काखेत कळसा

विषय – मराठी म्हणी काखेत कळसा आणि गावाला वळसा भाग १
” रोह्या,अरे ये लवकर .उशीर होतोय. इथेच चार वाजले. एक तास प्रवासात जाणार.परत यायचं आहे.तिथेच राहायचं नाहीये.” सुधा तिच्या मोठ्या मुलाला आवाज देत होती.
“आई, आलो.पाच मिनिट.तुम्ही बसा गाडीत .” “म्हणजे अजून अर्धा तास आरसा फुटणार”.
आई काही बोलण्या आधीच कुणीतरी बोललं. तसा तो लगेच बाहेर आला.
“ए,शिंगे गप्प बस.तुला काय करायचं”. मावशी,बघ ना कसा बोलतो. मी त्या दिवशी केसांचे दोन बो बांधले होते.तर”
“नीती,पुरे.तुमचं रोजचं च आहे. आपण नंतर बोलूया.आता आम्ही बाहेर जातीय.ठीक आहे.” सुधाने तिला मध्येच थांबवले.
“ठीक आहे. मावशी तू म्हणशील तस. ह्या जाड्या दादा ला मी नंतर बघते .म्हणत तिने दार ओढत तिच्या घरी पळून गेली .
“ए, जाड्या कोणाला बोलते’.तो मागून ओरडुन बोलेपर्यंत ती वर पळाली .
जाताना रस्त्यातून येणाऱ्या त्याला एका हाताने हलकी टक्कर दिली. त्याने तिच्याकडे रागाने पहिले आणि दरवाजा उघडला.
“रोहू दा,तू पण काय तिच्याशी लहान असल्या सारखं भांडतो. सोड ना.आई,चल निघुया. बाबा गाडीत बसून चिडलेत”.
सोहन दरवाज्यातून दोघांना बोलवत होता. तिघेही बिल्डिंग मधून बाहेर आले. “चला लवकर किती उशीर.कधी पासून बसून आहे. तुम्ही जा . मी घरी थांबतो.”मोहन गाडीतून डोकावून तिघांकडे बघून बोलले.
तिघेही पटकन गाडीत बसले.
रोहन आणि त्याची आई सुधा मागे बसले. तर सोहन गाडी चालवत होता बाजूला त्याचे बाबा मोहन बसले होते. “आज तरी काम होऊ दे. “
“आज होणारच. माने बाई सांगत होत्या.मुलगी आपल्या रोह्या शोभेल अशीच आहे.”
रोहन मात्र शांतपणे मोबाईल मध्ये डोकं घालून बसला होता.आणि सोहन गाडी चालविण्यात मग्न दाखवत होता.
सुधा एक गृहिणी होती ,तर मोहन निवृत्त शिक्षक होते.
रोहन हा सुधा आणि मोहन यांचा मोठा मुलगा .वय २९, दिसायला गोरा,थोडासा वजनदार,आई च सर्व ऐकणारा .एका सॉफ्टवेअर कंपनीत मोठ्या पदावर होता.
रोहन आणि सोहन दोघांमध्ये तीन वर्षाचं अंतर होत.
सोहन सरकारी शाळेत शिक्षक होता. सायन्स टीचर.
नीती धापा टाकत वरच्या मजल्यावर तिच्या घरी आली.
“अग नीतू,हळू काय वाघ मागे लागला का. प्रीती ने तिला पाणी आणून दिलं.”
“नाही वाघ नाही .बोका. जाड्या बोका.”
“काय ग.एव्हढा पण जाडा नाहीये.थोडासा तर” ती बोलतच होती.
आणि नीतीने पटकन तिच्याकडे बघितलं. तश्या दोघीही हसायला लागल्या .
आई येताना दिसली तशा लगेच गप्प झाल्या.
“काय ग. काय झालं.हसा की आता का.किती वेळा सांगितलं आहे.कोणाच्या शरीरावरून नावे ठेवू नये.आणि तो पाहिले होता थोडा जाडा पण आता कमी झालाय. नीट बघितल का. तुम्ही आपल्या पाच वर्षापूर्वीच घेवून बसल्या आहात”. त्यांना समजावून त्यांची आई वसुधा आत मध्ये निघून गेल्या.

