एक इजाजत भाग 7

एक इजाजत!भाग-७काळ्या साडीत तिचे साधे ओलेते रूप अधिकच सुंदर दिसत होते. अंगावरची काळी साडी. ओलसर केसातून खांद्यावर विसावलेले थेंब.. तिला पुन्हा हिरवेवाडीच्या आठवणीत घेऊन गेले.साऱ्या आठवणीतील ती पहिली आठवण.. प्रकाशच्या भेटीची. श्रावणातील त्या रात्रीच्या पावसाचे ते रौद्ररूप.. गौरीने भूत म्हणून ठोकलेली आरोळी..हिरवेपाटलांच्या वाड्याच्या दाराबाहेर मुसळधार पावसात चिंब भिजलेली, काळ्या रंगाच्या चोळी परकरमधील सात-आठ वर्षांची ती कोवळी पोर आणि दाराच्या आतअसलेला दहा वर्षांचा तो हळवा जीव!“रत्ना.. तू शाळेत जातेस का?” दारापलीकडे उभ्या असलेल्या रत्नाला प्रकाश विचारत होता. तसे तर तिच्याशी त्याला खूप काही बोलावे वाटत होते; पण काय बोलावे हे त्याला कळत नव्हते.“हं? शाळा?” तिला हा प्रश्न अपेक्षित नव्हता.“नाही जात ना? मला तू न सांगताच ते कळलं.”“कसं?”“तुझ्या डोळ्यांनी सांगितलं. तुझं उत्तर तुझ्या डोळ्यात दिसतेय की.” तो हसून म्हणाला तशी ती थोडीशी खिजली.“शाळेपेक्षा पोटाची भूक आम्हाला जास्त छळते. तुमाला नाय कळायचं.” ती त्याच्यावर डोळे रोखत म्हणाली.
तिची ती नजर त्याच्या नजरेत आरपार गेली. तिच्यापेक्षा जरासा मोठा असला तरी तोही लहानच तर होता. दुनियादारीचा अनुभव त्याच्या गाठीशी कुठे होता?
“रत्ना, तुझ्यासाठी मी माझे दोन फ्रॉक आणलेत. तुला आवडतील.” एका पिशवीत कपडे घेऊन गौरी धावत बाहेर आली.“मला नकोत ही कापडं. माझी कापडं नि तुमची कापडं वेगळी हाईत.” नम्रपणे तिने गौरीचे फ्रॉक नाकारले. बिचारी गौरी मात्र हिरमुसली.प्रकाशकडे बघून तिने इशाऱ्याने ‘काय झाले?’ असे विचारले. उत्तरादाखल त्याने केवळ खांदे हलवत ठाऊक नाही अशी मान डोलावली.“आबासाहेब, अहो एवढ्या तातडीनं बोलावलंत? काही झालंय का?” गौरी आणखी काही बोलणार तेवढ्यात डोक्यावर घोंगडे आणि हातात कंदील घेऊन शिरपा तिथे येऊन ठेपला.
“शिरपा, ये गड्या. अरे ही चिमणी बघ, रत्ना नाव आहे हीचं. तिकडं आडोशाला हिच्या घरचे थांबले आहेत. ही छत्री घे आणि समद्यांना तुझ्या झोपडीत घेऊन जा. धाकल्या पाटलीणबाई भाकऱ्या बांधून देत आहेत त्याही घेऊन जा. सकाळी मग कुठली सोय करता येईल का ते पाहू.”आबासाहेबांनी म्हटले तसे शिरपाने मान डोलावली. हातातील कंदील वर करत एका हातात इंदूताईंनी दिलेल्या भाकऱ्यांची चळत पकडत त्याने रत्नाकडे पाहिले.“रत्ना ही छत्री घे. तुझा भाऊ ओला व्हायला नको ना?”इतकावेळ पावसात ओली झालेल्या तिने कदाचित ती छत्री नाकारली असती; पण आबासाहेबांनी तिच्या भावाचे निमित्त पुढे केले नि तिने तिचा चिमुकला हात समोर केला.“मालक, तुमचे लै धन्यवाद बघा. खूप उपकार झालेत.” तिचे दोन्ही हात कृतज्ञतेने जोडले गेले. लहानवयात आलेले शहाणपण.. आणखी काय?“पोरी, इथे मला सगळी आबासाहेब म्हणतात. तूही तेच म्हणालीस तर चालेल. असं मालक वगैरे म्हणू नकोस. जा आता.” ते म्हणाले तशा तिच्या गुलाबी पाकळ्या लागलीच हलल्या.“आबासायेब..” तिचा मधुर स्वर किणकीणला.“आबासाहेब.” प्रकाश तिची चूक दुरुस्त करत म्हणाला.“मी तेच तर म्हणलं.”“अहं, तू आबासायेब म्हणालीस. सायेब नाही, साहेब म्हणायचं. ‘य’ऐवजी ‘ह’. कळलं? शाळेत जात नाहीस ना म्हणून हा घोळ.” पुष्टी जोडायला तो विसरला नाही.“साहेब.. बरोबर ना?”“हम्म.” प्रकाशचे ओठ आपसूकच रुंदावले.“हं, चल आता. तुझे आयबाबा वाट बघत असतील.” शिरपा पुढे होत म्हणाला तसे त्याच्यामागून झपझप पाऊल टाकत ती निघाली.चालताना मध्येच तिने एक नजर वळून मागे पाहिले. दारात उभा असलेला प्रकाश तिच्याकडेच पाहत असलेला तिला दिसला. दोघांची नजरानजर झाली आणि तिच्या चेहऱ्यावर एक गोड हसू फुलले.
“हिरवेपाटलांच्या वाड्यातून कोणीच रिकाम्या हाती जात नसतील, व्हय ना काका?” झपाट्याने चालणाऱ्या शिरपाच्या वेगाला पकडण्यासाठी काहीशी धावत चालणाऱ्या तिने विचारले.“व्हय तर. आमचे आबासाहेब देवमाणूस आहेत अन् अण्णासाहेब? ते बी त्यांच्याचं तालमीत तयार झाले हायेत. सरपंच हाईत गावचे. घरात एवढी लक्ष्मी पाणी भरतेय पण थोरल्या पाटलीणबाई आन धाकल्या पाटलीणबाई दोघींनाबी जराही घमंड नाही. तुमच्यासाठी कशा गरम गरम भाकरी दिल्या पाहिलं ना?” आबासाहेबांच्या घराण्याचे गुणगान गायला शिरपा थकत नव्हता.“चला आता, समद्यानी माझ्या झोपडीत येऊन चार घास खाऊन घ्या. या माझ्या मागंमागं.” शिरपा रत्नासोबत तिच्या कुटुंबाला त्याच्या झोपडीत घेऊन गेला.______“गौरी, तू का असा चेहरा पाडून घेतला आहेस?” जेवताना प्रकाशने गौरीच्या चेहऱ्याकडे पाहत विचारले.“जा, तू बोलू नकोस माझ्याशी.” नाक मुरकटून गौरीने दुसरीकडे मान वळवली.“अगं? मी आता काय केलंय?” त्याचा प्रश्न.“वर मलाच विचार. ती रत्ना तुझ्याबरोबर घडाघडा बोलते, तू म्हटलंस ते एकते आणि माझ्याकडे साफ दुर्लक्ष करते. मी दिलेले फ्रॉक सुद्धा तिने घेतले नाही.” गौरीच्या डोळ्यात पाणी होते.“गौरी, केवढ्याश्या गोष्टीला रडतेस गं? आजोबा आता तुम्हीच हिला समजावा.” प्रकाश हसत म्हणाला आणि त्याचे हसणे बघून गौरीने भोकाड पसरले.
“गौराई अहो, दादा मोठा आहे की नाही? म्हणून तिने दादाचे ऐकले आणि ती तुझ्यासारखी फ्रॉक घालत नाही ना? म्हणून तिने तो फ्रॉक घेतले नाहीत. तुला सांगू बाळा, गरीब असले तरी काही लोक स्वाभिमानी असतात बरं. गरज नसेल तर कोणाची मदत ते घेत नसतात. रत्नाला त्यावेळी जेवणाची गरज होती म्हणून तिने स्वतःहून ते मागितले. कदाचित तिच्याकडे पुरेशी कापडं असतील म्हणून तिने नकार दिला असेल, पटलं का?”“हो आबा तुम्ही सांगितलेलं लगेच पटलं.” तिची कळी खुलली होती. रडू थांबलं होतं तरी प्रकाशला नाकाचा शेंडा हलवून चिडवायला ती विसरली नाही.______“ए चंपा, खाना खाने के लिए तुम नीचे क्यू नही आयी?” हातात जेवणाचे ताट घेऊन शीलाआँटी चंपाच्या खोलीत विराजमान झाली होती.भूतकाळाच्या रिंगणात अडकलेली चंपा तिच्या आवाजाने आरशासमोरून बाजूला हलली.“आँटी, आज भूकच नाहीये गं. मग उगाच जबरदस्तीने कशाला खा?” ओले असलेले केस झटकत चंपा.“भूक नहीं हैं म्हणजे? अगं आपण इतकं मरमर राबतो ते पोटाची ही खळगी भरण्यासाठीच ना गं? मग भूक नाही म्हणून कसे चालेल? आणि तुझं भूक न लागण्याचं कारण मला चांगलंच ठाऊक आहे. तुला तुझ्या त्या डॉक्टरची आठवण आली म्हणून भूक पळाली ना?”“आँटी..”“तुने ए काले रंग की साडी पहनी तभीच मै जान गयी. जब तुझे उसकी याद जादा सताती हैं तभीच ये साडी तू पहनती हैं ना? मै सब जानती हूं रे.” तिच्या चेहऱ्यावर नजर गाडत शीलाआँटी विषण्णपणे म्हणाली.“शीलाआँटी, मागच्या जन्मात तू माझी आई होतीस का गं? माझ्या मनातील तुला सारं कसं कळतं?” चंपा हळवी झाली होती.“मागच्या जन्मातलं काही ठाऊक नाही; पण या जन्मात मी कुणाची आई नाहीये हे तेवढंच खरं आहे.” निर्विकारपणे ती.“आँटी, असं का बोलतेस?”“खरं तेच बोलतेय ना चंपा. तु ही बता, कौनसी माँ अपनेही बच्चोको ऐसे कोठे पे बिठाती हैं?” तिच्या भावना डोळ्यात साठून आल्या होत्या.“आँटी असे नको ना बोलूस. स्वतःच्या आईचा हात सुटलेल्या इथल्या प्रत्येकीची तू आई झालीस. आमची काळजी घेतेस, प्रेम करतेस.. ते का उगाच?”“येडी हैं तू चंपा. अरे तुमच्या सगळ्यांची मी काळजी घेते कारण तुमच्याकडून मला धंदा करवून घ्यायचा असतो. ही शीलाआँटी उगाच कोणाला फुकटमध्ये पोसत नसते. तू गलतफहमीयाँ मत पाल मेरी जान और चुपचापसे खाना खा ले.” थोड्या त्रागाने तिने चंपाच्या पुढयात ताट ठेवले आणि ती जायला वळली.“शीलाआँटी.. तू सच्चीमें मुझे प्यार नही करती?” तिचा हात पकडत चंपाने ओल्या स्वरात विचारले तशी शीलाआँटी सुद्धा काही क्षणासाठी हळवी झाली.“प्यार..”तिचा शब्द मोठ्याने ओठात घोळवत शीलाआँटी फिसकन हसली.“चंपा, अगं प्रेमाच्या नादी लागून तू या कोठीवर पोहचलीस आणि तरीही तुझा प्रेमावर विश्वास आहे?” तिने चंपाला उलट सवाल जेला.“हम्म. विश्वास तर आहेच. प्रेमापेक्षा मोठी ताकद कशातच नसते शीलाआँटी आणि हे मला आज कळलंय. तूच सांग, नाहीतर प्रकाशने आजवर लग्न का केलं नसतं? माझ्यावरच्या प्रेमापोटीच ना?” तिच्या डोळ्यात आरपार पाहत चंपाने प्रश्नासोबत स्वतःच उत्तर दिले.“बावली हैं रे तू.” तिच्यासमोर बसकन मांडत शीलाआंटीने कमरेत खोचून ठेवलेली बाटली काढून तोंडाला लावली.:क्रमश:पुढील भाग लवकरच.©®Dr. Vrunda F.(वसुंधरा..)*साहित्यचोरी गुन्हा आहे.******

