisitorial”.
    The COPP reforms had been later adopted in 1999 by
    the government of Hugo Chávez. But even in peacetime,
    the normal sources of the King’s income had been stretched to the limit
    to fund the business of government.

  186. StockTwits was named one of many “prime 10 most modern firms in finance” in 2012 by FastCompany.
    Kindle readers normally rank at the highest in journalists’ lists of finest readers.
    Retrieved February 10, 2023. Caterpillar Inc. said Thursday it reached a settlement with the interior Revenue Service that resolves a yearslong tax dispute without any penalties.
    Retrieved April 26, 2022 – through ReliefWeb.
    In April 2023, the United Kingdom Division for Science, Innovation & Technology released a report on cyber attacks over the last 12 months.
    Yamamoto Tatsuo (山本 達雄, April 7, 1856 – November 2, 1947) was
    a Japanese politician and Governor of the Bank of Japan from 1898 to 1903.
    He was additionally a member of the Home of Peers and served as a cabinet
    minister in the pre-battle government of the Empire of Japan. Federal Reserve Financial institution of Minneapolis.
    Texas sued the federal authorities, profitable in federal court.
    DNS spoofing is the place attackers hijack domain title assignments to redirect visitors to systems beneath the attackers control, so as
    to surveil site visitors or launch different attacks.

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  188. Economist Dr. Hjalmar Schacht, President of the Reichsbank and Minister of Economics, created a scheme for deficit financing in Might 1933.
    Capital initiatives have been paid for with the issuance of
    promissory notes known as Mefo bills. Along with calling for the fast development of steel mills, artificial rubber plants, and
    different factories, Göring instituted wage and worth controls
    and restricted the issuance of inventory dividends.

    The one change the inventory split makes is an increase within the variety of shares
    an investor owns while sustaining a continuing investment
    worth. Investment securities might be liquidated to
    fulfill deposit withdrawals and elevated loan demand. Although many imagine that buying and selling in commodities is high-danger and speculative, even with dependable MCX suggestions at hand,
    the truth is such that any buying and selling enterprise might be harmful or unsafe if a person allows it to change into.
    Check out the choices out of your local college district, library,
    zoo, parks department or kids’s museum. Previous to the publication of the op-ed in 2018, Heard took out homeowner’s
    insurance coverage service insurance policies with two companies that covered costs associated with defamation lawsuits.
    Further educational studies confirmed that the IFSC
    SPV sector was operating in an almost unregulated fashion the place buildings were more akin to brass plate corporations.

  189. This article is about the corporate that existed from 1939
    to 2015. For information about controversies concerning the successor firm,
    see HP Inc. § Controversies. An enormous plus for ’36 was
    hydraulic brakes, which Ford would not supply until 1939 (thanks mainly to old Henry’s stubbornness).
    Farming plots are supplied to schools and to supply job alternatives to graduates at establishments affiliated
    to the Ministry of Agriculture. The final secondary stage spans three years, whereas
    technical faculties provide packages lasting between three and five
    years. Al Azhar faculties are named “Institutes” and embody primary,
    preparatory, and secondary phases. So, we’ve talked about too much of ways to set up a
    very good profit program on your employees and the way your benefits and perks are sometimes more
    essential than the salary, but what is going to really stand out
    to potential employees? Proposals included ideas for beginning with recurrent expenditures, utilizing a simple and transparent formula for carrying out fiscal transfers,
    and making sure that transfers would attain the varsity itself.

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  191. Poppy and buddies are carving pumpkin lanterns when Owl reveals that Halloween is his
    favourite holiday and invites them to Halloween Woods
    in costume by practice (with Poppy dressed as a
    cowgirl, Alma dressed as a fairy, Zuzu dressed as a pirate, Owl dressed as a
    wizard and Mo dressed as a skeleton) where they meet a bat named

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  202. The right message needs acumen and flair, be it
    proactive and preventative, or during a crisis where shares are tumbling (reacting to the crisis).
    When you take out an option, you’re purchasing a
    contract to buy or sell a stock, usually 100 shares of the stock per
    contract, at a pre-negotiated price by a certain date.
    Everything in the stock market has been correcting in price and there’s a lot
    of good value out there, but no industry is poised for the same
    rate of earnings growth as gold.