 काखेत कळसा आणि गावाला वळसा भाग २
“तुम्ही आपल्या पाच वर्षापूर्वीच घेवून बसल्या आहात.” त्यांना समजावून त्यांची आई वसुधा आत मध्ये निघून गेल्या.
“हमम्म. “दोघींनी एकदम हुश केलं.
“आईसमोर हसू कंट्रोल करायचं.कठीण आहे”.नीती मस्त आळस देत म्हणाली.
“पण आई म्हणते त्यात काही चूक नाहीये. आता तुझा जाड्या दादा पहिल्यासारखा जाडा नाही राहिला.”प्रीती
“तुझ बर लक्ष असत.”निती
अग मी सकाळी क्लास साठी जाते ना तेव्हा तो पण जॉगिंग ला जात असतो.”प्रीती
 “त्याला पण न्यायचं ना.”निती
“नको. खूप चिडका आहे.”प्रीती
“हो ते तर आहेच . आणि मावशी त्याच्या साठी मुलगी बघत आहेत. ती पण त्याच्यासारखी .”निती
 “कठीण आहे.बर नीती बाई तुमचा आराम झाला.तुमचं केक च दुकान वाट पाहत असेल.चार वाजून गेले.
“प्रीती “प्री डि,ते दुकान नाही ती बेकरी असते. निदान केक शॉप तरी म्हण .”निती
 “ओके.बेकरी.त्या दोघी जणी एकट्या पडल्या असतील.”
“ठीक आहे.चल निघते मी “
नीती आणि तिच्या दोन मैत्रिणींनी मिळून केक शॉप सुरू केलं होत.
प्रीती एका योगा सेंटर मध्ये योगा टीचर जॉब करत होती.
त्यांच्या बाबांचं अशोक च बिल्डिंग च्या खालीच तळ मजल्यावर टेलरींगच दुकान होत. त्यांची आई पण त्यांना मदत करत असे.
पाच वर्षांपूर्वी ते बिल्डिंग मध्ये राहायला आले होते . सुधा मुळातच हसमुख आणि प्रेमळ स्वभावाच्या  असल्याने त्यांनी लवकरच सर्वाशी ओळख करून घेतली. सुधा बरोबर त्यांचं चांगल जमत असे.
रात्रीचे आठ वाजले होते. नुकतेच सुधा आणि सर्व घरी परतले होते.
“आई,तू जा थोडा आराम कर. तोपर्यंत मी बाहेरून जेवण मागवतो”.सोहन
 “फक्त भाजी ऑर्डर कर. पोळ्या सकाळीच करून ठेवल्यात. जेवायला बसण्या आधी खिचडी बनवेन”.सुधा
 सुधा आणि मोहन त्यांच्या खोलीत गेले.
“बर,दादा,तू पण जा. ” म्हणत सोहन ने फोन वरून जवळच्या हॉटेलमध्ये भाजी ऑर्डर केली.
सगळे जेवायला बसले. “अरे,हळू गरम आहे”.सुधा
“सुधा,आता जरा थोडे दिवस हे कार्यक्रम नको करूया.अग गेली तीन महिने झाले आपण बघत आहोत त्यातली ही आठवी मुलगी होती.
दर वेळेला तुला काहीनाकाही तरी खोटं वाटतेच आणि ती बरोबरच असते . जरा थांबशील का?”मोहन
“हो,तुम्ही बरोबर बोलत आहात. “
“आई,अग नको काळजी करू. तुझ्या मनासारखी सून मिळेल.त्याच अजून एवढं वय झालं नाहीये”. सोहन
“हो,आई नको काळजी करू. मी तूला आवडेल अश्या मुलीशी लग्न करेन.आपली पसंत एकच असेल “रोहन
“ठीक आहे .चला आवरा आता. सकाळी लवकर उठायचं आहे.” ________
“काय ग.आई आज तुमची टेरेस मीटिंग नाही का.मावशी आल्या नाही का?.”.
“अग दमल्या असतील .”
“दमल्या नसतील.मुलगी आवडली नसेल.म्हणून नाराज असतील”
“सकाळी जाऊन बघते .तुम्ही झोपा दोघी.’ वसुधा विचार करतच होती.
तिच्या फोनवर सुधाचा मेसेज आला.
“टेरेस वर ये.”
रात्री घरातली सर्व काम आवरल्यावर पंधरा मिनिट दोघीही टेरेस वर भेटायच्या.
दिवसभरातील गप्पा बोलून मान मोकळ करून शांत व्हायच्या.
वसुधा ने मेसेज वाचला आणि लगेच टेरेस वर गेली.सुधा तिच्या आधीच तिथे बाकावर बसली होती.

काखेत कळसा आणि गावाला वळसा भाग ३
वसुधा ने मेसेज वाचला आणि लगेच टेरेस वर गेली.सुधा तिच्या आधीच तिथे बाकावर बसली होती.”सुधा, “वसुधा ने तिच्या खांद्यावर हात ठेवला.”अग तू आलीस का”मला येऊन झाले पाच मिनिट.तू कुठल्या विचारात होतीस.””अजून कुठला विचार. वयात आलेल्या मुलाची आई कुठल्या विचारात असणार.”

“सुधा,अग होईल त्याच लग्न.त्या दिवशी ते गुरुजी काय बोलले.”ते गुरुजी बोलले ना त्यांनी जास्त टेन्शन आले आहे.””काय. कसलं टेन्शन””तू नीट एकल नाही का.गुरुजी म्हणाले.ह्याच लग्न अचानक होईल. चट मंगणी पट ब्याह अस. मला वाटतंय कोण मुलगी ह्याने अचानक.नाहीतर एखादी मुलगी अचानक ह्याच्या आयुष्यात आली तर..'”अग सुधा शांत हो.तू पूर्ण ऐकल नाहीस का.””अचानक लग्न झाल तरी सगळ चांगल होणार आहे.असा पण म्हणाले ना गुरुजी.”हो ते ही आहेच पण “”आता अजून पण आहेच का.बर मी निघते “का ग लगेच चाललीस.”अग उद्या माझीभाची येतेय.भावाची मुलगी. जरा दोन दिवस रहायला. आताच C .A. ची परीक्षा दिलीय.रिझल्टला अजून वेळ आहे .तर मीच तिला बोलले ये जरा थोडे दिवस.एकदा जॉब सुरू झाला की काय जमनार नाही. आणि तिच्या लनाच पण बघतेय वहिनी.” सुधा उठून उभी राहिली.”अच्छा ठीक आहे.”_______”काकू, येऊ का आत.?” प्रीती ने दरवाजातून आवाज दिला.”अग ये की. विचारतेस काय.” सुधाने तिला किचनमधून हाक मारली.बाहेर हॉल मध्ये मोहन आणि रोहन टीवी बघत होते .तीने दोघांकडे बघितलं. रोहन बातम्या बघण्यात गुंग होता.”मोहन काका कसे आहात?””मी मस्त मजेत.ती कशी आहेस. काम कस चालू आहे.'”मी मस्त. काम तर एकदम भारी.”सुधा बाहेर आली.”काकू,हे घ्या. तुमची योगा मॅट.””अग आणलीस पण, बर झाल.””चला निघते मी.क्षिती आलीय ना.””आली का ती. “प्रीती तिच्या घरी गेली. सुधाला क्षितीला भेटायचं होत. काल रात्रीपासून तिच्या डोक्यात विचार चालू होता.विचारायला काय जातंय. म्हणून तीने वसुधाला विचारायचं ठरवलं.संध्याकाळी सुधा वसुधा कडे गेली .क्षिती आणि निती हॉल मध्ये बसून कप केक खात होत्या .”निती, आई कुठे आहे”.सुधा नी आत येत विचारले.”आई, आतमध्ये आहे.ती बघा आलीच.”वसुधा हातात प्लेट्स घेऊन येत होती.तिच्या मागून एक मुलगा एका हातात एक डबा आणि दुसऱ्या हातात कॉफी ट्रे घेऊन येत होता.”सुधा ,तू केव्हा आलीस. बस ना उभी का आहेस.””मी आताच आली. निघते. तुझ्याकडे पाहुणे आलेत तर नंतर येते.कोण पाहुणे.अग काल तुला बोलले ना भाची येणार.””हो.पण हा मुलगा कोण आहे.”क्रमशःमधुरा