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  76. Richmond International Raceway parking: There may be extensive
    free parking — typically far from the monitor — with tram service from Heaps H
    and J. The service resumes forty five minutes after the checkered flag to
    give fans walking to their cars a chance to clear the paths.

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  78. Engulfed in a major European conflict, France was desperate
    for money when they agreed to the Louisiana Purchase. The board of
    governors, who are the Finance Ministers of the European Union Member States, sets
    the direction of the European Investment Bank.
    There are other factors as well. Swiss franc. With concerns
    that the UK may have to resort to more monetary stimulus taking the headlines
    and hopes of an interest rate hike now well and truly in the background don’t be surprised
    to see sterling remain under pressure in the coming
    days and weeks.

  79. In this article, we’ll look at the different types of online trading accounts, as
    well as how to choose an online brokerage, make trades and protect yourself from fraud.
    The asset management companies deal with managing these assets for
    their clients and advising them on expanding their investment in these assets as well.
    The interchange is made up of a variety of smaller fees paid to all the
    different companies that have a part in the transaction:
    the merchant’s bank, the credit card association and the company that issued the card.

  80. While there are many myths surrounding mutual funds and SIPs, we are debunking 5 of the most
    common ones below. Throw in a construction mistake or two, and the renovation process can go from annoying to stressful as fast as you can say, “square footage.” While some construction mistakes
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    than you probably think to avoid some major construction mistakes.

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  84. Clients can also change the data, such as adding or
    removing items, adjusting values, etc., and see how it affects the results.
    Trend analysis shows how things change over time.
    Some investors refuse to watch their retirement savings disappear, so they cash in their IRAs to make
    more profitable investments. We use bar graphs and pie charts to make our reports more attractive.

  85. However, the individual responsible for each of the KPI’s at all levels must be
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  88. The AICPA therefore recommended that the Department of Labor allow such 403(b) plans to prepare their financial statements on a
    regulatory basis of accounting. This recommendation would require the
    development of a regulatory basis of reporting in order to provide a consistent financial reporting framework.
    In the case of health and welfare plans, the AICPA focused on the limited usefulness of their financial reporting as compared to the cost.

  89. Chevy Chase who played Clarke W. Griswold was the character mostly with the car as he drove it although it was a family affair.
    But which movie character did it belong to? Who drove the 1983
    Wagon Queen Family Truckster? The Wagon Queen Family
    Truckster in “National Lampoon’s Vacation” is none other than a modified 1979 Ford
    LTD Country Squire.

  90. You can see a number of Series 70 options offered by Chrysler on our feature car:
    front and rear bumpers, dual side-mounted spare tires, wire-spoke wheels, pedestal sidemount mirrors, folding luggage rack, fog lamps, and solid paint.
    The 70 was the next level up from the lower-cost Series 66, but offered more luxury options
    like the higher-priced Series 77. All Series 70 cars included a narrow-profile radiator and bowl-shaped headlights.

  91. Such systems leverage advanced technologies for analyzing the
    market and studying chart patterns. At the same time, its
    position as largest in the world financial market allows investors to take advantage according to
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    to maximize the space, as does employing storage extenders
    like wire shelving that lets you take full advantage of wasted
    vertical space.

  92. Lepitak, Stephen (September 8, 2022). “OKX Aims for Awareness in Global Cryptocurrency Brand Campaign”.
    Kalinauckas, Alex (September 13, 2023). “McLaren reveals F1 livery change for Singapore and Japan”.
    Chandra, Shobhana and Kowalski, Alex. A variety of calculation tools
    are available on the Student Loan Hero website. Whereas a few years ago you could
    get a subprime loan without much trouble, the mortgage mess has led to a lot more caution in the
    way home loans are approved these days.

  93. We will explain more about this in the article “Why long-term investment is important”.
    They can be redeemed as soon as one year after they’re issued, but if redeemed within five years of issuing, the bearer will forfeit three months of interest.
    With a Roth, you can’t take a full tax deduction in the year you contribute to
    it, as you can with a traditional plan.

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  95. The solution being provided by the industry is the new way of data
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    of market trading. These upheavals have been the norm in Europe
    for many years and at last it seems to have come into America by crossing the Atlantic.

  96. The collection continued in September with a two-hour special, Rescue
    Rangers: To the Rescue, later divided into 5 components to air as part of the weekday run. On September 18, 1989, the sequence entered national syndication. Consolidated PB-2A,
    35-50, of Headquarters Squadron, 8th Pursuit Group,
    crashes at Langley Discipline, Virginia, throughout low formation cross,
    killing Military Air Corps Major Alfred J. Waller, a distinguished World Battle I combat

  97. Chernova, Yuliya (January 14, 2022). “Crypto Exchange FTX Sets Up $2 Billion Venture Fund”.
    Yaffe-Bellany, David (May 14, 2022). “A Crypto Emperor’s Vision: No Pants, His Rules”.

    Kharif, Olga; Yang, Yueqi (September 27, 2022). “Crypto Exchange FTX Wins Bankrupt Firm Voyager’s Assets”.
    Berwick, Angus; Wilson, Tom (November 10, 2022).
    “Behind FTX’s fall, battling billionaires and a failed bid to save crypto”.

  98. If you have succeeded in choosing the right
    one, you will definitely enjoy every single transaction that was previously questionable.

    Your results will improve dramatically. Proper interpretation of charts, is one of the key factors that separates the novice
    trader from a true professional. The key is to learn from the
    true masters, past and present. This is based on the analysis of past price movements,
    and volume considerations.

  99. By May 27, after temperatures larger than 45 °C (113 °F) hit areas across the nation, at the very least 18 people died in Pakistan from
    the heat. The most popular temperature ever recorded in Asia
    was reached in Mohenjo-daro, Sindh, Pakistan at 53.7 °C
    (128.7 °F), on May 26, and a number of cities in Pakistan noticed temperatures above 43 °C
    (109 °F).

  100. A sleeker looking body, with rear aspect home windows that wrapped round the edge
    of the roof, also helped sales. From the middle of this aspect prolonged the sampler arm,
    with a collector head, temperature sensor, and magnet on the end.
    Two 360-degree cylindrical scan cameras were mounted close to one lengthy facet of
    the base.

  101. Pet journey rules differ amongst airways, and you can contact
    them individually for his or her specs. Pet collars and tags are most likely
    essential travel equipment that every roving pet should put on. Since these necessary tags are connected
    to a collar, ensure that your pet’s collar is secure on its neck.

    It is some of the elementary fundamentals of pet ownership: Be sure that your dog
    or cat is at all times carrying a collar with a tag on it everytime you venture forth from dwelling.

  102. So, in case you suppose that you have what it takes
    to hit the nation and cultivate the land, attempt answering these inquiries
    to see if you’re really ready for your first day on the farm.

    We just want to find out you probably have what it
    takes to start your first day on the farm.

  103. Though it does not work with all forms of steel, you may generally distinguish
    aluminum from steel construction (or fittings) by just testing them with a magnet.
    Remember, steel will rust whereas aluminum and stainless steel won’t.