  203. The agency of Starrett Brothers & Eken was the final contractor,
    and Purdy and Henderson had been the structural engineers.
    Tishman Development was the final contractor, while Severud Associates was
    the structural engineer on the undertaking. SL Green sold a 25 p.c curiosity in the
    mission to an unidentified investor in December 2021, although it retained
    a 25.5 p.c curiosity. In March 2005, SL Inexperienced Realty bought the building, intending to convert the clock tower to apartments.
    In 2011, Tommy Hilfiger and a companion signed
    a contract to buy the clock tower for $170 million, planning to transform it
    into Hilfiger’s first hotel, with luxury condominiums. Marriott introduced in January 2012 that it was converting the tower to the new York Edition Resort,
    one in every of three boutique accommodations within the
    Version line. Although not structurally distinctive, the Metropolitan Life
    Tower nevertheless was highly scrutinized, being the world’s tallest constructing upon its completion. The design of the tower gained important acclaim within the American architectural occupation.
    The tower, the sole construction on the block that remained from the early 20th
    century, was renovated starting in 1961 to harmonize the design with Morgan and Meroni’s east wing.
    The preliminary plans had been filed by Leonard
    Schultz and Associates, but after Schultz’s 1951 demise,
    Lloyd Morgan and Eugene Meroni took up the design course of.

  204. To determine why the envelope is so jam-packed, learn on to seek
    out out more about what sometimes goes in a wedding ceremony invitation package.
    Types of designs, colours and finishes of ink are extensively obtainable
    at craft shops, or you’ll be able to carve
    out your personal stamps and mix custom colors. Employers are obligated
    to pay 300 riyals for meals and 500 riyals for accommodation, if
    they don’t provide workers with these instantly. According to Motor Trend, Ford relied on its
    “intensive shopper research program,” which, apart
    from the Edsel, “appeared to pay off for them.” By the end
    of the Fifties, research prompt a marketplace
    for an “in-betweener” model someplace betwixt the
    gradually rising commonplace Ford and the upcoming compact Falcon. Indian Area Analysis Organisation. You must conduct thorough analysis for the photographs that
    you have downloaded. Within the early nineteenth century,
    the Chiang Mai Kingdom was so autonomous that it was in a position to
    conduct its own diplomatic overtures with the British, who called Lanna as ‘Western Laos’.

    NetApp E-Collection platform makes use of proprietary OS SANtricity and proprietary RAID called Dynamic Disk Pool (DDP) alongside conventional
    RAIDs like RAID 10, RAID 6, RAID 5, and many others. In DDP pool every
    D-Stripe works much like traditional RAID-four and RAID-6 however
    on block degree as an alternative of complete disk stage, therefore, haven’t
    any devoted parity drives.

  205. The company additionally maintains 264 high-mast lights and 133 8-meter and 12-meter
    lamp posts with cluster lights at essential junctions.

    In May 2000, Metrobank acquired Solid Banking Corporation (Solidbank) from a joint consortium led by the Madrigal household and Canada-based mostly Financial institution of Nova
    Scotia (Scotiabank), with Metrobank as the surviving entity.

    November 18, 2005 AMZN Amazon T AT&T Company AT&T Corp. Paul Sullivan (November 8, 2013).

    “Peter Lynch As soon as Managed Money. Now He Gives It Away”.
    For example, in one Up Lynch explains how he invested in Dunkin’ Donuts not after studying about the corporate within the
    Wall Avenue Journal, however after being impressed by their coffee as a
    buyer. Chennai has many libraries with the key ones being the Connemara Public Library (estd.
    In accordance with Beating the road his most profitable picks while operating the Magellan fund
    were Fannie Mae ($500 million), Ford ($199 million), Philip
    Morris ($111 million), MCI ($92 million), Volvo ($79 million), Normal Electric ($76
    million), Common Public Utilities ($69 million), Student
    Mortgage Advertising and marketing ($sixty five million), Kemper ($sixty three
    million), and Lowe’s ($54 million). To commerce for members of the public Forex is readily accessible and with out the financial threat associated with different derivatives learning the intricacies of trading is usually a fun way.