काखेत कळसा आणि गावाला वळसा भाग ४”हो.पण हा मुलगा कोण आहे.””हा. माझा भाचा.””हिचा भाऊ का..?’
‘नाही .”क्षिती पटकन बोलली.’सुधा, हा नितीश माझ्या भावाचा मुलगा.”
नितीश सुधा कडे बघून गालात हसला.”अच्छा,  बर येते मी.””मावशी,हे घ्या “.प्रीतीने त्यांना प्लेट  मध्ये  थोडे कपकेक दिले .”अग एव्हढे कशाला. जास्तच आहेत.आम्ही चार माणसं.”
‘मावशी.तू एकच खा.दोन जास्तीचे जाड्या साठी आहेत.”प्रीती ने तिच्याकडे डोळे मोठे करून पाहिले.”सॉरी दादा ला दे.”
‘वसुधा जरा बोलायचं होत.””सुधा आपण रात्री बोलूया का.बघतेस ना किती गोंधळ चालू आहे .परत मला उद्यासाठी ह्यांची बॅग पण भरायची आहे.भाऊजींची झाली का बॅग भरून.”
“बॅग कशासाठी ?’
“अग विसरली का.? सकाळी निघायचं आहे ना त्यांची मित्रांची सहल जाणार आहे ना.””अरे हो.  त्यांची बॅग भरून कधीच तयार आहेत.त्यांना तर कधी एकदा सकाळ होते आणि जातोय अस झाल आहे.”‘बर ठीक आहे. रात्री ये वेळेवर. “म्हणत सुधाने  प्लेट घेतली आणि घरी गेली.__________दोघीही रोजच्या सारखं आजही टेरेसवर आपल्या नेहमीच्या बाकावर बसल्या होत्या.
वसुधाचा चेहऱ्यावर आनंद ओसंडून  वाहत होता.”वसुधा,  का ग एव्हडी खुश का आहेस.””अग ,काय सांगू कधीकधी ना  काही गोष्टी अशा अचानक घडतात  ना की आपण विचार पण केला नसतो.”
“अस काय घडल.”
“अग माझी भाची आहे ना क्षिती.””हा ती खूप छान आहे ग.तीच काय.””तीच लग्न ठरलं””काय.  कधी.तू काल काही बोलली नाहीस.”सुधा जोरात म्हणाली.
“अग हो. मला पण मगाशी कळलं.तिच्या आईचा फोन आला होता.लग्नाची पुढची बोलण करण्यासाठी मला घेऊन जायला आलेत दोघं खास.””दोघं कोण.”
“अग ती आणि तिचा नवरा.अरे तुला सांगितलच नाही. नितीश माझ्या बहिणीचा मुलगा .म्हणून तर दोघे  एकत्र आले मला नेण्यासाठी “”उद्या दुपारी निघू. आम्ही. निती येतेय माझ्याबरोबर.प्रीती आहे इथेच.ती नाही येणार.”___दुपारी वसुधा आणि निती  जीना उतरत असताना सुधा ने पाहिलं.”निघालात का.?””हो सुधा.परवा येईन.तू जास्त विचार करू नकोस. काळजी घे.””हो.तू पण नीट जा.”वसुधाला निरोप देवून सुधा घरात आली.
माझ्या रोहन च लग्न कधी  होणार.कुठे असेल ती मुलगी काय माहीत.देवा पाठव रे तिला लवकर. सुधा मनात बोलत होती.विचार करता करता तिला झोप लागून गेली.
“मावशी, ए मावशी .उठ.”सुधा ने डोळे हलके उघडुन बघीतले.
माझी सून  आली. सुधा हळूच पुटपुटली.

