
“आत्या माझ्यासाठी काय आणलं??”

कॅनडावरून आलेल्या आत्याभोवती भाच्यांचा गराडा जमला. आज तब्बल 2 वर्षांनी आत्या माहेरी आली होती. घरातले दादा, वहिनी, आई, बाबा डोळ्यात प्राण आणून लेकीची परत यायची वाट बघत होते.

चार वर्षांपूर्वी मितालीचं लग्न झालं होतं. मिताली दिसायला सुंदर, शिकलेली..माहेरची परिस्थिती पण बरी होती. त्यांना आशिष रावांचं स्थळ आलं आणि बघताक्षणी होकार दिला गेला. मुलाकडचेही चांगले सुशिक्षित आणि मुलगा हुशार, समजदार होता. त्यांनी लागलीच लग्न उरकलं. अल्पावधीतच त्यांना कॅनडाची ऑफर आली आणि दोघेही तिकडे गेले. घरात परदेशात  जाणारी ती पहिली व्यक्ती होती.

घरात तिची वहिनी तिच्या इतकीच शिकलेली होती. पण तिच्या वाट्याला सुख तसं कमीच आलेलं. तिचा नवरा- आशुतोष, म्हणजेच मितालीचा भाऊ. त्यालाही दुसऱ्या शहरात चांगल्या जॉब ऑफर असताना आई वडिलांसाठी त्याने घर सोडले नाही.

मितालीचे सासू सासरे त्यांच्या जाण्याला आढेवेढे घेत होते, एकुलता एक मुलगा. त्यात आमची वयं पाहता त्यांनी जाऊ नये असंच त्यांना वाटायचं. पण मितालीच्या आई वडिलांना मात्र मिताली आणि तिच्या नवऱ्याने बाहेर पडून प्रगती करावी असंच वाटायचं. मिताली आणि तिच्या नवऱ्याने आई वडिलांना समजवलं की ते अधूनमधून येत राहतील, संपर्कात राहतील आणि वेळ आली तर शेजारच्या लोकांना आणि नातेवाईकांना मदतीसाठी सांगून ठेवलं. त्यांना कॅनडाला जायचंच होतं, नेमकं त्याचवेळी मितालीच्या भावाला- आशुतोषलाही तिथून एक ऑफर आली, त्याला मात्र आई वडिलांनी साफ विरोध केला. मुलीला बाहेर जाण्यासाठी हट्ट करायचा आणि मुलाला मात्र जवळच ठेवायचं असं दूतर्फी त्यांचं वागणं झालं नातवंडांना पुढे करून त्याला जाऊ दिले नाही. आपल्या मुलीच्या बाबतीत आणि मुलाच्या बाबतीत असलेल्या वागणुकीत मोठा विरोधाभास होता.

वहिनीने मात्र या सगळ्यात कुठेही तक्रार केली नाही. मितालीला आपल्या वहिनीबद्दल मोठा आदर होता, प्रेम होतं. तिने वहिनीसाठी बऱ्याच वस्तू आणलेल्या. आपल्या आई वडिलांना आपली वहिनीच नीट सांभाळू शकेल याचा तिला विश्वास होता.

मितालीने तिकडून आणलेल्या वस्तू सर्वांना वाटल्या. तिच्या आई वडिलांना मुलीचं किती कौतुक करू अन किती नको असं झालं. ती इतक्या वर्षांनी माहेरी आली म्हणून सगळी नातेवाईक मंडळी त्यांना भेटायला येत होती. प्रत्येकासमोर आपल्या लेकीने काय काय आणलं, कॅनडाला तिने कसा सोन्याचा संसार थाटला हीच कॅसेट रिपीट मोड वर आई ऐकवत होत्या. मितालीला सुद्धा तेच तेच ऐकून कंटाळा आलेला..

“अगं आई प्रत्येकासमोर किती कौतुक करशील? बस की आता…”

“कौतुक करण्या सारखीच तर आहे माझी लेक…”

“अगं मी एक दिवस आलीये, पण कायम तुझ्यासोबत असते त्या वहिनीचं कौतुक कधी ऐकलं नाही मी तुझ्या तोंडून..”

“तिचं कसलं कौतुक, तिचं कामच आहे ते..”

2 thoughts on “कर्तव्य-1”

  1. Anabolic Basics For Beginners: The Guide

    # Steroid Cycles 101: Testosterone, PCT, and the KISS Rule

    Anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) have long been a cornerstone of bodybuilding
    and fitness enthusiasts seeking to enhance muscle growth and performance.
    For beginners, understanding steroid cycles can seem overwhelming,
    but it all starts with grasping the basics: what they are, how they work, and how to use them safely and effectively.

    ### Introduction to Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids (AAS)
    Anabolic steroids are synthetic derivatives of the hormone testosterone.

    They mimic the body’s natural production of testosterone,
    providing muscle-building and fat-burning effects that can’t be achieved through
    normal metabolic processes alone. While they are often criticized for their potential side effects, AAS have
    been used safely by many athletes and bodybuilders
    to achieve impressive results when combined with proper training and diet.

    ### Injectable vs Oral Steroids
    Steroids come in two primary forms: injectable
    and oral. Injectables like Deca-Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate) and Testosterone Enanthate
    are designed for slow release, providing a consistent supply of active
    hormone over time. On the other hand, oral steroids like
    Dianabol (Metandienone) and Anavar (Oxandrolone) work faster because
    they enter the bloodstream through digestion.