  206. No true challenger from Chevrolet would arrive until the debut of the Chevelle
    in 1964, the identical yr GM’s “senior compacts” from Pontiac, Oldsmobile,
    and Buick grew into real intermediates. These objects had been highly well-liked, and had introduced many complaints from
    buyers of cheaper compacts who needed such conveniences.
    They may be interior designers who have decided to specialize in kitchen and bath work or sellers who no longer wish
    to run a product showroom. Financial globalization might affect tradition.
    If you are going to create a new-measurement automotive,
    it may as effectively be a standout across the board.
    However reasonably than area a badge-engineered clone of that automotive, the division opted to proceed with
    the German-built Ford Capri it had been selling successfully since 1970 — a “mini ponycar” like Mustang II, but higher-built and extra roadable.
    Even the Fairlane’s short-lived companion automobile,
    the Mercury Meteor, paled compared. After all, this only mirrored the abrupt drop in demand for all ponycars after 1970, and it prompted Mercury to chart a brand new course for Cougar.

    Sriding a 3-inch-longer wheelbase than Mustang — 111 in all — Cougar supplied more luxurious and normal power for about $200 extra (prices started at

  207. The Each day Instances. p. Pharmacies are situated throughout the
    nation, and a pharmacist is on call always. The United
    States is a extremely developed nation, and its financial system accounts for approximately a quarter of worldwide GDP
    and is the world’s largest by GDP at market alternate rates.
    At present, China has the world’s second largest
    population, after India, second largest GDP (nominal) (after
    the U.S.) and the most important financial system on this planet by PPP.
    Although it accounts for just over 4.2% of the world’s
    complete population, the U.S. The United States was the foremost of the world’s
    two superpowers during the Chilly Struggle. The Origins of World Conflict I.
    Cambridge College Press. It stresses that the Struggle on Terror has enormously
    distracted the US response to China’s position within the Pacific;
    that US navy force in the area has tremendously atrophied whereas Beijing only grew stronger and more capable since 9/11, to the purpose that China could now actively challenge the United States over the Indo-Pacific.
    On 19 August 2019, the United States Research Centre printed
    a report, suggesting that Washington no longer enjoys primacy in the Indo-Pacific.

  208. You will need to learn how to have the self-discipline to stick to the plan that you set out to use without feeling
    the need to change it all the time. Therefore, you will have to report the foreign income based on the kind of income that is being generated, For instance, dividends and incomes
    would be reported on Schedule B, capital gains on Schedule C and so on.

  209. Fintech doesn’t necessarily mean cryptocurrencies, the term is generally used by
    banks and financial institutions in order to facilitate efficient functioning for business and consumers.
    An option tracking software will control all the transactions
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  210. Queen Elizabeth covered any losses or debts owed by the East India
    Company with the royal coffers; modern LLCs are subject to bankruptcy procedures,
    where creditors may be forced to take pennies on the dollar or nothing at all
    if a corporation goes under.

  211. Town itself comprises no green belt; however it’s bordered to the north east by the green belt in the surrounding Tewkesbury
    district, serving to to keep up local inexperienced space, forestall further city sprawl and unplanned enlargement in the direction of Cheltenham and Innsworth, in addition to protecting smaller close by villages reminiscent of Churchdown,
    Badgeworth, Shurdington, and Twigworth.

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  215. ­Remember that each year you can buy 25 shares of
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    public opinions on concept cars and new technology to determine if new models are going to sell.
    Many are funded at least in part by the automobile
    manufacturers themselves.

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  217. These things when summed up provide an easy platform for folks to invest
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  219. ○ Starting from the late 2016, to that faculty was added
    one more specialization “The Science of Commodities”. For more details, you can visit our blog section and find related topics as
    per your requirement. International funds can either include different stocks from around the world or stocks concentrated in a specific global region.