काखेत कळसा आणि गावाला वळसा भाग ५ अंतिम भाग(कथा पूर्णपणे काल्पनिक आहे.)
“मावशी, ए मावशी .उठ.”सुधा ने डोळे हलके उघडुन बघीतले.”माझी सून  आली”. सुधा हळूच पुटपुटली.”मावशी मी प्रीती”.  प्रीती, तू काय करतेस इथे.
“अग मावशी संध्याकाळ होत आली .तू इथे बसल्याजागी झोपली.काळोख बघ किती झालय.दार पण नुसतच लोटून घेतलंस.  मी आताच आली.  बरी आहेस ना.”सुधा ने पूर्ण डोळे उघडले .”हो ग मी बरी आहे.थांब जरा तोंड धुवून आले.तू बस.”सुधा आत गेली.तशी प्रीती ने लाईट लावली. आणि समोर असलेला पेपर वाचत बसली.बराच वेळ झाला ,मावशी अजून कशी आली नाही.विचार करत प्रीती आत गेली.सुधा किचन मध्ये  खुर्चीत डोक्याला हात लावून बसली होती.”मावशी काय होतंय ग तुला.””डोकं अचानक दुखायला लागलं.काय माहित.””थांब तू बस.मी तुला बाम लावून देते.पण त्या आधी चहा ठेवते.प्रीतीने पटकन चहा ठेवला.  आणि  तिच्या पर्स मधून बाम ची डबी काढली. आणि सुधा जवळ गेली.”बर वाटतंय का. ” प्रीतीने तिच्यासमोर चहाचा कप ठेवला.”हो.तुझ्या हातात जादू आहे .खूपच बर वाटतय.””चल मग मी निघते.””कुठे निघालीस.”?”घरी. अजून कुठे.?वाजले बघ किती ,? जेवण पण बनवायचय एकटी साठी.””कशाला जातेस.आज रहा इथेच.  मागे पण तुमचे आई बाबा  अचानक गावी गेले होते,तेव्हा मी तुमच्याकडे आली होती .आठवत.तस आज तू माझ्याकडे रहा. तसही तुझ्या आईने मला तुझ्याकडे लक्ष ठेवायला सांगितलं आहे.””अग पण .मी कशी .मला सकाळी लवकर जायचं असत.आणि तू एकटी कुठे आहेस.तुझी मुलं आहेत की.””माझी मुलं. छोटा गेलाय मित्राच्या हळदीला. मोठ्याचा घरी यायचा काही ठरविक वेळ नाही.”
सुधा ने खूपच आग्रह केल्यावर प्रीती राहायला तयार झाली.ती घरी जाऊन तिचे कपडे घेऊन आली.सुधाच डोकं बऱ्यापैकी थांबलं होत.तरी प्रीतीने तिला काहीच काम करू दिलं नाही.  जेवण बनवत प्रीती तिच्याशी गप्पा मारत होती.सुधा मात्र तिला बघतच होती. तीची प्रत्येक गोष्ट ऐकत होती .
दोघींनी जेवून घेतल .  प्रीती किचन आवरत होती. सुधा हॉल मध्ये  गोळी घेत होती.तितक्यात रोहन आला .”आई,  तू अजून झोपली  नाहीस.आणि ही गोळी कसली घेतेस.””अरे संध्याकाळी डोकं खूप दुखत होत. “
तो पटकन त्यांच्याजवळ आला .”अग मग एक फोन करायचा एकटीच अंगावर काढल असशील.”रोहन ने तिला सोफ्यावर बसवले.आणि तीच डोकं दाबू लागला.तेव्हढ्या वेळात त्यांनी त्याला संध्याकाळपासून चा सगळा वृत्तांत सांगितला.प्रीती आतून बाहेर आली.त्याने तिचे आभार मानले.आणि तो त्याच्या रूम मध्ये निघून गेला.”काकू, मी उद्या लवकर उठून घरी जाईन.””अग पण तू उद्याचे कपडे आणलेस ना.मग इथूनच जाणार होतीस ना””हो, पण मला टिफीन न्यावा लागेल.तो बनवायला जावं लागेल ना.”
“मग इकडे बनव की. नाहीतर मी बनवू का? तुझा पहिला छान पदार्थ तू  ह्याच किचन मध्ये बनवला होतास विसरली का. काय सुंदर पावभाजी बनवली होतीस. आता कामाला जायला  लागली तशी येणं बंद केलस””अस काही नाही ग.म्हणजे आता तुझी सून येईल ना.मग आमची उगाच मध्ये लुडबुड नको म्हणून   बाकी काही नाही.पण तुझ डोकं दुखतय ना म्हणून नको.”तुला माझ्या हातच्या मऊसूत पोळ्या आवडतात ना. उद्या मी टिफीन बनवून देईन.तसही  रोहन साठी करतेच.   तर तुलाही करेन.”
सुधा चा भावूक स्वर ऐकून प्रीती ने उद्या टिफीन तिच्याकडून घेण्याचं कबूल केलं.
सकाळी प्रीती आणि सुधा ने मिळून नाश्ता आणि टिफीन बनवला. प्रीतीने तिच्याबरोबर सुधालाही चहा नाश्ता  खायला लावल आणि ती तिच्या ऑफिसला निघून गेली.प्रितीची ऑफिसला जायची आणि रोहन ची  जॉगिंग साठी एकच वेळी होती. त्यांना जाताना बघून नेहमीप्रमाणे सुधाच्या डोक्यात विचार आला.दोन दिवसांनी वसुधा आणि निती परत आल्या.पिकनिक साठी गेलेले वसुधा आणि सुधाचे नवरे ही आले होते.संध्याकाळचे सात वाजले होते.आज सुधा तिच्या दोन्ही मुलांना आणि नवऱ्याला घेवून वसुधाच्या घरी आली होती. सगळेजण चहा पीत होते.प्रीतीने गरम भजी आणून ठेवली.रोहन आणि तीची नजरानजर झाली.ती त्याच्या समोर बसली.”काय ग सुधा आज अचानक कशी काय.दुपारी मेसेज केलास संध्याकाळी तुझ्या हाताचा चहा प्यायचा आहे .आणि इथे येवून प्रीतीला चहा करायला सांगितला.””कारण मी चहा पिला आहे. म्हंटल आता घरातल्या बाकी लोकानींही तिच्या हातचा चहा पिवून बघावं. “”वसुधा तुला तर माहीतच आहे मी गेले किती दिवस सून शोधत आहे.सगळ्यांना अस वाटतय मला वेड लागलं आहे. खरच मी वेडी आहे.कस झालय माहित आहे.मला जे हवं आहे.ते  माझ्या इतकं जवळ असूनही मला दिसलं नाही.””सुधा कोड्यात बोलू नकोस ग.काय बोलायचय ते स्पष्ट बोल””बर.स्पष्ट सांगते.तुझी प्रीती माझ्या रोहन साठी बायको म्हणून देशील.””अग पण तीच शिक्षण,राहणीमान आणि त्याच शिक्षण, स्टेटस सगळ किती वेगळ आहे.  आधी त्याला विचार.””माझ्या मुलाला काय हवय हे जितकं त्याला कळत तेवढंच मलाही समजत.त्या दिवशी कधी नव्हे त्याला कोणाकडे अस बघताना पाहिलं. फक्त दोन दिवस होती.पण अस वाटत होत ती इथलीच आहे. तरी पण तुझ्या समोर विचारते. रोहन तुझ काय मत आहे.””आई,तू म्हणशील तस.पण तिला सुद्धा विचार.उगाच जबरदस्तीने नात नको.””काय ग प्रीती.तुला काय वाटतं” वसुधा ने तिला विचारलं.”आई,मला चालेल”.तीने आईच्या कानात सांगीतले.”मी तोंड गोड करायला साखर आणते.”म्हणत वसुधा उठली.”थांब तू कशाला जातेस.मी मिठाई घेवून आलेय.हा घे पेढा ठरल तर मग.”
“वसुधा हे कस झालं.इतके दिवस माझी सून माझ्या समोर होती.पण मी तिला गावभर शोधत होते. ते म्हणतात नाकाखेत कळसा आणि गावाला वळसा.”

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  35. An outstanding share! I have just forwarded this onto a colleague who had been doing a little homework on this. And he actually bought me lunch simply because I discovered it for him… lol. So let me reword this…. Thank YOU for the meal!! But yeah, thanks for spending the time to talk about this issue here on your web page.

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  48. An impressive share! I’ve just forwarded this onto a co-worker who was conducting a little homework on this. And he in fact ordered me breakfast because I found it for him… lol. So let me reword this…. Thank YOU for the meal!! But yeah, thanx for spending time to discuss this issue here on your internet site.

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  52. An impressive share! I have just forwarded this onto a co-worker who had been conducting a little research on this. And he actually ordered me breakfast due to the fact that I found it for him… lol. So let me reword this…. Thanks for the meal!! But yeah, thanx for spending some time to talk about this subject here on your internet site.

  53. Howdy! This blog post could not be written any better! Looking through this article reminds me of my previous roommate! He continually kept preaching about this. I most certainly will forward this article to him. Fairly certain he’s going to have a good read. Many thanks for sharing!

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  61. Related lobbying and company public relations efforts were undertaken by the American Petroleum Institute, a trade association of the oil and fuel trade, and the climate change denier personal think tank, The Heartland Institute.