    That means it can resist mold and mildew and keep snug and sweet
    smelling longer. They value a little extra, but they will final longer.

  104. Brudvig, Erik (March 27, 2009). “Raskulls Coming to Live Arcade”.
    Larsen, Phil (March 22, 2010). “Worldwide launch of latest Raskulls Mega Quest trailer!”.
    Hudak, Chris (January 4, 2010). “Raskulls Preview”. Sterling, Jim (January 14,
    2010). “Unique: Raskulls marketing campaign developer walkthrough”.

    Hinkle, David (April 14, 2009). “Joystiq interview: Halfbrick Studios (Half 2)”.
    Engadget (Joystiq). April 24: The U.S.

  105. Wikivoyage has a travel guide for Mopti.
    Dorier-Apprill, Élisabeth (2002), “Gestion de l’environnement urbain et municipalisation en Afrique de l’Ouest : le cas de Mopti (Mali)” (PDF), Autrepart (in French), 21, Marseille, France: Institut de Recherche pour le Développement:
    119-134, doi:10.3917/autr.021.0119. Margerie, Emmanuel (1916),
    “Le capitaine Lucien Marc”, Annales de Géographie (in French), 25 (135): 231-232, doi:

  106. Then let this individual be your information. The fireplace alarm let
    you recognize whereas a hearth outbreak takes place and robotically call the fire station. An integrative scientific discipline making use of physiological ideas, tools, and information to characterizing biological diversity and its ecological implications; understanding and predicting how organisms, populations,
    and ecosystems reply to environmental change and stressors; and fixing conservation issues across the broad range of taxa (i.e.
    together with microbes, plants, and animals).

  107. The enter reader reads information from stable storage (usually, a distributed file system) and generates key/worth pairs.

    The Map function takes a collection of key/value pairs,
    processes each, and generates zero or more output key/worth

  108. The greatest and longest-lasting democratic chief was Pericles; after his demise, Athenian democracy was twice briefly interrupted by
    an oligarchic revolution towards the top of the Peloponnesian Warfare.
    In a personal meeting on the White House, President Truman informed Britain’s Prime Minister Attlee that
    he would not think about using nuclear weapons
    in warfare without consulting the United Kingdom.

  109. I’m impressed, I must say. Seldom do I encounter a blog that’s both educative and amusing, and let me tell you, you’ve hit the nail on the head. The problem is something not enough men and women are speaking intelligently about. Now i’m very happy that I came across this in my hunt for something concerning this.

  110. The sequence was the primary Quinn Martin manufacturing to run on a community aside from ABC.
    In July 1999, HP appointed Carly Fiorina as the first feminine CEO of a Fortune-20 firm in the Dow Jones Industrial Common. Frank Cannon met Barnaby Jones (Buddy Ebsen), an aging veteran personal investigator who had retired and turned over his company to his son, Hal, when Hal is
    killed. Actually, Cannon was a gourmet cook who loved
    preparing meals for his buddies. Cannon had a second “crossover” with the Barnaby Jones collection. The premiere episode of Barnaby Jones, “Requiem for a Son” was deliberate as a
    second-season Cannon episode, however when Barnaby Jones was offered as a separate series the script
    was reworked into the premiere of that series. Many episode plot
    traces concerned Cannon touring and having to deal with various and sundry incompetent and/or corrupt law enforcement
    businesses and officials. A later episode would reveal that his spouse and baby had been killed
    by a automotive bomb meant for him, prompting him to retire from the Los Angeles police drive and turn out to be
    a non-public detective.

  111. SSL hijacking, sometimes coupled with one other media-level MITM
    attack, is where the attacker spoofs the SSL authentication and encryption protocol by way of
    Certificate Authority injection in order to decrypt, surveil and modify traffic.

    They also might forestall you from using your property and house the way you’d prefer to, resembling not permitting you
    to put in a fence, park a commercial car in your driveway, or paint your siding.
    In Might 2017, Google China held Future of Go Summit with the Chinese
    language government. On 13 December 2017, Google China
    held Google Developer Day China 2017 in Shanghai and announced the
    establishment of the Google AI China Heart, led
    by Fei-Fei Li and Professor Li Jia. In December 2018, The Intercept reported that
    the Dragonfly undertaking had “effectively been shut down” after a clash inside Google,
    led by members of the corporate’s privacy staff. Web visitors.

    David Drummond, senior vice president of Google, acknowledged within the official Google blog that the circumstances surrounding censorship of the Web in China led
    Google to maneuver its search to Hong Kong, the absence of censorship making it more practical for networking and sharing data with Web users in mainland China.

  112. Some analysts have recommended the go well with might type a part of a
    technique by Oracle Company to decrease competition with SAP within the market for third-occasion enterprise software maintenance
    and help. Oracle. 2017. Retrieved August 24, 2017. My Oracle Help buyer
    user accounts are managed by individuals within your group within the position of
    Customer User Administrator (CUA). A complete of 161 companies from these sectors are listed on the TSE, which interprets to 49.7% of complete companies listed.
    Lincoln and Cadillac had a typical founder: the stern, patrician Henry Martyn Leland, “Master of Precision.” Leland and his associates formed Cadillac in 1902 from the
    remains of the Henry Ford Firm — which is why his first Cadillac and the first manufacturing
    Ford, both named Model A, are so similar. Your shower stall could also be smaller, but adding a built-in bench (perhaps a pull-down mannequin if house is admittedly tight) is a sensible convenience.

  113. In 1969, the Commonwealth Committee of Inquiry
    into Medical health insurance (the “Nimmo Enquiry”) beneficial a new nationwide well being scheme.
    A gaggle of Greek American lawyers, lobbyists, public relations corporations
    are working underneath the American Hellenic Institute to
    promote the national interests of Greece in the U.S.

    Pharmaceutical medications are coated by public funds, privately out-of-pocket or via employment-primarily based non-public insurance.
    It is best to have the clear and verify the idea that you are sending
    the right ordered factor to the appropriate customer. On this era, customer satisfaction is most
    important than something. Your product catalog is your display board and due
    to this fact it’s essential to take the best care of your online show.
    Inventory Konnect has offered the most effective
    and attainable solution to offer you essentially the most genuine results which will surely make
    it easier to out to get spectacular revenue from what you are promoting.
    Stock Konnect is one of the most appreciated
    and preferable software program which is serving rather a lot of latest companies and likewise the previous businesses as well to
    spice up their sale online respectively. You do not need to
    lose sales as a result of one of those acceptors of fee would not work effectively.
    Because of this, he favours a two-part fee system. It was really very difficult to see this stuff when you might have to
    change the display screen respectively.

  114. British Pathé. Pathé News 2020. 1962. VCU. British Pathé.
    Pathé News. British Pathé. Reuters. Sixteen April 1954.

    CU 82-yr. outdated Pop Maynard, previous champion. Prior to the 1970s most of them
    were detached from the home, usually set additional again with the driveway main up past
    the side of the home, widespread with old fibreboard houses, however not unusual with earlier brick houses.

  115. The primary steps to total medical health insurance happened within the Horthy era with the creation of Országos Társadalombiztosítási Intézet (lit.
    The FHFB was established by the Financial Establishments Reform,
    Recovery and Enforcement Act of 1989 (FIRREA) within the aftermath of the financial savings and
    mortgage disaster to take over oversight of the Federal
    House Loan Banks (FHLBs or FHLBanks) from the Federal
    Residence Loan Bank Board (FHLBB) whereas the Workplace
    of Thrift Supervision (OTS) took over most other capabilities of the FHLBB together
    with regulation. Are you still searching for the very best isa charges however haven’t chosen a fund for your 2009- 2010 individual financial savings account (Isa)?
    In January 2017, the Federal Trade Fee (FTC) initiated an investigation into allegations that Qualcomm charged extreme royalties
    for patents which might be “important to business standards”.
    In late 2016 The Korea Honest Trade Commission alleged
    Qualcomm abused a “dominant market position” to charge mobile phone manufacturers
    extreme royalties for patents and restrict gross sales to corporations promoting competing semiconductor products.
    In August 2017, the Worldwide Trade Commission responded to Qualcomm’s complaints by
    beginning an investigation of Apple’s use of Qualcomm patents without royalties.
    Nokia won three consecutive court docket rulings with the
    German Federal Patent Courtroom, the High Court within the United Kingdom, and the Worldwide
    Trade Commission respectively.

  116. Another transient EF1 tornado precipitated injury to a few steel buildings and garages at the east edge Lebanon,
    Kentucky. Three weak, brief EF0 tornadoes touched down in Georgia and Florida on January
    2. Two weak tornadoes also touched down in North Carolina in the course of the morning hours of January
    three earlier than the outbreak ended, certainly one
    of which prompted EF1 harm to some hog barns close
    to Newton Grove. Two different EF2 tornadoes induced damage to homes, bushes, and outbuildings as
    they passed near the towns of Kellogg and Tama. Close to Backyard Grove, outbuildings had been destroyed, power poles had been snapped,
    and a house had its roof torn off because of an EF2 tornado.
    Properties and outbuildings have been broken or destroyed in the Sage area, and
    plenty of massive bushes had been snapped or uprooted.

    The US has massive assets of minerals, energy assets, metals, and timber, a
    large and modernized farming trade and a big industrial base.

  117. Within the sixteenth century, the general economic supremacy of the Italian city-states gradually
    waned, and the centre of monetary actions in Europe shifted to the Low Countries, first to Bruges,
    and later to Antwerp and Amsterdam which acted as Entrepôt cities.
    London has been a number one international monetary centre since the
    nineteenth century, acting as a centre of lending
    and investment around the globe. By the early 1800s,
    London officially replaced Amsterdam because the world’s main monetary centre.
    12-15 Since then, New York and London have developed leading
    positions in numerous actions and some non-Western monetary
    centres have grown in prominence, notably Tokyo, Hong
    Kong, Singapore and Shanghai. Apart from Tokyo,
    it is one in every of the main centres for fixed income buying
    and selling in Asia. Singapore has developed into the Asia region’s largest centre for
    foreign alternate and commodity trading, as well as a rising wealth management hub.
    The nation is also the third largest renminbi centre in the world by
    numbers, in sure actions reminiscent of deposits, loans, bond itemizing
    and funding funds.