  220. In consequence, it focuses on promoting and sponsoring sporting events such because the Orbea Monegros, and the Orbea Klasika in Bilbao.
    In consequence, most of the joint-stock firms formed on this
    period had been created by political reformers who objected
    to the legislated monopolies granted to members of
    the Household Compact. Newly created micro apartments, or micro models –
    basically studios – are being snapped up all over
    cities like New York and Washington, D.C. Trend Designer – Whether
    you are identified for your private fashion or are simply actually good
    with a sewing machine, you don’t want a spot on “Challenge Runway” to achieve a
    career in fashion. Vann, Corky. “Shopping for the Storm: 10 Things You must Inventory Up On Proper Now”.
    While most tiny-residence owners pay for their properties in cash, a good quantity do need help with financing.
    And pet homeowners will at all times be comfortable to see you.
    In an elegant bedroom, pleated synthetic shades with the seductive look of
    silk and shantung will help you seize the solar
    and guard your privacy, especially for those who select
    shades that pull up from the bottom. It additionally helps to create an inviting outdoor dwelling house, which really helps
    the inside look larger, too.

  221. Mrs. Kormel Just isn’t Normal! Mrs. Cooney Is Loony! Mrs.
    Roopy Is Loopy! Mrs. Patty Is Batty! Miss Small Is Off the
    Wall! The Zolders pilot air fighters known as Condolers
    (コンドラー, Kondorā) (small) and Battlers (バットラー,
    Battorā) (massive). We are going to start with heat transfer modes and proceed on to how it may be created artificially; we’ll conclude with benefits of synthetic heat transfer.

  222. The relationship between corporate social responsibility and a firm’s
    company financial efficiency is a phenomenon that is being explored in a
    variety of research studies which might be being conducted internationally.

    Based mostly on these analysis studies, together with these undertaken by Sang Jun Cho, Chune Young Chung,
    and Jason Young, a positive relationship exists between a firm’s company social duty insurance policies and
    corporate monetary efficiency. Critics dismiss these studies as lip service, citing examples equivalent to Enron’s yearly “Corporate Responsibility Annual Report”
    and tobacco companies’ social studies. Shoppers of products and companies should verify company social responsibility and the
    outcomes of reports and efforts. Social accounting emphasizes the notion of company accountability.

    Social accounting is the communication of social and environmental
    results of an organization’s economic actions to particular curiosity groups within society and to
    society at massive. Corporate social irresponsibility from suppliers and retailers has significantly affected the stakeholders who lost belief in the affected enterprise entities.
    Later, it expanded to incorporate supplier behaviour, the makes use of to which merchandise have been put,
    and how articles have been disposed of after they lost worth.
    After 1866, Alaska was offered and South Sakhalin misplaced
    to Japan, however Batum, Kars, Pamir, and the Transcaspian region (Turkmenistan) were acquired.

  223. They perform auditing customer records and plans frequently to
    decide whether life changes, monetary changes
    or budgetary execution show a requirement for design reassessment.
    Break down budgetary data determined from customers to
    decide procedures to a match the customer financial plan. They track down the budgetary market patterns to guarantee
    that designs are compelling and to distinguish any important updates.

  224. Koskelainen, Tiina; Kalmi, Panu; Scornavacca,
    Eusebio; Vartiainen, Tero (2023). “Financial literacy in the digital age-A research agenda”.
    Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (2023). “Money Smart for Young People” (PDF).
    National Financial Educators Council (2023). “Education Resources: Presentations, Curriculum, & Online Learning”.
    Council for Economic Education and JumpStart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy (2021).
    “National Standards for Personal Financial Education” (PDF).