  62. If a director applies for an out of courtroom appointment, they must give 5 days’ notice to any such qualifying floating chargee, who may in turn intervene in courtroom to have their own ‘specified individual’ appointed as the administrator.

  63. In April 2004, The E. W. Scripps Firm accomplished its acquisition of Summit America Television Inc., which included a 30 percent minority interest in the Shop At Residence tv retailing network and 5 Shop At Residence-affiliated broadcast television stations.

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  67. I blog quite often and I genuinely thank you for your content. Your article has truly peaked my interest. I am going to take a note of your website and keep checking for new details about once per week. I opted in for your Feed too.

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  73. Right here is the perfect blog for everyone who wants to understand this topic. You know so much its almost tough to argue with you (not that I actually will need to…HaHa). You definitely put a fresh spin on a subject that has been discussed for ages. Great stuff, just great.

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  86. An outstanding share! I’ve just forwarded this onto a friend who was conducting a little research on this. And he in fact bought me dinner because I stumbled upon it for him… lol. So let me reword this…. Thanks for the meal!! But yeah, thanx for spending time to discuss this issue here on your internet site.

  87. Hi there! This blog post could not be written much better! Looking through this article reminds me of my previous roommate! He continually kept talking about this. I most certainly will send this article to him. Fairly certain he’ll have a good read. I appreciate you for sharing!

  88. Hi, I do think this is a great blog. I stumbledupon it 😉 I am going to come back yet again since i have saved as a favorite it. Money and freedom is the best way to change, may you be rich and continue to help others.

  89. Aw, this was an incredibly good post. Taking a few minutes and actual effort to make a top notch article… but what can I say… I procrastinate a whole lot and don’t seem to get nearly anything done.

  90. Good day! I could have sworn I’ve visited this blog before but after looking at many of the posts I realized it’s new to me. Anyways, I’m definitely delighted I came across it and I’ll be book-marking it and checking back regularly!

  91. Aw, this was an exceptionally good post. Taking the time and actual effort to generate a top notch article… but what can I say… I hesitate a lot and don’t seem to get anything done.

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  93. Next time I read a blog, Hopefully it won’t fail me as much as this particular one. I mean, I know it was my choice to read through, nonetheless I genuinely thought you’d have something helpful to talk about. All I hear is a bunch of whining about something that you could possibly fix if you were not too busy seeking attention.

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  95. Oh my goodness! Amazing article dude! Thank you so much, However I am experiencing issues with your RSS. I don’t know the reason why I am unable to subscribe to it. Is there anybody else getting the same RSS problems? Anyone who knows the answer can you kindly respond? Thanx!

  96. When I originally commented I appear to have clicked on the -Notify me when new comments are added- checkbox and from now on whenever a comment is added I recieve 4 emails with the exact same comment. There has to be an easy method you are able to remove me from that service? Kudos.

  97. Having read this I thought it was really informative. I appreciate you spending some time and effort to put this informative article together. I once again find myself personally spending a significant amount of time both reading and leaving comments. But so what, it was still worthwhile.

  98. Howdy! This post couldn’t be written any better! Looking at this post reminds me of my previous roommate! He continually kept talking about this. I am going to forward this information to him. Fairly certain he’ll have a great read. I appreciate you for sharing!

  99. I’m extremely pleased to uncover this page. I wanted to thank you for your time due to this fantastic read!! I definitely appreciated every part of it and I have you bookmarked to see new stuff in your website.

  100. When I originally commented I seem to have clicked on the -Notify me when new comments are added- checkbox and now every time a comment is added I receive four emails with the exact same comment. Is there a means you can remove me from that service? Cheers.

  101. A fascinating discussion is worth comment. I do think that you should publish more about this topic, it might not be a taboo subject but typically folks don’t discuss these topics. To the next! Best wishes!

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  103. Hi, I do believe your blog could possibly be having browser compatibility issues. Whenever I take a look at your site in Safari, it looks fine but when opening in IE, it has some overlapping issues. I simply wanted to give you a quick heads up! Besides that, fantastic blog.

  104. I blog often and I seriously thank you for your content. This great article has really peaked my interest. I am going to book mark your website and keep checking for new information about once a week. I opted in for your RSS feed too.

  105. An impressive share! I’ve just forwarded this onto a friend who had been conducting a little research on this. And he actually ordered me breakfast simply because I stumbled upon it for him… lol. So let me reword this…. Thank YOU for the meal!! But yeah, thanks for spending some time to talk about this issue here on your web site.

  106. A motivating discussion is definitely worth comment. I believe that you ought to write more about this topic, it might not be a taboo matter but typically folks don’t talk about these subjects. To the next! Many thanks.

  107. Howdy! This post could not be written much better! Going through this article reminds me of my previous roommate! He continually kept talking about this. I’ll send this information to him. Fairly certain he’ll have a very good read. Thanks for sharing!

  108. Having read this I believed it was extremely informative. I appreciate you spending some time and energy to put this short article together. I once again find myself spending a lot of time both reading and commenting. But so what, it was still worthwhile.

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  111. Like for example, “Walking from work as a substitute commuting a bus or taxi, because of walking you can save 10 dollars day by day. Put a note like saving money for my future house! ” Jot these items in your financial journal and use it as a motivating factor in achieving your objectives.

  112. Vilsack’s estimate was based mostly on a 2002 USDA study which found that “finally, the additional $5 billion of FSP (Food Stamp Program) expenditures triggered a rise in total economic exercise (manufacturing, gross sales, and worth of shipments) of $9.2 billion and a rise in jobs of 82,100”, or $1.84 stimulus for every dollar spent.

  113. An intriguing discussion is worth comment. I think that you ought to publish more on this issue, it might not be a taboo subject but usually folks don’t speak about such subjects. To the next! All the best.

  114. I’m impressed, I must say. Rarely do I encounter a blog that’s both educative and interesting, and let me tell you, you’ve hit the nail on the head. The issue is something which too few men and women are speaking intelligently about. I’m very happy that I came across this during my search for something relating to this.

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  116. I’m amazed, I must say. Seldom do I come across a blog that’s both educative and interesting, and let me tell you, you have hit the nail on the head. The issue is an issue that not enough men and women are speaking intelligently about. I am very happy that I stumbled across this in my search for something concerning this.

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  119. The flip to unions additionally belied the popular image of digital-first media retailers like VICE and Vox: laid-back workplaces staffed by younger, underpaid however completely satisfied writers, fueled by tech startups’ do-what-you-love, libertarian ethos, and housed in workplaces that look extra like nightclubs than newsrooms.