  118. Soldiers and Warriors: The Early Volunteer Militia of Brant County:
    1856-1866 Archived July 17, 2012, at the Wayback Machine, Brantford, ON: Canadian Army Heritage Museum, 1998,
    pg. Reville, F. Douglas. History of the County of Brant: Illustrated
    With Fifty Half-Tones Taken From Miniatures And Images Archived April
    19, 2012, on the Wayback Machine, Brantford, ON: Brant Historic Society, Hurley Printing,
    1920, p. Bickis, Ian (August 19, 2019). “Bell scales again rural web plans after CRTC choice on rates”.
    This page was last edited on 14 August 2024, at 05:47 (UTC).
    This web page was last edited on 21 June 2024, at 21:41
    (UTC). Rita Trichur (June 16, 2018). “Bell to cease ‘throttling’ Internet traffic”.
    Because the Indian markets have skilled 29 percent
    progress fee in 2017, so same is the expectations from the yr 2018.
    This year, it was observed that a resilient BPO sector earning was $25 billion and overseas remittances were found
    hitting $27 billion. Omar, Mohamed (January 25, 2018).

    “Bell Canada Data Breach Could possibly be ‘Stepping Stone’ To Extra Fraud, Espionage: Expert”.
    Between 1977 and 1994 the nation got here underneath UNP rule by which below President
    J.R Jayawardana Sri Lanka began to shift away from a socialist
    orientation in 1977. Since then, the government has
    been deregulating, privatizing, and opening the financial
    system to international competitors.

  119. Seeberger teamed with Otis in 1899, and collectively they
    produced the primary industrial escalator. Kone and
    Schindler introduced their first escalator fashions a number of a long time after the Otis Elevator Co., however grew to
    dominate the sector over time.

  120. Usually, these forex investments require minimal capital investment.

    There are forex funds that can get an investor started at US$200.

    When it comes to choosing a good binary broker or application,
    then you need to be a bit careful, as many fake brokerage companies are present there to con people and swindle
    their money.

  121. She was commanded by founder of the route Richard With.
    From 2021 the 2 firms Hurtigruten AS and Havila Kystruten AS will operate the route.
    Bankruptcy of an employer that induces a move to
    a distinct city is likely an unforeseen occasion,
    however the exclusion might be pro-rated if one has stayed in the home
    less than two years. The reason given is: Was already out of date in March 2020, as Lofoten was no longer
    in service from then, and is missing the two working Havila Kystruten ships which are actually also a part of Hurtigruten (the service,
    not the corporate of the same name). As of April 2022, one
    of many ships of Havila Kystruten, MS Havila Capella, was taken out of service; due to sanctions as a result of the 2022 Invasion of Ukraine, the ship not had
    insurance coverage; “the four ships of” the corporate had been at the moment financed by a Russian firm.

    The hospital has a nicely-equipped ophthalmology section for the therapy of glaucoma,
    retinal diseases and macular disorders and carries
    out vitreo-retinal and cataract surgeries. Beth LeBlanc,”Prime, Trinity to close on hospital sale”.

    The capitalist economic system and tax system make Liechtenstein a safe, trustworthy and success-oriented place for private and business purposes, especially with
    its extremely trendy, internationally laid-out infrastructure and close connections to Switzerland.

  122. The committee has 5 essential our bodies that report by means of it to the final Meeting.
    Two programmes: the United Nations Setting Programme and the United Nations Human Settlements Programme,
    as nicely because the governing bodies of the three Rio conventions: the
    Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the Convention to Fight Desertification (UNCCD) and the Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
    Most consultants agree that the ring finances should complete not more
    than the bride and groom’s mixed salaries for 2 months.
    Its work is break up into two most important levels:
    (1) common debate and (2) motion on particular person items.

    The financial institution’s headquarters and primary branch are located in Mwai
    Home, at 13/112 Independence Drive, in the central business district of town of Lilongwe, the capital and administrative headquarters
    of Malawi. Observe: Dzaleka Refugee Camp is positioned
    about 9 kilometres (6 mi), west of Dowa, in Dowa District, within the Central Area of Malawi.

  123. The lease prohibited serving of alcoholic drinks beneath the third story of
    Postal Telegraph’s new constructing. An enhanced model of
    the game, titled Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch, was
    launched in November 2011 for the PlayStation 3, that includes
    similar gameplay and story parts. Right here in the beginning of 2011 there are 14 million plus unemployed in the U.S.
    For the six months ending on 30 September 2006, passenger
    visitors grew by greater than a fifth to 22.1 million passengers and revenues rose
    by a third to €1.256 billion. Concurrently, the trustees of Customary Oil of Ohio chartered the standard
    Oil Co. of recent Jersey (SOCNJ) to take advantage of recent Jersey’s extra lenient
    corporate inventory ownership legal guidelines.
    Check carried out final year showed that 9 out of 12 months saw more cash being invested into bond funds than in another
    sector. This web page was final edited on 5 July 2024, at 17:01

  124. A fascinating discussion is worth comment. There’s no doubt that that you need to publish more on this subject, it might not be a taboo matter but generally folks don’t talk about these topics. To the next! Cheers.

  125. I’m amazed, I have to admit. Seldom do I encounter a blog that’s both equally educative and engaging, and without a doubt, you have hit the nail on the head. The problem is something which not enough folks are speaking intelligently about. Now i’m very happy I stumbled across this in my hunt for something relating to this.

  126. Lennon, Michael (2007). Drafting Know-how Patent License Agreements.
    Carsten, Paul; Martina, Michael (July 24, 2014). “China regulator determines Qualcomm has monopoly: state-run newspaper”.
    Ferranti, Marc (March 24, 1997). “Motorola claims patent infringement by Qualcomm”.
    Ferranti, Marc (March 24, 1997). Motorola claims patent infringement by Qualcomm.
    Murph, Darren (October 24, 2007). “Qualcomm’s dual-3G Gobi chip handles EV-DO and HSPA – Engadget”.
    Brown, Karen (February 27, 2007). “Go along with the FLO?”.
    In its ruling the court of appeal reversed the sooner ruling, and
    ordered that the actions of October 3, 5 and 6 did
    require shareholder approval, at a meeting of shareholders to happen no later than February 12: solely
    those that held shares on October 14 can be allowed to
    vote. The groomsmen will sometimes wear a much less formal or less colorful model of
    what the groom is wearing. Both means, these fonts will reduce your ink consumption and prevent cash.

  127. Archived from the unique on June 29, 2011. Retrieved 2011-03-08.
    Locating plants in non-union states comparable to North Carolina is a part of Caterpillar’s effort to decrease the impact of organized labor on production, in keeping with union officials and
    analysts. Chicago Tribune. Archived from the unique on August 7,
    2011. Retrieved November 22, 2010. Sundstrand Corp. Reconnaissance.
    November 2017. Retrieved 2 July 2018. This unique polycarbonate passport card is manufactured with distinctive ranges of technology and with the very best levels of security, by German company Dermalog.
    Hufford, Austen (December 13, 2018). “Caterpillar Puts CEO Again accountable for Board”.
    Semanario, Redacción El (August 18, 2018). “Parque Industrial Oradel impulsa innovación y crecimiento en Nuevo Laredo”.

    Greenhouse, Steven (August 17, 2012). “Caterpillar Workers Ratify Deal They Dislike”.
    Tanner, Adam (September 17, 2007). “Court dismisses go well with over Israeli bulldozing”.
    Gerstein, Josh (September 18, 2007). “Caterpillar Escapes Legal responsibility For Israeli Bulldozer Operations”.

    Liszewski, Andrew (February 18, 2016). “Caterpillar’s New S60 Is the first Smartphone With FLIR Thermal Imaging Built Proper In”.
    They had been all sworn in on 24 February 2012
    by President Mills after having been permitted by the Parliament of Ghana.

  128. The way in fact that actually works is one the basis on several exchange rates that are one currencies value in comparison to another.
    The popular forex websites with foreign exchange calculator must be chosen whenever you plan to invest or
    do transactions globally, as they are well equipped
    with latest information and can provide accurate foreign exchange rates.

  129. In 2018, Aditya Birla Solar Life Mutual Fund faced redemption pressures in a few of its debt schemes as a result of publicity
    to entities like the Essel Group companies. The Economic Times reported that the Aditya Birla Solar Life Mutual Fund was the largest investor in the Essel Group, with an publicity
    of Rs 2,936 crore spread throughout 28 schemes1.
    Similarly, Essel Group firms were grappling with debt woes, which put mutual funds,
    together with HDFC, beneath redemption pressure. The credit score occasions involving these firms led to significant mark-downs in the web Asset Values (NAVs) of a few of HDFC Mutual Fund’s debt
    schemes. In 2015, SEBI ordered the winding up of Sahara Mutual
    Fund’s schemes as a consequence of non-compliance with regulatory requirements1.
    Around 32 mutual fund schemes had exposure to Sure Bank’s downgraded debt papers, with a total exposure amounting
    to approximately ₹2,848 crore. In 2019, Yes Financial institution faced
    extreme monetary stress and was eventually positioned below a moratorium by the Reserve Financial institution of India (RBI) in March 2020.
    This led to important challenges for Sure Mutual Fund,
    significantly its debt schemes that had exposure to
    Sure Bank’s securities. Dewan Housing Finance Corporation Limited
    (DHFL) defaulted on its debt obligations in 2019. This event led to significant governance considerations
    and defaults by DHFL in meeting varied fee obligations, prompting the
    Reserve Financial institution of India to supersede the Board of Directors of DHFL1.