    ### Oral AAS
    Oral steroids are often preferred by athletes due to their
    fast-acting nature. They can be taken daily, making them easier to incorporate into
    a training regimen. Dianabol, for instance, is one of the most common oral steroids used
    for its ability to promote rapid muscle growth and strength

    ### Injectable AAS
    Injectable steroids require more maintenance but offer longer-lasting benefits.
    Deca-Durabolin, with its long ester, provides a slow release of
    nandrolone, which can help build muscle while reducing the need for frequent
    injections. Testosterone enanthate is another popular
    injectable, offering a balance between effectiveness and

    ### Cycling, Stacking, and Pyramiding Steroids
    Cycling refers to using steroids in a specific cycle (e.g., 12 weeks on, 12 weeks off), which helps
    mitigate side effects like testicular atrophy and hormonal imbalances.
    Stacking involves combining multiple steroids to target different aspects of muscle growth, such as Testosterone and Dianabol for maximum mass gain. Pyramiding involves increasing
    the dosage during the cycle to enhance results before tapering

    ### Cycle Length
    Cycle length depends on the goal:
    – **Short Cycles (2-4 weeks):** Ideal for cutting
    or maintaining lean muscle, though results are modest.

    – **Medium Cycles (6-8 weeks):** A balance between effectiveness and recovery, often used
    by athletes looking to build muscle without excessive strain.
    – **Standard Cycles (10-12 weeks):** The most common choice for beginners, offering significant gains while allowing the body enough time to recover.

    – **Long Cycles (3-9 months):** Used primarily for hormone replacement therapy (HRT) or in cases of chronic use.

    ### Which Steroid Compound to Use?
    Choosing the right steroid depends on the goal:
    – **Testosterone (and Its Esters):** The backbone of most
    cycles, used for both mass and strength.
    – **Dianabol:** A powerful oral steroid for rapid muscle gain.

    – **Deca-Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate):** Known for its ability to build muscle without as much strain on the
    endocrine system.
    – **Anavar (Oxandrolone):** A mild steroid excellent for cutting and maintaining muscle during a steroid cycle.

    – **Sustanon 250:** A long-acting testosterone ester that provides
    consistent levels of testosterone throughout the cycle.

    ### Beginner Steroid Cycles
    For those new to AAS, starting with a simple cycle is best.
    Options include:
    – **Option #1:** Testosterone-only cycle.
    – **Option #2:** Combining Testosterone with Dianabol for maximum
    mass gain.
    – **Test Taper Protocol:** Reducing the dosage gradually to avoid hormonal imbalances.

    ### Testosterone in Every Cycle
    Testosterone is essential in every steroid
    cycle, as it drives muscle growth and recovery. For beginners, a single vial of Testosterone Enanthate (100mg) per week is often sufficient for
    the first cycle.

    ### The 1-Vial Testosterone Cycle for Beginners
    – **Option #1:** Testosterone-only cycle.
    – **Option #2:** Testosterone + Dianabol.

    Both options are simple, effective, and manageable for a beginner.

    ### Deca-Durabolin and Dianabol Cycle
    Deca-Durabolin is often combined with Dianabol to create a powerful mass-gaining cycle.
    This combination enhances muscle growth while reducing the strain on the
    body’s natural testosterone production.

    ### Advanced Steroid Cycles
    For those looking to take their steroid use to the next level, advanced protocols include high-dose Testosterone cycles and
    more complex stacking strategies. However, these should only be attempted
    after significant experience and research.

    ### What about the doses, you might be asking?

    – **Bulking Stacks:** Dianabol + Trenbolone Acetate + Testosterone
    – **Cutting Stacks:** Anavar + Winstrol + Primobolan

    ### Cycle Diet, Supplements, and Training
    While on a steroid cycle, maintaining a calorie surplus is
    crucial for muscle growth. A high-protein diet, coupled with intense
    training sessions, will maximize results. supplements like BCAAs and creatine can further enhance performance and recovery.

    ### Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT) After Your First Cycle
    After completing a cycle, it’s essential to undergo PCT to restore natural hormone production. This involves using drugs
    like Clomid or Nolvadex to stimulate the body’s
    own testosterone production.

    ### Common Side Effects of Steroid Use
    – **Testosterone suppression:** Long-term use can suppress your body’s natural testosterone production.
    – **Hormonal imbalances:** Steroids can negatively impact cholesterol and blood
    pressure levels.
    – **Physical side effects:** Acne, hair loss,
    and emotional instability are common.

    ### FAQs
    **What are anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS)?**
    AAS are synthetic hormones that mimic the effects of testosterone.
    They are used to build muscle, improve strength, and enhance performance.

    **Is it safe to inject steroids? Does it hurt?**
    Steroid injection itself is not inherently harmful when done properly.

    However, misuse can lead to serious health risks like organ damage and hormonal imbalances.

    **At what age should I start using steroids?**
    The consensus among experts is that individuals under 25 should
    avoid steroid use due to the risk of permanent side effects.

    ### Final Thoughts
    Steroids are a powerful tool for bodybuilders and athletes, but
    they come with significant responsibilities.
    Proper education, Cycle, diet, and training are essential to maximize results
    while minimizing risks. Always research thoroughly before starting any
    steroid cycle and consult with a healthcare professional if you have concerns about safety or side effects.

    **Who Am I?**
    You’re an individual looking to improve your physical
    appearance and performance through safe and effective means.
    Remember, success comes from dedication, hard work,
    and a commitment to continuous improvement.
    Keep pushing forward, and never stop striving for greatness!

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