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  125. Hi, I do think this is an excellent blog. I stumbledupon it 😉 I may return once again since i have saved as a favorite it. Money and freedom is the greatest way to change, may you be rich and continue to help other people.

  126. Can I simply just say what a comfort to uncover somebody who truly knows what they are discussing over the internet. You certainly know how to bring an issue to light and make it important. More people need to check this out and understand this side of your story. I can’t believe you’re not more popular because you surely possess the gift.

  127. Having read this I believed it was very informative. I appreciate you finding the time and effort to put this informative article together. I once again find myself spending way too much time both reading and commenting. But so what, it was still worthwhile!

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  129. Initially often known as EA Redwood, Visceral Games created arguably some of the greatest licensed video video games of all time through the early to mid-2000s, together with 007: All the things or Nothing and The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King.

  130. The information measured by these area instruments is then gathered in local remote terminal units (RTU) that switch the sphere knowledge to a central location in actual time utilizing communication systems, akin to satellite tv for pc channels, microwave hyperlinks, or cellular phone connections.

  131. At the identical time, it worries me to see our conventional craft getting misplaced – dying away because steadily artisans across the nation are moving on from conventional crafts, handed to them over generations, looking for different alternatives.

  132. Oh my goodness! Incredible article dude! Thank you so much, However I am having difficulties with your RSS. I don’t understand the reason why I cannot subscribe to it. Is there anybody having identical RSS problems? Anybody who knows the solution will you kindly respond? Thanks!

  133. An intriguing discussion is definitely worth comment. There’s no doubt that that you should write more on this subject matter, it may not be a taboo matter but usually folks don’t speak about such topics. To the next! All the best!

  134. For merchandise used in automotive, 727 recalls have been linked to hearth hazards with 78 recalls related to electrical fires and 43 associated to battery fires.

  135. Regional carriers like Wisconsin Central and RailTex were considered experts at running the new-type “entrepreneurial” American railroad, and Burkhardt’s firm specifically had earned a reputation as a “well-run, excessive-quality buyer-service” railroad (as Burkhardt himself later recalled).

  136. Modern automobiles and e-automobiles require higher fire security levels, because an increased hearth hazard arises from the multitude of electrical units now current in automobiles and from the electric motor, which might attain voltages of four hundred to 600 V, versus 12 or forty eight V for autos nonetheless used today.

  137. Quoting a report by Prisoners Defenders, a Spain-based NGO that campaigns for human rights in Cuba, the BBC stated the medical doctors on common acquired between 10 and 25 of the salary paid by the host international locations, with the remaining being kept by Cuba’s authorities.

  138. May I simply just say what a comfort to uncover somebody who really knows what they’re talking about on the web. You actually know how to bring an issue to light and make it important. More and more people should check this out and understand this side of your story. It’s surprising you aren’t more popular because you most certainly possess the gift.

  139. I blog quite often and I really appreciate your content. Your article has really peaked my interest. I will take a note of your website and keep checking for new details about once a week. I opted in for your RSS feed too.

  140. Aw, this was an extremely good post. Spending some time and actual effort to make a superb article… but what can I say… I hesitate a whole lot and don’t seem to get nearly anything done.

  141. Delma is survived by his loving spouse of fifty four years Billie Carol Davidson, son Doug (Stephanie) Davidson of Batesville, daughter Belinda Davidson of Batesville.

  142. Nintendo anticipated that it could sell two million copies in a month, an expectation that Principal acknowledged was unprecedented however was “based mostly on the off-the-chart reactions we have received from recreation gamers and retailers”.

  143. Howdy! I could have sworn I’ve visited this web site before but after looking at many of the posts I realized it’s new to me. Anyways, I’m definitely pleased I found it and I’ll be book-marking it and checking back frequently!

  144. Can I simply say what a comfort to find a person that really understands what they’re talking about on the web. You actually know how to bring an issue to light and make it important. More and more people should read this and understand this side of your story. I was surprised you’re not more popular since you definitely have the gift.

  145. The next time I read a blog, I hope that it doesn’t disappoint me just as much as this one. After all, Yes, it was my choice to read through, nonetheless I actually believed you’d have something useful to say. All I hear is a bunch of complaining about something that you could fix if you weren’t too busy looking for attention.

  146. Some even have set up their own communities that follow anarchist principles on an area degree, and in some locations – most lately, in Greece – anarchists have stepped in to offer poor individuals with providers when the federal government hasn’t.

  147. I have to thank you for the efforts you have put in writing this blog. I am hoping to view the same high-grade content from you in the future as well. In truth, your creative writing abilities has motivated me to get my very own website now 😉

  148. Among their major commissions, and perhaps the first whole cycle of glass produced within the Victorian period, is the cycle of great students produced for the great Corridor of the University of Sydney, designed by the colonial architect Edmund Blacket and based upon Westminster Corridor in London.

  149. A set of silver desk objects from the ’30s and ’40s displayed on a glass-topped table, a pair of salvaged finials on the mantel, or a grouping of dusky however pretty pottery (also from the ’30s and ’40s) lined up well like soldiers in a constructed-in bookcase.

  150. He produced two sellers who he stated had been autograph experts, however Superior Court Decide Matthew C. Kincaid excluded their testimony saying that neither Steve Koschal nor Richard Simon “possess adequate talent, information or expertise in the fields during which they were asked to render opinions.” The law for each state is completely different regarding skills to testify.

  151. After unsuccessful makes an attempt to verify that COF Academy was what it claimed to be, the OHSAA declared that COF Academy was not a reliable faculty, which finally led to its charter being revoked in 2018.

  152. In relation to meeting the scholar council, Ho-Rang has a small grudge against Sa-Eun and will sometimes problem him to a fight.Ho-Rang once fought Sa-Eun in order to restore Myung-Ee’s “honor” and found out that he likes her when he bought damage.

  153. Crystal Palace continued to excel beneath Terry Venables and completed the season as Second Division champions, with their promising young side being dubbed “the workforce of the eighties” by the sporting press, who anticipated them to problem for honours at the very best degree in the coming decade.

  154. I really love your website.. Excellent colors & theme. Did you make this amazing site yourself? Please reply back as I’m attempting to create my own personal website and want to know where you got this from or what the theme is named. Appreciate it.