  130. Recently, sales of furniture and floor coverings products are done through various channels like Home furniture and homewares
    retailers; hypermarkets, supermarkets and hard-discounters; online;
    department stores; value, variety stores and general merchandise retailers; home improvement and gardening supplies retailers; other
    general and non-specialist direct retailers; cash and carries and warehouse clubs; other specialist

  131. Grand Central Terminal arose from a need to construct a central station for the Hudson River Railroad, the brand
    new York and Harlem Railroad, and the new York and New Haven Railroad in what’s now Midtown Manhattan. Grand Central Terminal arose from
    a necessity to build a central station for 3 railroads in present-day
    Midtown Manhattan. In 1991, Amtrak consolidated its New York City providers at nearby Penn Station. Grand
    Central Terminal is a major commuter rail terminal in Midtown Manhattan,
    New York City, serving the Metro-North Railroad’s Harlem,
    Hudson and New Haven Traces. The terminal continued to develop till after World Warfare II,
    when practice site visitors started to decline.
    In 1857, the brand new Haven Railroad constructed a terminal
    adjoining to the Harlem Railroad’s; their rail traces turned
    into a rail yard shared by both terminals, which was the start of
    the concept of a central terminal, shared by different rail firms.
    By the next 12 months, he additionally managed the Hudson River Railroad.
    It contained passenger service areas at ground level and
    railroad places of work on the upper ranges.

  132. In the same year, the boys’ soccer group advanced to the state tournament, successful in the primary round before
    shedding to Memorial Highschool in the semifinal game.
    In 2015, Bergen County Academies was considered one of 15 colleges in New Jersey, and one of 9 public faculties, to be
    acknowledged as a National Blue Ribbon Faculty in the exemplary excessive performing category by
    the United States Department of Schooling. In the same 12 months, The
    Daily Beast ranked BCA fifteenth within the nation amongst over seven hundred magnet
    and charter faculties, second among the many 25 Greatest High Schools in the Northeast, and first amongst faculties in New Jersey.
    Sarah-Nicole Robles (born 1991, class of 2010), actress and voice actress,
    best recognized for offering the voice of Luz Noceda in the Disney Channel animated sequence The Owl House.

    Shakira Barrera (born 1990, class of 2008), dancer and actor who has
    appeared in the Netflix collection GLOW. European ponycar.
    It had first been used in the States for a particular Lincoln Cosmopolitan coupe starting
    in 1950. From 1952 to 1958, there was a Capri sequence within the Lincoln lineup.

    United States protection programs regardless of its overseas ownership.
    The DJIA declined 9.99% – the largest daily decline since Black Monday (1987)
    – despite the Federal Reserve saying it might inject $1.5
    trillion into cash markets.

  133. For that, you are required to bear a short time period training or course under a famend
    photographer. The primary and essentially the most
    imperative rule is that, all traders should follow
    a proper strategy. The advantage of statutory inventory possibility is
    that, all earnings from these options are taxed at the capital positive aspects fee, moderately than as regular revenue.
    This figure measures the disincentive on the biggest transactions per extra dollar of taxable income.
    The Ubimet lightning detection system measures lightning at a 3rd of a millionth of a second, using five floor-based antennas to detect the electrical
    discharge of a strike. Chicken then published a maliciously false overview of Hassell’s agency on Yelp in January 2013 (Bird’s first
    evaluate), under the title “Birdzeye B. Los Angeles, CA.” She rated her experience with Hassell as one out
    of five stars, and untruthfully claimed that Hassell’s agency neglected
    to contact the concerned insurance firm and failed to communicate with Fowl herself or the insurance
    agency. A decree of November 1956 abolished written homework for children until the sixth grade,
    thereby lightening the load on French schoolchildren; official directions of January
    1957 also specified that nursery schools ought to embody such amenities as a medical
    room and a recreational room.

  134. If you’ll slightly boot your Computer into
    the BIOS menu, it can be achieved on Windows eight or 10 by hitting the designated “hotkey” just as the computer
    boots up. Users may find their hardware boots up so quick that it makes timing the
    hotkey press tough. Whereas forcing your outdated
    or low-price range computer to run as fast because the dearer stuff can sound like a fantastic
    proposition, for inexperienced users, overclocking may
    lead to its personal points. ICFAI hopes to regain the previous status
    of its CFA program via constantly evolving strategies,
    the most recent is focussing on the core elements
    of funding administration and financial analysis in its MFA diploma(current CFA syllabus) and rising CFA charter
    membership by giving official charters to students who have cleared the core topics of investment administration and monetary analysis of the earlier(CFA
    curriculum) MS Finance program. If it’s
    a relatively low present ranking like 65 watts, you may
    want to upgrade to a 125-watt unit or larger.
    Surprisingly, it is the little things that
    make work fun: workplace parties, jokes between coworkers, small private freedoms like a relaxed
    gown code.

  135. The Hudson River Railroad did not have any trackage
    rights with the Harlem Railroad, so it ran in Manhattan separately alongside what would turn into the West Aspect Line, terminating at Tenth Avenue and
    thirtieth Street in what’s now Hudson Yards.

    Collectively, the enterprise might perhaps not meet productivity ranges required by the challenges because
    of many causes, of which external and inside political agendas, interference, blatant
    corruption by those with signing rights and bailout’s ‘(feeding the watchdog that
    at all times sleeps’), would be topping the list! Checklist all the issues you’ll want your
    dog to be coated to make sure you won’t get any pointless policies.
    The Group is in the ASX 200 record. These accidents
    should all the time have an look of actuality.

    You should examine this if you end up in search of the very best dog insurance providers.
    Just after deciding on the right polices, it is best to check dog insurance coverage.
    Nicely, no matter the reply, the result is a wave of staged accidents as criminal gangs find it
    more worthwhile to cheat insurance coverage companies than rob banks, run prostitution or distribute medicine.
    The actuaries calculate what number of real accidents there are more likely
    to be. These could also be real clinics or fully fake.

  136. A brand new age of technological innovation had begun,
    in giant half due to wind tunnels. Wind tunnels had been the answer.
    As well as, these tunnels may also help engineers figure out how wind interacts with stationary objects, such as buildings and
    bridges, and find methods to make them stronger and safer.
    During battles, gamers can arrange their characters anyplace on the bottom display to
    implement various ways; for instance, a character that may block certain assaults
    can be placed in entrance of others to shield them.
    The settling chamber does precisely what its name implies: It helps to settle and straighten the air,
    often by way of the use of panels with honeycomb-shaped holes or perhaps
    a mesh display. However 727s, missiles, house shuttles, ultra-fast race vehicles, speedboats, racing bicycles and
    even kinds of computer chips may’ve never been realized had it
    not been for one associated technological development — the wind tunnel.

    They experimented with round 200 several types of wing shapes by attaching airfoils to two
    balances — one for drag, and one for carry. The balances converted
    airfoil performance into measurable mechanical motion that the brothers used to
    complete their calculations. The Wright brothers flew the primary manned, powered airplane in Kill Satan Hills,

  137. When I originally left a comment I seem to have clicked the -Notify me when new comments are added- checkbox and now whenever a comment is added I get four emails with the exact same comment. Is there a means you are able to remove me from that service? Kudos.

  138. In its 2020-2025 Roadmap, SBR in the Netherlands describes itself as a public-personal cooperation (PPC) that serves the public interest by offering clear and usable options for
    high quality electronic change of (financial) stories and related messages.
    In 2025 the SBR public-private cooperation in the Netherlands goals
    for all Dutch organizations to electronically change their
    data safely, swiftly, easily and flawlessly in a structured and
    standardised method. The PPC aims for high quality and future proof digital information exchange.
    The business case states that success depends on a high take-up fee by intermediaries reminiscent of accountants and lawyers.
    Gross sales of the iPhone continued to accelerate, as did the smartphone market, while the BlackBerry began to lose users constantly within the United States.
    Distinguished by a more-formal roofline with closed-in rear quarters a
    la the Cadillac Sixty Special, the newcomer
    managed a creditable 34,000 gross sales
    for its shortened debut model yr. This model was
    launched with the body painted in a black diamond pearl colour, and with a
    matching black roof to set itself apart from its normal,
    white-roofed counterparts. The town of Ellis was struck by two
    consecutive EF1 tornadoes that triggered heavy roof harm, broke windows, severely broken small buildings, left the city with out power, and precipitated
    few injuries.

  139. There are stories, however I don’t know if they’re true.
    Utilizing luminosity measurements, he decided
    how much mass should be within the cluster and then, as a result of mass and gravity are
    related, calculated how fast the galaxies must be moving.
    It is scientifically proven that by healthy eating we increase our immune system, really feel way
    more vital and energised, nourish it correctly and enhance
    and stimulate its pure cleansing abilities.

  140. That’s up from only 30 percent back in 1980.) The steep rise in the number of $100 bills held overseas – close to two C-notes for every person on the planet – is a signal that people around the world recognize the dollar as the de facto global currency.

  141. St Kilda Football Club. North Melbourne Soccer Membership.
    The Argus. Melbourne. 27 September 1937.

    p. Scott, Edwina (25 September 2009). “Hundreds flock to AFL Grand Final parade”.
    Fahy, Louisa; Meier, Simone (October 2009). “Nama is highway robbery”.
    Nathan Mawby (25 September 2009). “Posters the winner as Mark Knight takes WEG’s reins”.
    The Argus. Melbourne. 19 September 1904. p. The Age. Melbourne.
    7 Could 1898. p. The Age. Melbourne. 23 September 1898.
    p. James McKern (14 September 2020). “Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews cops it in hilarious footy signal sledge”.
    Resnick-Ault, Jessica (26 March 2020). “Oil plunges posting fifth straight weekly loss despite stimulus efforts”.
    Damian Barrett (four March 2019). “Day, twilight or evening? Massive name looms for AFL Grand Remaining”.