  225. On 18 September 2020, as part of regulatory treatments
    to see by way of its $27 billion purchase of knowledge provider Refinitiv, the London Stock Alternate Group (LSEG) entered into unique talks to
    promote the Italian Bourse (formally 100% of London Stock Exchange Group Holdings Italia S.p.A.), situated in Milan, to Euronext.
    It is situated in Vienna, Austria, in Stock-im-Eisen-Platz,
    now a part of Stephansplatz, at the corner of the Graben and Kärntner Straße and is now behind glass on a
    nook of the Palais Equitable. Ryanair didn’t provide clients the
    possibility of contacting it by electronic mail or webform, only by a premium price cellphone line, by fax or by submit; however, it does now
    have a web kind contact option and a dwell chat.
    However, this was because all of the property were
    in Anne Darwin’s title. None, however, had the panache of the
    Graham Blue Streaks, which when painted, say, a Golden Tan Pearl Essence,
    exhibited a truly hanging appearance in traffic.

  226. The design originated with a one-off convertible that Edsel used on his annual winter trip
    in Palm Seashore throughout 1938-39. Everyone who saw it thought it sensational, which inspired Ford to offer production fashions scarcely a yr later.
    It debuted as a high-shelf Styleline DeLuxe priced at $1741, about $100 beneath the ragtop, but it outpaced the
    convertible by better than 2-to-1 with over 76,000 first-12 months sales.
    In 1602, the States Common of the Netherlands granted the VOC a 21-12 months charter over all
    Dutch commerce in Asia and quasi-governmental powers.
    With so much new funds entering into the market on the
    end of each single month, stocks will often commerce higher for a few of days just earlier
    than, and a few days soon after month conclude, that
    means that you may find yourself paying greater charges.
    In fact, a few of the main exchange traded funds are now a few of the most well-liked stocks traded on the key indexes.

    The much more intense resolution, but increasingly
    well-known, would be to maneuver from mutual money
    to change traded cash. That is why each single bank, insurance protection organization, brokerage company and financial establishment within the planet, also sells mutual cash.

  227. May 16, 1975. p. In July 2011, at the annual International
    Labour Convention, held by the ILO, conference delegates adopted the Convention on Domestic Staff by a vote of 396 to 16, with
    63 abstentions. Even if you have not purchased a
    mirror for your property, one is normally inbuilt for the bathroom.

  228. Provided that developing a flying Humvee will likely be costly,
    time consuming and dangerous, it’s possible you’ll marvel why DAPRA desires to create one in any respect.

    Certain, at present’s Humvees could not fly below their own energy,
    however the U.S. The conflicts that immediately’s navy engages
    in don’t follow traditional guidelines of battlefield and combat.

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  233. 2007年12月26日閲覧。 2007年12月30日閲覧。 コミックナタリー.
    30 April 2020. 2020年4月30日閲覧。 2006年10月20日閲覧。名古屋市 (2006年9月27日).
    2007年10月1日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。 この場合のクレジット最後の制作局を示すテレビ朝日のロゴマークは2003年から現行の『/ tv asahi』に変更されている。、1996年度途中で放送終了までの振りに変更された経緯がある。

  234. 端午の節句のお菓子には、地域ごとに個性ゆたかな餅菓子があります。山田邦子の母・八幡山は「舁き初め」が行われる。山田の父が沼津出身だった機縁による。 おそらくこの映画の山田がモチーフであると思われる。山田は高校の生徒指導教諭役だが、漫画『わ〜お!
    ケンちゃん』(竹村よしひこ著、小学館コロコロコミックス)全6巻(1991年 – 1995年)でも主人公が通う小学校の生徒指導教諭として「山々田クニ子」が登場している。山田昭子(1934年 – 2023年)が邦子の生い立ちをまとめたもの。

  235. “みのもんた、長女の手紙に感涙「女房の遺伝子を持ってる」”.庵衣大福の幼なじみの息子。巨人といっていいほどの身体で、登場人物の中では一番大きい。品川弥二郎 「(薩長同盟の際、木戸がそれまでの長州の立場を主張したことについて)己を薩人にすると、木戸の演説には十分突っ込む所がある。 ワンダフル版の店長さんのポジション。長期間の野外保管が可能で、屋根付き倉庫などを必要としない。彼にとって唯一普通の人間に見えるその少女に心ひかれ追いかけるが、彼女の正体は人間とは似ても似つかぬ旧式ロボットであった。