  155. On April 3, 1983, the Washington Capitals gained 3-0 against the brand new York Rangers with Al Jensen in targets for the first two intervals and Pat Riggin for the final period.

  156. You are so cool! I don’t suppose I’ve truly read through a single thing like that before. So wonderful to discover another person with some unique thoughts on this subject. Really.. thanks for starting this up. This web site is something that is needed on the internet, someone with a little originality.

  157. Next time I read a blog, Hopefully it doesn’t fail me just as much as this one. After all, Yes, it was my choice to read, nonetheless I truly believed you would probably have something helpful to say. All I hear is a bunch of moaning about something that you could possibly fix if you were not too busy seeking attention.

  158. The Thomas Becket window options a decorative border in a repeat geometric pattern called a “mosaic diaper”, which grew to become a common characteristic of English windows on this period.

  159. In defeating Brazil, 1-0 on 1 July 2006, Barthez, having made just one save in the game (on an harm time shot from Ronaldo), grew to become the first keeper to clean the Brazilian team in consecutive World Cup finals matches, the first being the 1998 ultimate (3-0).

  160. A fascinating discussion is definitely worth comment. I believe that you should write more on this subject matter, it might not be a taboo subject but generally people do not discuss such issues. To the next! Cheers.

  161. The very next time I read a blog, Hopefully it does not fail me as much as this particular one. I mean, Yes, it was my choice to read, but I really believed you would probably have something useful to talk about. All I hear is a bunch of crying about something that you could possibly fix if you were not too busy looking for attention.

  162. Simultaneously, a second pressure, under Main Common Goislard de Monsabert and consisting of one infantry division and comparable supporting forces, would advance in a more northwesterly course, encircling the naval port from the north and west and probing towards Marseille.

  163. One in every of the benefits of utilizing engravings as a supply was that the essentially linear methods that had been employed by the engraver to outline forms could possibly be easily interpreted in lead and the positive linear treatment of shadows was likewise straightforward for the stained glass artist to realize utilizing the monochrome paint approach.

  164. May I simply just say what a relief to find somebody who truly knows what they are discussing on the internet. You certainly know how to bring an issue to light and make it important. More and more people have to check this out and understand this side of the story. I can’t believe you are not more popular since you certainly possess the gift.

  165. Generally, a glass exists in a structurally metastable state with respect to its crystalline form, though in certain circumstances, for example in atactic polymers, there is no crystalline analogue of the amorphous phase.

  166. Which means the blonde in the yoga pants can be far less more likely to hit her husband’s golf clubs when she pulls into the garage, because the automotive will no longer block her view of the ground directly in front of her.

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  169. A premium upgrade to the service presents audio-visuals, access to a database of sermon illustrations, PowerPoint slides, and improved searches, as well as the ability to plan sermon schedules upfront, storing materials wanted to organize, plan and write higher sermons.

  170. As of the 2010 United States census, 31,861 individuals had been residing in the county; 78.8 were White, 8.1 Black or African American, 0.6 Asian, 0.5 Native American, 0.1 Pacific Islander, 9.7 of another race, and 2.3 of two or extra races.

  171. Prior to this declaration, the individual regimes of the Axis Powers could have negotiated an armistice much like that at the end of World Battle I after which a conditional surrender when they perceived that the war was lost.

  172. This increases the danger of salmonella and the baby can get a bacterial infection by consuming wet dog food.- Most canned meals has ingredients like meat pores and skin or leftover meat, which aren’t good for human beings to consume.

  173. Aw, this was a very nice post. Taking the time and actual effort to make a good article… but what can I say… I procrastinate a lot and don’t manage to get nearly anything done.

  174. The Escalon Unified School District is made up of 4 elementary colleges (Collegeville Twin Language Immersion, Dent, Farmington and Van Allen), one middle faculty (El Portal), one complete highschool (Escalon High), one continuation high school (Vista), and one charter school (Escalon Charter Academy/Gateway Residence School).

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  181. Followers can place bids forward of the stay auction of 24 June and one of the vital wanted items is predicted to be the customized-made Marc Bouwer gown the singer wore for her marriage ceremony to Bobby Brown in 1992 within the grounds of her estate in Mendham, New Jersey.

  182. Chancellor Rachel Reeves announced last Wednesday 20 inheritance tax – a 50 reduction from regular inheritance tax – would apply to farms worth greater than £1m from April 2026, the place they’d beforehand been exempt.

  183. An impressive share! I have just forwarded this onto a coworker who had been doing a little research on this. And he actually ordered me dinner due to the fact that I found it for him… lol. So let me reword this…. Thank YOU for the meal!! But yeah, thanx for spending some time to discuss this issue here on your web site.

  184. Though anti-domestication business fashions are less profitable, they nonetheless enable the creation of the same technologies that have been enabled by user domestication.

  185. He first appeared in Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace, the place he was ordered by his grasp to capture Queen Amidala of Naboo in order for her to sign a treaty that will legalize the Trade Federation’s invasion of the planet.

  186. This is the perfect blog for everyone who hopes to find out about this topic. You realize so much its almost tough to argue with you (not that I personally will need to…HaHa). You definitely put a brand new spin on a subject that’s been written about for many years. Excellent stuff, just great.

  187. Amazon is at present hiring people in South Carolina, Idaho, New Mexico, Tennessee, Louisiana, West Virginia, Alabama, South Dakota, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Nebraska, and Mississippi to do business from home for them in customer service.

  188. Whereas concealing their id as Sith, a succession of Sith masters and apprentices would work by means of the centuries to put themselves into positions of power and undermine the accountable authorities, getting ready to overtake the Galactic Republic.

  189. In the end, the journey expertise is elevated for everyone: B2B operators see increased shopper satisfaction and loyalty, and travelers take pleasure in unforgettable European adventures that leave them with lasting memories.

  190. It was announced at a press conference on September 10, 2008, that former Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul would give his open endorsement to Constitution Celebration nominee Chuck Baldwin, Inexperienced Party nominee Cynthia McKinney, independent Ralph Nader, and Barr, in opposition to the Republican and Democratic Events’ nominees.

  191. Within the office, sales may be tracked in a fashion that encourages friendly competition together with ongoing rankings or perhaps a theme related display “leader board.” With the aid of an web-based platform, these rankings and best practices are broadly visible across geographies.

  192. It then crossed the Barren River and regained low-finish EF2 strength as it destroyed a brick silo and inflicted considerable roof harm to some homes and condominium buildings to the south of Previous Porter Pike.