    By March 2024, the unit had been scrapped. This page was last edited on 19
    August 2024, at 09:49 (UTC). Engines had been the identical as Fairmont’s: customary
    2.3-liter four, non-obligatory 200-cid six, and “gas disaster” 255
    V-8 (the final eradicated after ’81). After France intervened on the identical side as Sweden, fortunes shifted again. The Warfare of the Sixth
    Coalition, a coalition of Austria, Prussia, Russia, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Spain and plenty of
    German States finally defeated France and drove Napoleon Bonaparte into exile on Elba.

  142. Qatar Petroleum (December 26, 2019). Annual Report 2018 (Report).
    Crescent Point Energy reported 2019 revenues of
    CAN$3.336 billion. Bulgarian Energy Holding
    reported 2022 revenues of BGN20.160 billion. Enbridge reported 2022 revenues of CAN$53.309 billion.
    Enbridge reported 2021 revenues of CAN$47.071 billion. ARC Sources reported
    2021 revenues of CAN$5.110 billion. ARC Assets reported 2020 revenues of CAN$1.125 billion. Canadian Pure
    reported 2020 revenues of CAN$17.491 billion. Canadian Pure reported 2018 revenues of CAN$22.282 billion. Frontera Power reported 2018 revenues of CAN$1.320 billion. Cenovus Power reported 2021
    revenues of CAN$48.811 billion. Cenovus Power reported 2019 revenues of CAN$21.715 billion. Crescent Point Vitality reported 2018 revenues of CAN$3.887 billion. ARC Assets
    reported 2018 revenues of CAN$1.390 billion. ARC Sources reported 2022
    revenues of CAN$8.641 billion. Alta Gasoline reported 2022 revenues of
    CAN$14.087 billion. Cenovus Energy reported 2022 revenues of CAN$71.765 billion. Canadian Pure reported 2022 revenues of CAN$42.298 billion. Crescent
    Point Energy reported 2022 revenues of CAN$4.493

  143. The Habsburg Empire became one among the important thing powers in Europe after the
    Napoleonic wars, with a sphere of influence stretching over Central Europe, Germany, and Italy.

    The research concluded that Allianz, as a corporation and through its corporate officers, voluntarily partnered with the
    Nazi Regime and Nazi Germany, starting as early because the
    early nineteen thirties and continuing all the
    best way by means of to the collapse of Nazi
    Germany. Within the CSCW discipline, researchers rely on quite a lot of sources that include
    journals and analysis schools of thought. The colleges comprise Enterprise;
    Training; Engineering; Humanities and Social Sciences; and Science and Mathematics.
    Before February 1969 – when the British Market Analysis Bureau (BMRB) chart was established – there
    was no official chart or universally accepted supply.
    MSDN. Microsoft. Archived from the unique on August 3, 2010.
    Retrieved February 19, 2021. On account of a sequence
    of adjustments that are too quite a few to describe here,
    the OS magnifier is not ‘WPF-conscious’, and does bitmap scaling simply like
    it does of different content material. This web page was final edited on 8 February 2024, at 23:55 (UTC).

  144. The company will start manufacturing cars in India by 2010.
    The cars will be then be exported to neighboring markets like Nepal,
    Sri Lanka, Burma and Bangladesh. The company plans to export mobile phones
    to Europe and the Commonwealth Independent States (CIS) from India.
    In this modern world, mobile loyalty is a must to maintain the customer’s interest.

  145. In 1905, Wells Fargo separated its banking and express operations, and Wells Fargo’s bank merged with the Nevada National Bank to form the Wells Fargo Nevada National Bank.
    The Coastal Categorical (generally known as Hurtigruten)
    operates every day from Bergen to Kirkenes, stopping at 35 ports.
    Norway is the nation in Europe with probably the most airline journeys
    per capita, and the routes from Oslo to Trondheim, Bergen and Stavanger are all amongst
    the ten busiest in Europe. This will see an increase within the rising season and corresponding
    lower in snow cover over large elements of the country.
    Therefore, warmer seasons will enhance in size, while winter will
    turn into shorter and extra sporadic relying on given temperature areas.
    Whilst within the north, mountain permafrost begins around 900masl within the west and as little as 400masl
    in the east (Finnimark county). The biggest increase is projected during winter, while the smallest will happen during summer season.

  146. If the banks had been to recognise the true value of these loans on their balance
    sheets, they’d not meet their statutory capital requirements.

    It was the first true drone. In idea it’s doable
    to plot GPS coordinates and merely send a drone off to pilot itself to a destination. The job
    of the trendy military drone pilot is a far cry from what we think of after
    we picture fighter pilots. You want pilots to
    man the monitor and keep a sharp eye out for impediments equivalent to timber, power traces, tall buildings and
    other drones. There is no need for a wide range of plans as a
    result of virtually all important primary care is lined, together with maternity and
    infertility issues. Depp had proven all the elements of defamation for all three statements from
    Heard’s 2018 op-ed, together with that the statements were
    false, and that Heard defamed Depp with precise malice.
    Partially, the decide ruled that non-public citizens do not need to investigate news protection before they make their very own feedback on it, and that governmental entities
    might not sue for defamation. If you are serving as a director on the board,
    you’ll at all times know its latest proposals and the way you as a homeowner will be affected and
    might want to act sooner or later.

  147. Office Mobile 2010 was released earlier than normal availability of Office 2010 as a free upgrade for users
    of Windows Cellular 6.5 units with a earlier model of
    Workplace Mobile put in. Office 2010 House and Business and Workplace 2010 Skilled will be put in on two units for use by a single person; the Product Key Card model permits
    one installation on a single machine. He can now safely raise the general achieve of the tune
    with out pushing the loudest parts into the pink. Information bars now supply gradient fill options.

    When that lighter sizzling air abruptly rises,
    cooler air flows shortly in to fill the gap the recent air leaves behind.

    Workplace 2010 Professional Plus is offered to Quantity License customers.
    It is obtainable in Quantity License editions. To determine whether or not an Office 2010
    installation is a quantity licensed version, verify the Office 2010 installation disc
    to see whether it incorporates a folder named Admin. Utrecht;
    the mixed entity, named “AMEV/VSB 1990”, was joined
    in December 1990 12 months by AG Insurance coverage, a Belgian insurer, and the ensuing group was branded Fortis, establishing a landmark precedent for cross-border mergers in the European financial services sector.

  148. For any type of business out there, accepting cryptocurrencies is
    a whole lot easier now. Bristol Motor Speedway was the long-time home
    to the Southeastern 500 and Volunteer 500 (both running from 1961
    to 1979), and more recently to the Busch 500, Valleydale Meats
    500, and Goody’s 500. Hosted in 2006 were the Food City
    500 and Sharpie 500. The “500” in these races stands for 500 laps, which works out to 266.5 miles.

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  150. In its continued pursuit for Presbyterian unity (and a share of authorities funding from the clergy reserves for established churches) the United Synod sought a union with the Church of Scotland synod which it lastly joined in 1840.

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  156. Modern Italy as a unified state only existed from 1861.
    By this time France, Spain, Portugal, Britain, and the Netherlands,
    had already carved out large empires over several hundred years.
    If the purchaser fails to rectify the state of affairs in the time given by the seller, the vendor can take
    legal motion and petition the courtroom for possession of the property and that the court prices be paid by the purchaser.
    The word can be spelled with one z (meze) or two (mezze).
    Among indigenous missiles, a ship-launched model of Prithvi-II is called the Dhanush, which has a variety of 350 kilometres (220 mi) and can carry
    a nuclear warhead. The firm gives a broad range of services to corporate shoppers resembling banking companies, insurance companies,
    actual property and REITs, broker-dealers, mortgage banks,
    asset management corporations, and specialty finance firms in addition to to the institutional investor neighborhood.

    The deal would also include twentieth Century Fox’s film rights to sure third-get together franchises, comparable to
    X-Men, Deadpool, and Fantastic 4, the distribution rights to Star Wars: Episode IV – A brand new Hope (which were not owned by Marvel
    Studios and Lucasfilm respectively when Disney acquired these firms), in addition to
    consolidate possession of different franchises each share equivalent to House Alone and
    provides Disney access to adult animation with possession of The Simpsons
    (which Disney would fully embrace under the Disney moniker) and
    Household Man (which in the next years after the acquisition would break
    the fourth wall by making inside jokes on what they have been allowed to do now
    that they have been owned by Disney).

  157. Webb competes in 5 intercollegiate varsity sports
    activities: Males’s sports include basketball, sailing, soccer, tennis and volleyball.

    Webb received the 2018 HVIAC males’s tennis championship.
    Webb has 5 intercollegiate athletic groups: sailing 12 months-round, soccer and basketball within the fall, and
    volleyball and tennis within the spring. That is the primary
    championship Webb sports activities has won in current history.
    First Lady Hillary Clinton, to give you a comprehensive plan to
    supply universal health care for all People, which
    was to be a cornerstone of the administration’s first-time period agenda.
    We pour plenty of our arduous-earned money into taking care of them, decorating them,
    and maintaining them. This job entails lots of paperwork and minimal clinical engagement.
    The Bachelor of Science degree is awarded after four years of
    “total immersion” examine, which includes a number of months of job experience through internship intervals.

    By the point students graduate, they have eight months of work expertise.
    By passengers to Auckland on flight NZ1 or Heathrow on NZ2 must apply upfront for an ESTA
    (online visa) although they haven’t any intention of staying within the US.

    Some homeowners could also be eligible for a better exemption fee primarily based
    on certain elements, or can proceed to obtain the homestead
    exemption even in the event that they briefly transfer away (simply so long as you don’t establish a
    primary residence elsewhere).