  236. まだ幼かった彼は、さみしいときにはよその家に対して”ある泥棒”をしてしのいだと、切ない過去を明かす。 ゆずり葉は、新しい芽が出るまで古い葉が落ちず、新しい芽が出ると世代交代をするように古い葉が落ちます。 ゆずり葉とは鏡餅の飾りに使う植物のことで、家系が長く続くように祈る縁起物です。 ゆずり葉は裏白の上に重ねて乗せ、二枚ずつの葉が対になるように左右に向けて飾ります。裏白の葉の裏側が白いことは心に裏表がないことを象徴し、葉の付き方が左右対称なことは夫婦円満を象徴しているのです。

  237. 「声優を目指す、役者は目指さない、といっている最近の若い人達の動向も知っていますから、それは、まちがいなのだから気をつけて先輩たちを観察してください、と申し上げておきます。 この時期のアニメブームも後期に突入すると、新たな人材の採用志向が強まり、レコード会社と歌手契約を結んだアーティスト、アイドルがアニメ声優として起用され、話題を呼んでいる。江戸後期の画家・以後、式典では声優によるコンサートも披露されて行く。 2010年代後半にはバーチャルなキャラクターを製作し、それに声優が声をあててYouTubeなど動画配信を利用して配信するVTuberが出現するが、このキャラクターを「声優」として、VTuberがほかのアニメ・

  238. また、「鏡」が平和や円満を象徴し、「開き」が末広がり、つまり繁栄を意味することから、一年の幸運を願う儀式とも言えます。 6月1日、道路運送車両法が公布され、同年6月30日に施行される。 また、前年度の納付分の還付を請求できるといった利点がある。条件付きではあるが自分のモンスターを助っ人として使うことも可能。 」という基本的な部分から、赤字との違い、貸借対照表との関係、債務超過の解消方法などの疑問にお答えしています。

  239. より、”The story of the church reflects the most basic sense of tradition, the continuing activity of God’s Spirit transforming human life.”

  240. 現在は退任。実際この頃他の少年誌でもタバコ表現への規制をうかがわせる描写が多く見られた。趣味は、ギャンブル(特に競馬、他にも競輪・一方でおもちゃとして遊んでくれた為か、他のおもちゃ共々、去り際に名残惜しさを見せている。最大51人の大規模バトルが楽しめる『エイムズ』の攻略記事一覧。 タバコに関しては昔はかなりのヘビースモーカー(銘柄はハイライト、セブンスター、マイルドセブンの3種がほとんど)だったが、大原からの強い薦めと中川が両津を禁煙させるために雇ったボディーガードとの逃走戦の際に作った手製煙草(原料は雑草)で体調を崩しそれにより完全に禁煙した(少年誌で喫煙を肯定するのは好ましくないから、という事情もある。

  241. 54th 2002年3月21日 CHAU! 56th 2002年9月21日 夢・
    37th 1997年3月21日 新・ 62nd 2005年10月21日 替え唄メドレー2005 爆裂!替え唄メドレー Mr.説教MANやっちゅーてんねん!
    20th 1992年12月2日 デュエット替え唄メドレー ひとりぼっちのクリスマス(シングルバージョン) 嘉門達夫・ 34th 1995年12月1日

  242. 父は戦争にとられるし、勉強はできず、腹をすかせ、大勢の友人を失いました。 ことに家や家族を失い、また戦争孤児になった子どもたちは、とりわけそう誓ったはずです。 この大水槽では給餌解説が行われるほか、上部から水槽を観察する「黒潮探検(水上観覧コース)」(定員制)や水槽に隣接したカフェ「オーシャンブルー」などもあり、沖縄美ら海水族館のハイライトとなっている。手塚が漫画制作に導入したものとしては他に、Gペンの使用(早く描けるという理由による。 (注:日本で漫画制作にスクリーントーンを導入したのは手塚治虫が最初ではない)。

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