  193. Being a one-cease-store, Tamarind World has extended its companies for Ancillary Services like International & Home flight ticket booking, Visas and travel insurances arrangement, domestic train ticket reservation, and way more.

  194. She was preceded in death by her husband, John H. Pearson, in 1969; sisters, Mable Gilmore, Ella Parker, Winnie Owens, Vergie Matthews and Jettie Pierson; brothers, Alton Curry, Robert Curry, Boyd Curry, Tom Curry, Chester Curry, Joe Curry and Preston Curry.

  195. Chattanooga’s historic Tivoli Theatre, relationship from 1921 and one of the first public air-conditioned buildings within the United States, is house to the Chattanooga Symphony and Opera (CSO), which grew to become the first merged symphony and opera firm within the United States in 1985.

  196. On September 26, 2008, the Louisiana Supreme Courtroom reversed an earlier choice to keep Barr and Root on the ballot, and ordered that they each be removed resulting from lacking the state’s deadline, which handed whereas state places of work have been closed resulting from Hurricane Gustav.

  197. We’re a great distance from being able to create a recreation by which gamers are truly free to do no matter they need – believe me, there’s plenty of illusion in Deus Ex – but we knew we wished to start taking a minimum of some steps on the street to player management.

  198. My biggest satisfaction with this CD is the way in which the songs evolved throughout the recording process and the joy of working with so a lot of my musician friends who wanted to be a part of it.

  199. Fairly, the important thing to the dichotomy is that this: if some Descartes or different held up a dwell fish by its tail and pronounced to you, above the flapping and lunging of the determined creature: “This is a machine!”, then we would have a severe drawback in your hand.

  200. The intelligence gathered by Reed and others led Washington to abandon the idea of attacking at Mount Holly, and he started focusing as an alternative on concentrating on the Hessian garrison in Trenton.

  201. The tradition originated in 1999, when Henry Taylor and Sam Inexperienced (homeowners of the resort), decorated a garbage can with paint, lights, and pine cones, and dropped it from the roof of their building to mark the brand new millennium.

  202. However, whereas the classic Greek idea did not necessarily view the Apollonian and Dyonisian rules as opposed, Star Wars frames the Jedi and Sith as opponents in a dire ethical battle, with the Sith solid as corrupted villains apparently destined to defeat or self-destruction in the end.

  203. The company did the same issues all recreation corporations do, went by means of the identical issues, but as a result of we painted an enormous ol’ “suck it down” target on our chests, the gaming press and a fair number of hardcore players went after us with a vengeance.

  204. Whereas volcanologists and emergency response personnel may need valid causes for their method into hazardous zones, the benefits and risks should be carefully weighed,” she mentioned. “The media and tourists should observe exclusion zones and comply with direction from the authorities and volcano observatories.

  205. Understanding the Hayflick restrict is crucial in regenerative drugs and aging-associated research, as it informs methods for cellular rejuvenation, tissue engineering and addressing age-associated diseases by targeting mechanisms underlying cellular senescence and aging.

  206. It also highlighted the significance of natural defenses like salt marshes, which played a vital role in mitigating the results of storm surge by offering a protective barrier between land and sea, absorbing wave vitality, and capturing sediment.

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  208. The next time I read a blog, Hopefully it doesn’t disappoint me as much as this particular one. After all, I know it was my choice to read, however I genuinely thought you would have something helpful to say. All I hear is a bunch of whining about something that you could possibly fix if you weren’t too busy looking for attention.

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  213. Because of this, the stained glass has a remarkable unity of type, exemplified by the windows of the nave, and significantly by the north and south rose home windows, with their delicate steadiness of reds and blues.

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  218. The early a part of the 2002-03 season saw Valdés play deputy to Argentine international Roberto Bonano, however the arrival of Radomir Antić as the new supervisor in January 2003 noticed regular first-staff alternatives for Valdés.

  219. The next time I read a blog, Hopefully it won’t fail me as much as this particular one. I mean, I know it was my choice to read through, but I genuinely believed you would have something useful to say. All I hear is a bunch of moaning about something you could fix if you were not too busy looking for attention.

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  228. When I originally left a comment I appear to have clicked the -Notify me when new comments are added- checkbox and now each time a comment is added I get 4 emails with the same comment. Perhaps there is a way you can remove me from that service? Kudos.

  229. Available for other Focus models in those five areas, the PZEV four was about as clean as a gasoline engine could be with existing technology — not far behind the gasoline/electric powertrains earning headlines, goodwill, and profits for Toyota and Honda.

  230. And “Wednesday night’s dwelling defeat to league leaders Forest Green Rovers, the Shots’ third defeat in 4 games, moved them right down to 15th in the National League standings. This weekend, Aldershot Town face a second house recreation in three days as they welcome Altrincham to the EBB Stadium. BBC Surrey’s Gavin Denison previews the motion. Supervisor “Barry Smith was highly important of his team’s defending after the sport, especially with regard to particular person errors.

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  241. 4) Total management: Multisectoral centralisation of the powers and orchestration of the activities of the nations in a small circle of dictators or oligarchs, with cross-useful control over training and tradition, media/propaganda, economic, and political activities.

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  252. An interesting discussion is definitely worth comment. I do think that you ought to write more about this issue, it might not be a taboo matter but typically people don’t speak about such topics. To the next! Cheers.

  253. An intriguing discussion is worth comment. I do think that you ought to publish more on this issue, it might not be a taboo matter but typically people don’t talk about these topics. To the next! All the best!

  254. Aw, this was an extremely nice post. Finding the time and actual effort to produce a good article… but what can I say… I put things off a whole lot and don’t manage to get anything done.

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  256. An impressive share! I have just forwarded this onto a co-worker who had been doing a little research on this. And he in fact bought me breakfast because I stumbled upon it for him… lol. So allow me to reword this…. Thanks for the meal!! But yeah, thanks for spending the time to discuss this subject here on your internet site.

  257. Good day! I could have sworn I’ve been to this website before but after looking at a few of the posts I realized it’s new to me. Regardless, I’m definitely happy I found it and I’ll be bookmarking it and checking back often!

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  264. Next time I read a blog, I hope that it won’t disappoint me just as much as this one. I mean, I know it was my choice to read through, nonetheless I genuinely believed you would probably have something useful to say. All I hear is a bunch of crying about something that you could fix if you were not too busy seeking attention.


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