  158. The mission statement establishes the organization’s function and gives workers a sense of belonging and id.
    The conflicting objectives of value management
    and customer support often put a corporation’s financial and working managers in opposition to its sales and marketing departments.
    Such a service would make it easier to to improve alexa rank.
    Alexa was founded by Bruce Gilliat and Brewster
    Kahle within the yr 1996. A toolbar was offered by the company that gave ideas
    to the Internet customers on the premise of traffic patterns of the
    other customers. As it is, a search toolbar is loaded to
    the system of the person. However, like all engines like google, the fundamentals
    lie within the ranking of your web site. Nevertheless, in the next years, the
    corporate faced some challenges. By following these techniques,
    you may develop into a profitable trader of the futures market utilizing
    on-line programs. For a valuation utilizing the discounted money circulate methodology, one first estimates the longer term cash flows
    from the investment and then estimates an inexpensive low cost rate after contemplating the riskiness
    of those cash flows and curiosity rates within the capital markets.
    Deciding upon the index and then discovering sectors that are of curiosity is advisable.

  159. Four years after its building, the Inexperienced Bridge
    carried the newly formed US 410 between Kennewick and Pasco.
    In 1980, residents of both Pasco and Kennewick voted in favor of its demolition, which
    then triggered a overview by the FHWA to find out if
    any various makes use of might save the bridge from destruction. Pasco and Kennewick in 1968 for one dollar,
    which allowed the counties to begin planning the construction of the newer
    Cable Bridge. After the completion of the Cable Bridge, bridge preservationists led
    by Virginia Devine succeeded in putting the Pasco-Kennewick Bridge on the Nationwide Register of Historic Locations.
    For example, the Nationwide Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO) opposed
    the plan, calling for an alternate plan through which the federal government
    would enhance the profit degree to $5500 with no work requirement connected to it.
    Nationwide Institute of Health. In 2010, the Working Mother Analysis Institute was based by Jennifer Owens and
    made a part of WMM.

  160. With the help of fabric offered by Polish intelligence, his crew eventually broke the German operational and strategic Enigma encoding system.
    Jason and the SEAL workforce should rescue a Russian scientist and his wife and
    produce them across the Chinese language border into Afghanistan as Chinese language troops
    and Russian Special Forces shut in intent on stopping them.

  161. The Year 2021 has been a sorry year for Crypto. Thompson, Sam.

    “How Much Toilet Paper is Used Per Year?” Southeast
    Green. Manes, Marina. “How is Toilet Paper Made?” Recycle Nation. Kooser,
    Amanda. “”Why an 1891 Toilet Paper Patent is All Over Facebook.”” CNET.

    Smallwood, Karl. “Why is Toilet Paper Always White?” Gizmodo.
    We’ll look at why you’d want a brake upgrade, some
    of the parts typically replaced in a brake
    upgrade and the types of upgrades possible.

  162. Instead, location based mostly SMS and email alerts have been broadcast –
    the primary of these text messages going out at
    10:Fifty one pm, utilizing a system referred to as SoCo Alerts
    to notify folks by way of cellphone; both are restricted to those that
    join these companies. How-to. Microsoft. Archived from the original
    on September 13, 2016. Retrieved April 26, 2016.

    Home windows Vista requires that the exhausting disk partition (disk volume) you’re
    installing Vista into is formatted through the use of the NTFS file system.
    Clark, Don; Wakabayashi, Daisuke (April 16, 2019). “Apple and Qualcomm Settle All Disputes Worldwide”.

    Pfeifer, Stuart (February 16, 2014). “Qualcomm calling on a new CEO amid intensifying competition”.
    Kulabako, Faridah (6 January 2014). “Employers’ Physique To Introduce Training Levy”.
    Olson, Parmy (January 24, 2018). “Qualcomm Hit With $1.2 Billion EU Antitrust Advantageous”.
    Bray, Chad (January 24, 2018). “E.U. Fines Qualcomm $1.2 Billion Over Apple Deal”.
    Fowler, Ashley (June 24, 2022). “Developer secures land for $1B Indy Eleven stadium and neighborhood mission”.
    21 June 2013 – The Democratic Left occasion withdraws from the Greek coalition government, which retains a razor-skinny majority in parliament.
    Mike, Allen (June 20, 2011). “San Diego’s Largest Public Company Remains a Work in Progress”.
    The Mark West Springs space, north of Santa Rosa in unincorporated Sonoma County,
    was instantly in the trail of the fireplace.

  163. Higher the alpha, the better it is to invest in that fund. Rauh, Sherry.
    “5 Tips for Better Work-Life Balance.” WebMD. If you haven’t made this kind of investment formerly you need to
    do research to help explain precisely what you want and what
    you’re searching for.

  164. The Franklin Sugar Refinery was a steam-powered, brick building constructed
    starting in 1866 on Almond and Swanson Streets by the Delaware River in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
    in the United States. In 1925 the constructing was purchased by the Merchants Warehouse Firm.
    They purchased through sugar brokers resembling
    Skiddy Minford & Co. in New York, as well
    as different brokerages in New York City, Philadelphia, and often in Boston. The company bought uncooked sugar
    in large quantities from Cuba, less considerably in Java,
    Indonesia, in addition to from the spot market in New York or Philadelphia.
    In 1866 the refinery processed about a thousand barrels
    of uncooked material a day. At that time the refinery ran six days a week except July 4
    and Christmas. Each tile is assigned a degree
    value, and also you amass points by making an attempt to get the most points out of your phrase.
    Though Saturn was still a great distance from paying again GM’s preliminary funding,
    officials hastened to point out a number of benefits accruing from the brand new firm.
    So, if you are a homeowner, you might rent out a single room or two to strangers, even while
    the house continues to be occupied.

  165. Mills’s concern was that the middle class was turning into
    “politically emasculated and culturally stultified,” which would enable a shift in energy from the middle class
    to the strong social elite. Shopping for their first home
    is an enormous deal, usually accompanied by pleasure, hope, and concern. Some private financial software has a cataloguing function for keeping
    track of objects in your house. The App Retailer
    is a digital distribution platform which allows users
    to browse and obtain apps developed with Apple’s iOS Software Development Equipment.
    Many were linked to the failed revolutions of 1848, which partly influenced the state’s
    development as a center of labor and social activism. The Arusha Declaration in 1967 was initiated by the president Julius Nyerere, outlining the principles of Ujamaa
    (Nyerere imaginative and prescient of social and financial insurance policies) to develop the national economy.

    Since the late twentieth century, Minnesota’s economy has diversified away from traditional industries resembling agriculture and useful resource extraction to services,
    finance, and health care. 18 June – Credit ratings agency Fitch Scores lowered its
    estimate for development of the Turkish economy in 2018
    from 4.7 percent to 3.6 percent, citing reasons including an anticipated discount in government stimulus.

  166. International buyers can bid in Iranian privatization tenders, however want permission from the Economic
    system Ministry on a case-by-case basis. First, you need some
    expertise. Only use one bank card for all your online
    purchases. Substitute, or “changeout,” means taking out a
    number of of your old fixtures and putting in new ones in exactly
    the same places. Easiest to create in newly constructed homes or additions, specialty baths can be carved out
    of unused visitor bedrooms, hallways, the house over the storage, or other current areas.
    A guest bathroom in the century-outdated house and studio of a distinguished painter/sculptor
    was given an artistic bathroom design throughout a
    recent major renovation. What if you find out by way of a phone call from a creditor,
    a review of your credit score report, or even a go to from the police,
    that your identity has been stolen. This too may be the
    first notice you get that someone has stolen your id.

  167. September 17: At least someday too late, the Crimson Military excessive
    command orders its males to retreat from town of Kiev. September 5: The Soviet Union evacuates all children underneath age 12 from
    the capital of Moscow as Nazi German troops transfer towards town. Japan fought to
    realize an Asian and Pacific new order, as Nazi Germany and
    Italy fought for domination in Europe and the Mediterranean. In the meantime, the Japanese
    navy developed detailed operational plans to secure a Pacific perimeter to protect seizure of Malaya, the Philippines, and the Dutch East Indies.

    Only some of this race conflict was evident to the West in 1941.
    The United States was way more concerned with the
    threat to security posed in East Asia and the west Pacific by the continued belligerence of Japan. Japan had used the chance presented by the
    defeat of France and the Netherlands, and the Nazi German risk to Britain, to strain western colonial possessions in Southeast Asia.
    But this pause also offered an opportunity for the
    badly battered Soviets to regroup. In September 1941, the
    Japanese armed forces offered Emperor Hirohito with
    a plan for war if the United States did not finish the embargo by way of diplomatic settlement.

  168. Clear out your shopworn “stuff” and find things you
    like that will work with your new fresh look.

    Unless you have a table of sterling silver frames in various shapes and sizes or various antique
    frames with old masters artwork, try to keep a uniformed look for showing off
    your pictures. NOTE: If you have to think about whether it is old and dated — it probably is!

  169. A outstanding consultant of this generation of immigrants was Gustav Koerner who lived more often than not
    in Belleville, Illinois till his demise. Within the nineteenth
    century, German immigrants settled in Midwest,
    the place land was out there. A number of German Jews got here within the colonial era.
    This German-talking group is sort of distinct from the Yiddish-talking East-European Jews who arrived in a lot larger numbers starting in the late
    19th century and concentrated in New York.

  170. When 2 years passed the zoning had been approved they exercised and developed his option and they bought the land
    for $250,000 and it has doubled the market value of plot.
    The developer can buy a call option from the landowner to buy the lot at say Rs 2, 50,000
    at any point in the next 3 years.

  171. The original historic precinct was recorded and the historical past of each site (corresponding to residence hall or garden) was given, an original appearance was described, and a recording of modifications over time was taken.

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  173. If someone has flammable items near their stove, the
    risk will be much higher. This is why it is very important to make sure
    that someone who is experienced in this is able to evaluate the area to ensure
    that the proper equipment and products are purchased.

    Advocate mechanism by means of customers in the direction of make easy the completion of a risk assessment plus chance organization agenda plus bring a
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  174. It’s a platform that lets you ship, save and even invest
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    Another option is linking your account to an existing bank card
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  175. The colors especially look absolutely splendid with designer party wear dresses and even with
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    Each of these rings for women are thus branded
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  176. As long as you have good risk management, and remember also that high leverage means high risk, this may open up the possibility of a high return on your investment.
    On the other hand, some houses may be so run-down that renovating may cost more than rebuilding.

  177. Offering innovative cash flow management solutions facilitates a key
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    2013-01, Center for Risk Management Research, University of California, Berkeley.

    Forex trading is known to be one of the most liquid, lucrative, and risky trade markets today, with a big profit potential and
    a bigger risk threshold. As such, one need not endorse Hayek’s analysis of markets to endorse ecosystems as spontaneous orders.

  178. Top-down models are typically more parsimonious, computationally efficient and can often be calibrated better to market prices than bottom-up models.
    Short-run predictions imply that given changes in futures prices can only a
    temporary (one time) change in spot prices. There are many invester who want to take the risk
    of one day trading.

  179. Hungan’s identify is a Haitian time period referring to the chief voodoo priest.
    Afterward Hungan’s tribe disappears into the mist.
    Linus Torvalds has responded that the hash was mostly to guard towards unintended corruption, and
    the safety a cryptographically secure hash provides was simply an unintentional aspect effect, with
    the principle security being signing elsewhere.

  180. This was additionally a time of accelerating use of technology in retail banking.
    Banks started to develop into heavy buyers in laptop know-how to automate a lot of the
    manual processing, which began a shift by banks from giant
    clerical staffs to new automated methods. Encouraged by these institutions,
    commercial banks started to lend to sovereign states in the third
    world. In response governments all over the world bailed-out, nationalised
    or organized fire sales for a large number of main banks.
    The gold customary was eventually abandoned in 1971 and plenty of
    the banks have been caught out and turned bankrupt
    resulting from third world nation debt defaults. On thirteen February 2006, Britain’s Channel four broadcast a documentary
    as a part of its Dispatches series, “Ryanair caught napping”.
    The Austrian federal state of Carinthia is residence to a big indigenous Slovene-speaking minority while within the easternmost federal state, Burgenland (formerly part of the Hungarian portion of Austria-Hungary), there
    are important Hungarian- and Croatian-speaking minorities.

    In the 1980s and nineties, the SOA 1975-eighty Basic Select & Ultimate tables have been the typical reference factors, whereas the 2001 VBT and 2001 CSO tables were published more recently.
    This was to avoid more dangerous funding banking actions from ever once more inflicting
    industrial bank failures.

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  182. He created the Sharpe ratio for risk-adjusted investment performance analysis, and he contributed to the development of the binomial method for the valuation of options, the gradient method for asset allocation optimization, and returns-based style analysis for evaluating the style and performance of investment funds.

  183. 石原有輝香の『宮崎の天然水』 (2012年10月17日).
    2018年11月22日閲覧。滋賀夕刊新聞「竹生島舞台のエンタメ小説」、2012年7月31日配信、2013年6月7日閲覧。 3rd配信限定シングル。初回限定2021ライブベスト盤付属DVDには、2021年に開催された3本のライブ『JAPAN JAM 2021』『宮本浩次縦横無尽』『音楽と髭達2021 -夏の約束-』からセレクトされた8曲分の映像と、「P.S.

  184. その後ジャシン教の教義に従い飛段と交戦するが、最終的には「ジャシン様」への生贄として泥遁で「偽りの谷」を崩落させ村人を鏖殺。島津忠義に随って京都を発し、14日に鹿児島に帰着した。軍事企業を作り、紛争を裏から操って巨万の富を得る野望のために第四次忍界大戦後に終末の谷でサスケとナルトの個人情報物質を採取して擬似的に尾獣の衣を得られる「尾獣ドラッグ」を製造し、写輪眼の能力を得られる「写輪眼ドラッグ」製造のために変化の術でサスケに変化させ、ドラッグでチャクラまでコピーした部下を使い各地の武器商人やテロ組織に接触・

  185. 1月13日:米原発上野行の606下り列車が、福井駅を出発後に車内から出火。両津 大原、署長、戸塚、左近寺、ボルボ、日暮などの上司や同僚、爆竜、特殊刑事課、麻里晩、小野・ 1941年(昭和16年)8月:津幡駅
    – 石動駅間勾配改良工事に着手。

  186. その後いくつかの電気事業者の手を経て、1943年、電力統制のため鉄軌道事業を道南電気軌道に譲渡。軌道(路面電車、函館市電)事業を行っている。 2011年3月31日までは函館市交通局の名称であったが、水道局(現、函館市企業局上下水道部)との統合による企業局の発足により、翌4月1日から交通部門は企業局交通部となった。 1994年 – 各事業を統合し「生活環境事業部」に再編。

  187. Social Game Info. 2021年7月14日閲覧。 7月5日 – 「hope」サーバーに「ももクロ」「植物」「東京メトロポリタンTV実況」「三行実況」板など合計10板が新設された。金メダル16個、銀メダル25個、銅メダル17個、計58個のメダルを獲得した。

  188. 2003年2月21日、auはネイティブアプリプラットフォームの「EZアプリ(BREW)」サービスを開始した。季節を愉しむ 花あしらい |年始に飾ろう!孝太郎と上地はドラマ『狂った果実2002』で初共演し、2007年秋から孝太郎がメインMCを務める『孝太郎Wキッチン』ではレギュラーアシスタントとして起用され、後番組の『孝太郎が行く2』でも共演。餅の上に乗っているのは「橙(だいだい)」と呼び昔はミカン科の橙の果実を使用していましたが、現在では、代用のミカンが子孫繁栄や長寿を意味しています。餅の下に敷いてある赤い縁取りの紙は「四方紅(しほうべに)」と言い災いを払い、1年の繁栄を願うものです。鏡餅の下から垂れ下がっている紅白の紙は「御弊(ごへい)」と呼び四方に繁栄するような願いが込められており、赤色には魔除けがあると言われています。

  189. しかし、数年経過しても利益剰余金がマイナスのままの場合は、会社が行っているビジネス自体を見直す必要があるでしょう。既に神棚にお供え物を祀っていると思いますが、正月の場合は下げる日程は決まっているのでしょうか。失敗に終わった「おのごろ祭り」のあと神側に投降し生き延びたが、あるみとともに、つづら殿に着いてから斑井により傀儡帯で強制的に拘束、使役された。央姫の依頼で、傀儡帯の呪いで異形化した斑井を人の姿へと戻した。環太平洋生命帯と呼ばれています。金剛角と呼ばれるおみくじの抽選器のような大きな六角形で塔状の武器を使う。

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  192. ファミ通.com. 2015年7月4日閲覧。 2015年6月4日閲覧。 2016年1月26日閲覧。 アニメイトタイムズ.
    アニメイト. 24 July 2016. 2016年7月24日閲覧。 オトメイト.
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  194. 理由は「彼はとても才能のある子だから、一日でも早くアシスタントを卒業してデビューして欲しかった」 とのこと。高校卒業と時を同じくして、日本語の詩による音楽作りをはじめる。中村 一義(なかむら かずよし、1975年2月18日 – )は、日本のミュージシャン。 』をリリースした際の各種インタビューでも語ったように、中村自身1/4中国の血を継いでいるクォーターである。当初はゴッホやシャガールに影響を受け絵画に興じていたが、安田学園高校在学中の頃から、その表現方法を音楽へと転換する。最初に聞き始めたのは、イギリスのクリエイション・

  195. 高橋洋一「ニュースの深層」 デフレ論者たちのばかげた批判をすべて論破する! 」 Sponichi Annex 2021年11月13日配信 2022年12月2日閲覧。 2023年3月2日閲覧。 「陸自隊員、災害派遣初の死亡「誠に残念」」『サンケイスポーツ』2011年4月2日。
    1988年 – 日本初の3ナンバー専用車・田中秀臣編著 『日本経済は復活するか』 藤原書店、2013年、107頁。

  196. が用いた呪具である箒神に、オモチャを納めることにより、そのオモチャと一体化出来る。 また、漫画道具が多様になっている。現在は、クラミーとフィールの暗躍が告発されたことによって国内は情勢不安になっている。 その後、テンペラーの部下になっている。山下裕二「歌謡曲の逆襲 音楽はオモシロクなくてはいけないのだ」『音楽の世界』1983年7、8月号、日本音楽舞踊会議、6-9頁。地球でメフィラス星人が配下としていたケムール人二代目はハッタリ映像だったため、メフィラス星人から「かつて主従だった」と口裏を合わせて欲しいと言われて、独自の腐女子思考で承諾している。容姿端麗の美少女。

  197. 中学時代、初めて歌を作るきっかけを作った人物(前述)。 お供えものにはそれぞれ意味があり、また飾り方にも時代の流れにより変化し、地域によって異なる場合があります。 PCB(ペンギン村文化放送局)テレビのレポーター暗悪健太として変装し、正体がばれないようにパトロールをしているが、変装はほとんどの村人にバレている。 」の呪文で、こっそり現世への通路を光線で開けて生き返らせてくれた。海遊館へのアクセスは大阪メトロ
    中央線「大阪港駅」1番出口より徒歩約5分です。 パタパタ山の火口を通して地獄からやってきた子悪魔。 また、アニメ第1作でマシリトが地獄を脱走した時には連れ戻す役をしている。

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